It costs BILLIONS to go fight in a war that brings the citizens that pay for it NOTHING in return. Hedgefunds basically sold stock that didn't exist and was caught red handed. I thought this board was to red pill people who don't see it happening. Although there are some that are out to make money, but some like me, who was only able to purchase 1 share at $250 because of being locked out of a PUBLICLY TRADED SPACE..., it's not about the money.. its my very own piece of "land" to show my kids and future grandkids, that money isn't everything. It's OK, to do without for something bigger than yourself. I stood up and did what I felt was the right thing to do and if it drops to $1, so be it. Noone will ever be able to say I hid behind others talking about it, when I have my GME stock tk show.
Sure... let's take a pipeline welder that is top notch in his field and give him a job making solar powered mirrors that he has NO knowledge at all doing ... that way he stays on the bottom of the corporate ladder living in poverty relying on the same government that F**ked them from the start.
What it all basically means .... this higher the score, the higher chance you will pay off the interest of the loan over the length of time securing a positive cash flow from you. Meaning how much money the financial institutions can make off of you In the long term Investment vs short term risk involved.
It's actually not fake news. I have a coworker that plays the stock market and has made a substantial amount with this stock. It's all he has been talking about this week and he says " gamestop is going to go down in stock history for having beat out a hedge fund. ".. whatever that means.
For information on uniforms, look into the Army 670-1 ( manual for uniform wear.) Only need to wear rank on shoulders. With that type if rain trench coat.
Was part of Seal Team 6 that Shillery had killed to cover up the Binladen not being killed. Trump called them out in aa video. ( yes, it's a youtube link. Sorry )
[1]OWL[1] [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming [DECLAS] [POTUS]
All bullshit aside, get in here.... this has been a NON STOP DROP All day long. [1]OWL[1] [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming [DECLAS] [POTUS]
Remember Seal team 6 and thw whistle over coming out saying Binladen wast really dead ? Well there is a tic tok video a made by one if the seal team members.that survived the crash and let them know it was a lie.... ... a week ago. Check this out and do your homework. There is a youtube video of Trump calling out the soldier that " killed Binladen "
Let me lay this out...
- We had a huge data dump DECLASS FILES., thw swearing in on thw 20th, etc.
- circled is " January 19, 2021 "
- Underlined first is " DECLASS :
- then" HURRICANE " ( the storm is among us )
- " Continuing objective " ( Underlined )
- Circled WITH LINE down to FBI " continuing objective) and it MAKES A FKN.... Q
- " my final objective " Underlined.
I'm still holding strong... ??