We chose it. We put our own desires before the Lord.

People chose to fear covid more than the Lord.


Covid is now a god people worship with their strange rituals. Scientists are it's priests, covidittes are their followers.

The Flu is now a malevolent god which is given power only when you fear it and ruin your immune system by obeying the scientists.

It will end before all the children get vaccinated. Why?

Children are the best at learning.

Those who would ruin the world longer must repent before their death, and while the Lord might save their soul - he may not save their mortal body; They might be healed by medicine or by God of the DNA damage, and they need to repent...

Foetal cells... Pure Evil and simply put - witch craft.

The Sun and vegetables is all we need.

No fear, but trust in the Lord.

The ones set in their ways are being vaccinated or have been, and will soon be gone. Those who survive will be seen as the victims, too - we must pray for them and care for them while they yet live.

But the children and other unvaccinated will be saved, and they will fear to put things before the Lord as they should - they will see how close we got to satan ruling the whole world, and through them the Lord will prevent it happening again - for a time.

Loosely interpreted, the events of revelation may already said to have happened, and the Golden age of 1,000 years with the God-Man Jesus Christ ruling from his throne in New Jerusalem might begin soon - the final rebellion of satan and of humanity happening afterwards.

But who knows?

Not even Christ knows exactly when the day of Judgement will come.

We are becoming infertile - why? Poisons, witchcraft, evil, etc, sure...

But the bible says children are a legacy and blessing from the Lord.

We've turned to evil and lost our blessings, as we should.

We don't deserve even the grace of God - I mean that we refuse it - when we turn to the enemy and his followers for our salvation.

There is no salvation in vaccines, in science, in modern medicine, in pagan beliefs, in the teachings of demons - and not in the enemy.

he hates us and is jealous of the Love that Christ bears for us.

Bless you all, I hope to see you in heaven no matter what happens, PRAISE THE LORD ALWAYS.