PROLE75 1 point ago +1 / -0

WWG1WGA is no longer a feature or a motto, it is our CREED our driving instructions our self imposed commandment if you will.


PROLE75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Disagree, the corrupting influence is power.

PROLE75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fortunately for us we have their example to learn from and not make the same mistakes

PROLE75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Voting, in my opinion, is a farce. Elections have been rigged for years, probably decades. The parties are a farce, it is really just one party, the political elite. It is all theater to give the people some feeling of control. We have been asleep too long and lost control, but now we are waking up. It is going to take a while but we can get it back. But we can't count on any one person to do it, we all have to do our part.

PROLE75 0 points ago +3 / -3

I agree with you to a point. There are too many HOPIUM dealers out there continuously moving the goal posts. It is asinine!

It is up to us now. Time to stand up and get shit done!

That isn't a call to violence, it's a call to action.

Everyone needs to stop waiting for someone else to save them (Trump, Q, fucking Easter Bunny). It is time for ALL OF US to get off of our collective asses and put the work in!

Talk to people, share your values, teach, coach, go to church, volunteer at the local homeless shelter, run for local office, FUCKING DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN GOING TO WORK AND SITTING ON YOUR ASS BITCHING AND MOANING ABOUT HOW ALL THE STUPID LIBERALS ARE RUINING THIS COUNTRY.


(Sorry, this was also a self incriminating rant. I need to do something too)

We all have skin in this game and we need to take responsibility. Not project it on to others.

The shit we are in is our fault. It happened because of our inaction.

I take responsibility for my role in it.

PROLE75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welcome all. I know I needed it, so it was safe to assume someone else did to.

PROLE75 11 points ago +12 / -1

I posted this on another board, definitely relevant here also...

If Trump did anything he galvanized half the country to stand up and not take the BULLSHIT coming from the rotting capitol and all the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats which plague our over bloated unconstitutional government (federal/state/local).

What these fucking communists don't understand is that what they are doing is unsustainable. Their plans are not enduring. They will come quickly to fruition and die just as quickly because they are forcing them on tens of millions of people that value freedom, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

So your last statement is accurate...

Nothing can stop what's happening.

But it is also true that....

Nothing can stop what happens after that.

Stay the course

Keep the faith

Be safe and be smart

WWG1WGA is not just a motto anymore. It is our creed.

PROLE75 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's never over until you're dead....and if you raised your children, instilling principles, integrity, a love of freedom, and what this country was founded on and what it means to the world......

The fight will never end.

WWG1WGA is no longer a motto.....It is our CREED!

by BQnita
PROLE75 2 points ago +2 / -0

And a shotgun (according to slow joe). Very effective against roving gangs.

PROLE75 6 points ago +6 / -0

I hope these liars get their day. The military will do what they volunteered and gave their oath to do! They will not break rank. They will follow the lawful orders of their commanding officers regardless of their political leanings or demographics because they know that the security of this country is far above their individual wants.