-3M -Adobe -AFLAC -AstraZeneca -ATT -AnthemBlueCrossBlueShield -Bayer -Bank of Commerce -Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -Biogen -Cargill -Cambridge University Press -Century21 -Charles Schwabb Corp -Cisco Systems -Citi Bank -Coca Cola -Clorox -CNN/ Time Warner -Costco -CVS -Data Processing Management Inc -Dell -Delta Airlines -Diazyme Labs -Disney -E.T. enterprises -EasternMountainSports -EventBrite -Exxonmobile -Facebook -Fidelity -Ford -General Electric -General Mills -General Motors -Google -Government of Canada -Hampton Inn -Hilton Hotels -HomeDepot -IMG -Infectious Disease Counsultants Inc -Jansen -Johnson and Johnson -JVC -Kaiser -Kohl’s -Liberty Mutual -Magellan

  • MailChimp -McDonald’s -Merck -Microgenics -Microsoft -Motorola -NFL -Nanoentek -NY society of Infectious Diseases -Nike -NorthAmerican Vaccine Inc -Novavax -Onstar -Oxford University -PayPal -Pfizer -Proctor&Gamble (PG) -Princeton -Quaker Oats -Quest Diagnostics -Roche -Safeway -Siemens -Spirit -Sprint -Staples -Starbucks -Statefarm -Target -T-Mobile -Toyota -Trojan Condoms -TBS -UPS -Verizon -Walmart -Walgreens -WebMD -World Health Communications Inc

If there was no "pandemic" I would not have been laid off for over almost a year and a half. I would not have had the time to research world history, healthcare, Covid, vaccines, the DS, the alphabet agencies, the bible and many other things. I am able to help the digital solders share information on multiple platforms, share with friends, family and strangers mourned the world. I have been able to live at peace, with joy, with daily growing faith in God. I was given the gift of all of you my Frens. I talk to every homeless person I see, I tell them they matter, that things are going to get better, that God loves them and I pray with them no matter where we are. You all are a gift and you have help me grow my boldness to stand up to tyranny and fight the evil. God bless each and every one of you. We are winning and God is winning. I love you Pepes. WWG1WGA!


I have not put on a mask for almost a year. It makes me so sad that like 90% of the people I see went back to wearing masks on the whim of Inslee. It breaks my heart that those people are masking up there little children

YESSSS!!! A lawsuit for a full forensic audit for Washington State! (www.youtube.com) 👨‍🏫 AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT 🛠️
posted ago by PatriotJuls ago by PatriotJuls

6/16/21 - Reports are coming in claiming that many public buildings in Washington, DC are, today, CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC.

I was informed a few minutes ago that all buildings closed to the public and all tours suspended until further notice in DC.

National Zoo closed Holocaust Museum closed National Archives closed JFK Center of Performing Arts closed National Cherry Blossom Festival canceled Arlington National Cemetery Closed to the public Museum of the Bible closed National Capital and House and Senate Buildings closed to public and all tours suspended Library of Congress closed to public FBI Building closed to public Pentagon closed to public

There are more but these reports are not yet verified. Attempting to determine the reason.

Check back


Closures now CONFIRMED by a sitting member of the US Congress:

United States Capitol and House and Senate Office Buildings: All Buildings CLOSED to public and tours SUSPENDED until further notice

Library of Congress: All buildings CLOSED to public and tours SUSPENDED until further notice

White House (Call 202-456-7041 for updates)

FBI Building: Building CLOSED to public and all tours SUSPENDED until further notice

Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Building CLOSED to public and all tours SUSPENDED until further notice

Department of State: Building CLOSED to public and all tours SUSPENDED until further notice

Pentagon: Building CLOSED to public and all tours SUSPENDED until further notice

Smithsonian Musuems (list here): All buildings CLOSED to public and all tours SUSPENDED until further notice

National Zoo: CLOSED until further notice

Holocaust Museum: Building CLOSED to public and all tours SUSPENDED until further notice

National Archives: Building CLOSED to public and all tours SUSPENDED until further notice

John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts (season info): Building CLOSED to public and all performances SUSPENDED until further notice

National Cherry Blossem Festival: All events CANCELLED

Arlington National Cemetary: CLOSED to public; OPEN to families for visitation; scheduled funerals will CONTINUE as planned

Museum of the Bible: CLOSED (through January 28)

International Spy Museum: OPEN

National Arboretum: Grounds only OPEN (The National Bonsai & Penjing Museum and Administration Building are still CLOSED to the public)


Amber Krabach says she is so excited to go and learn! Sauce here...https://www.ak4wa.org

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