A different perspective. First off people seem to forget we are ahead of the curve here. With the gift of vision comes the need to have patience. This is not about us, as we are somewhat in the know. Do most Americans know what we know ? No.

So start thinking in terms of what the average citizen's state of mind is. The goal is to have as many citizens as possible in a frame of mind to accept and even begging for Military action. Some of these states include anger, fear, panic, despair, etc. Sounds cruel, but " IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY ". What is really cruel is what the NWO would have done to us under killary.

Most people have no idea what the loss of freedom actually feels like, even when trying to envision it. However once it happens, people will NEVER forget it. Trump has said we can NEVER ALLOW this to ever happen again. He was not only talking about the coup.

If lessons are taught good enough, they will NEVER be forgotten. I was uninterested in & never saw a need for geography when I was young, but my teacher somehow made me love it, and all of his teachings I still easily remember to this day.

Ask yourself why Trump never repealed Smith Mundt Act which allows propaganda to be used against America citizens. Could it be it is still being used on us to this day, but in a good way. As in Red Pilling people and reversing years of indoctrination, brainwashing, conditioning, and to reeducate the citizenry about Civics, The Constitution, Our Rights, etc. What else could make people UNDERSTAND why America is so damn special, important, and how easily it can be lost forever.

Some of us are in shock. I get it, but try to stop acting on your feels as they are likely a bit inaccurate right now, which is to be expected with the lack on actual intel. Try to realize that possibly this shit is so big that we cannot really comprehend everything at this time, and that is exactly how it is supposed to be. Trust the Plan was said many times for a reason and I hold faith that everything we are seeing is indeed just that.

"Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light " - Q.

I hope this helps ( passes beer and popcorn ).

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