I played the Castlevania DLC of "Dead Cells" almost beat Dracula first try.

So you know lunatics be out doing stupid shit.
So if your machines suffer damage, Bill Gates can be held liable. Especially if you did not sign a TOS to be upgraded against your will.
Edit; this occurs tomorrow on the 14th
Now that we've been on the defensive for 4+ years and we've finally turned the tide. We cannot rest on our laurels.
We are coming into the most brutal stretch of this war, we must remain diligent and endure the death throws of the liberal lunatics and maniacal media elite. Until we've reached January 6th, certified the win, and gotten that man into that seat (I'd prefer him to actually lead from Mar-A-Lago, I'm expecting WH to be booby trapped in some way) we are not finished yet.
Lets plant that flag and kill the deep state once and for all.
I'm glad he won but i was expecting another 2020 slog. I'm now instead worried about the 3 months ahead of us, and possible activation of sleeper armies.
On the other hand I welcome them to try and call out any election fraud
Right now fast food conglomerates are keeping the prices just barely above affordable so that they become the only options once groceries are unreachable. Then the hyper inflation will be applied and you'll have no way of feeding yourself. If you are dependant on fast food you MUST find an alternate source of food asap.

HAARP made it rain all night
Just got a call this morning, they're pretending to be a travel agency this time around, the grift is they say you have unused vacation time/that you're a preferred customer and you only need to cover a small booking fee.
I've never used a travel agency in my life.
Recently i have discovered an unusual growth in a sensitive area, I've been hoping it would receed on its own but its been there for a few days. I don't trust hospitals any longer and I'm beginning to worry of it might be cancerous. I have a girlfriend who's dependant on me to survive and my work situation doesn't really allow me time to get supplies like ivermectin. So I have fallen short of hope.
So I'm backed into a corner reaching out to the only hope I have left. Any prayers would be appreciated. Thank you.
If you or someone you know is wise to natural healing remedies and tinctures. Get together and form a natural apothecary, spread the word. And lets take some ground and profit from the beast system

Those who don't. My lawyer has advised i dont finish this sentence
Thank all you anons for the informative work you bring to this site, as i do not typically have the time to hunt down all these articles and information.
If you ever think what you do doesn't brighten someones day. It does. Thank you GAW
Too bad Americans are a different beast entirely. Not only do we not back down when our leader is subverted or neutralized, we come at you with tactics that later become classified as war crimes. Sorry globohomo, just because you hang your colors on the WH, does not grant you any authority.
When you globohomos hang your pride decorations dont forget the centerpiece (rope and chair)
I used alternate media.
So I'm here now. People shit on Q's anons but at least you guys dont ratio the same beliefs our founders held.