
Prayer Request for a dear Fren 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by PandaMoon17 ago by PandaMoon17

Hi everyone, our friend is having surgery today. This could become the first of multiple surgeries, which are necessary to fix the root problems of her issues. I don't want to go into details of her health as she is a very private person. She is a key player in the movement against human and child trafficking, and she could really use prayers for healing and financial assistance during this time. She works endlessly to help others, and her health has declined in a multitude of ways. Please pray for her to thrive in this lifetime, so that she can continue to protect and save children globally. Thank you for praying for her.


The spiritual leaders of Hawaii have called for a worldwide prayer for Maui tomorrow, August 23, at 7 AM Hawaii time 10 AM West Coast time. They will begin at daybreak with the sounding of trumpets and conch shells. Please join in wherever you are in the world and feel free to share. Mahalo 🌺🌈🙏🏻 -> 7 pm CET for Europeans.


I was reflecting and commenting on this post this morning https://greatawakening.win/p/16bP7kKitG/killing-floor-firsthand-witness-/c/

And I realized that my response kind of evolved into something really long, so I decided to turn it into a post.

I cannot wait to hear the stories of RNs, pharmacists, doctors, etc. who remained within an evil system and saved lives. I think of the one heroine nurse in Germany, who saved so many lives by injecting saline, and I know there must be more heroes like her out there. I'm sure it will come out in time; I know that the stories of all of the evil doing must come out first, because this evil cannot be ignored and allowed to continue if humanity is to survive the global homo's culling plans. I also cannot wait to hear the stories of the heroes from the Q team, the digital soldiers, and our military, once this war is over.

Health care (hospitals, pharmaceutical industry, etc.) is just one aspect of this global plan to kill us all. Do not forget the dangers in our food supplies. I still need to do a post on this, but I need to basically find many good references that I've found over time. It might just be easiest for me to start a blog with everything that I've been learning as I continue to research. If you have any thoughts on what would be the best way to share health info, as I know this is a Q board, first and foremost, please let me know. I don't want to take away focus from Q and the plan, but I need to know that all of us are educated enough to be able to survive what the global homos have planned for us all.

Sadly, all medication is now compromised. So, even if there are nurses, pharmacists, doctors, etc. who are now trying to do their best, the medications they are giving to their patients are just harming them in the end. And, I guess it was always this way since the Rockefellers took over the medical and pharmaceutical industry, and we're just all learning it now, because it is now so blatantly obvious that the medications, technology, and treatment protocols they are inserting into our bodies against our wills are killing us quickly now instead of slowly. I've personally discovered so much hidden history over the last few years that has shocked me. I learn something new everyday, and it is easy to forget about the good in the world with the amount of evil I learn about and analyze everyday. It is overwhelming, at times, but, there is so much Good, Frens, and I wanted to remind you about that today. If you forget about the Good in the world, all you have to do is to look into the eyes of a baby and listen to their sweet voices, cries, and laughter. God made us in His image, and you can easily see God in the eyes of an infant and a child. Do not forget the reasons why we need to keep fighting all of this evil. It is all about the children. God's children.

It is a dire situation we all live in, frens. But make no mistake, God is in control, and God created us for these hard times to be light in the darkness. The light appears brightest in the dark, so shine brightly, frens. Don't forget, we are His sheep. We hear the voice of our Savior. We are not goats. Not all of the people who are living are His sheep and part of His flock..... I invite you to read the book of John and really absorb that lesson for yourself, in Jesus' own words. There are evil doers out there, and they are not of God's flock. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. Or, to put it in today's words and times, satanists disguised and functioning as priests, teachers, nurses, politicians.... who knows what else. Only God knows a person's heart. But just be aware, Frens, the times are biblical, and we need to act like it is. There are lots of trials, tribulations, fighting in the Bible, but there is also salvation. If you do not know God yet, please start TODAY. No one knows the day or the hour, only the Father. Therefore, Frens, just do your best to live your life in a good and godly/God-pleasing way. Share the Good News. Protect the children. Pray for justice for all those who were slaughtered by the evil ones, and pray for the evil doers to be held accountable. Pray for our country, for God will hear us and act on our behalf. Our great Nation needs to come back to God, and live by those beautiful words we have heard our whole lives, as Americans, "IN GOD WE TRUST." I invite you, Frens, to share any relevant scriptures or thoughts on this post to help encourage the community (and me). Thank you, Frens. I hope that one day, when the world is safer, we won't have to be Anons and can meet in person to share truths and God's glory. I appreciate you all. Thank you for reading my thoughts and for praying with me:

Father, Creator of All, we trust in you and the grand plan that you have for us all. We know that this world is temporary, and that you give us trials and test us and refine us like gold. Sometimes the trials are very difficult, God, and we ask that you not give us more than we can handle. We ask that you empower us to be able to handle the attacks from the evil ones, and we thank you for protecting us from dangers and arrows of the enemy that were right on target to kill us that you stopped, Father.

Thank you for this beautiful world that you created for us, Father. Thank you for the lives that you've given us, and for this beautiful community, GAW, where we can go and spread truths and speak about you freely, God. I thank you for all of the digital soldiers, and the physical soldiers, who are doing your will to save humanity. Thank you for all the Frens here in this community. We pray for all Christians everywhere who are being persecuted because they love you, God. We ask that all may come to know you and find comfort, faith, and salvation in you, our Creator.

We ask that you save and protect our children, and we ask that you continue to protect us and guide us adults that we can raise our children in a godly and God-fearing way. We know that all children are a blessing from you, God, and we thank you for the gift of children and life. Father, please hold those who are doing evil accountable, and please stop them from hurting any of your children. Please strengthen all mothers and fathers everywhere, God, and protect the sanctity of family. Please protect the God-given and unalienable rights you have granted all of us when you created us, Father, and please strengthen us and give us the resolve to exercise those rights and protect those rights for ourselves and all future generations. Have mercy on us, Father. Please protect and guide all those who are physically rescuing children and protecting children from any harm or enslavement. May you surround all children everywhere who are hurt or being abused with loving hearts and arms to embrace them and show them Your love, Father.

We are all sinners; lead those who are continuing to sin to repent from their wicked ways and to turn toward you, God. May you turn them into champions for the children and the sick, God, and may you use them to do your Will. May all people come to know and love you, God, and thank you so much for sending your Son to save us all from Death. Please protect all who are doing their best to live a good life and who are trying to protect the rights and lives of future generations, as well as the rights and lives of all those who are unaware, willfully blind, or dependent on others for their care and well-being. Protect our leaders who are doing Good, and change the ways and hearts of our leaders who are doing evil. May they all come to learn, love, and serve you, Father.

Have mercy on your flock, God. We know that "sheeple" are not the same as your sheep, Father, and that the weeds were sown amongst the wheat. You will harvest us all in the final days, God, but please have mercy on your flock and on all Your children, God. If people are willingly acting as "sheeple," Father, I ask that you remove the wool from their eyes and let them see and hear your Truth, so that they can join your flock and become champions for You. You are the Light, the Truth, and the Way. May all of mankind find their way to you, Father, and may we all be with you for all eternity. Amen.

There's More to the Durham Report Than Meets the Eye! (files.catbox.moe) 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
posted ago by PandaMoon17 ago by PandaMoon17

For those of you who don't think the Bible is applicable today, think again. Listen to what the wisest man in biblical history, King Solomon, said:

Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 10:7 The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

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