Q has dropped 2 musical references.
-Magic Sword
-Future World Music
Look into all their song and album names... a LOT to unpack there.

Oh..... how quickly do many of you forgot.
You are watching a movie.
What makes a good movie???
The key noteable in the EAS test was in the wording... the United States AND Washington DC
Don't let that detail slide by you..
Video of live feed as it happened:
Recorded on OTA antenna, the signal started to break up as the EAS started.
In one month is 9/11.
Is the test today a 'one month warning'?
Done in [30]?
Edit: I realized after posting the title isn't phrased correctly. Should be Q says it's 'possible' and the point of this thread is about a possible mass scale event vs single individual event.
Re read:
https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf Read very carefully. Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]: Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject. OP conducted/ORIG outside of US. CAR control? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yqa5PUViPo Statement by the driver? Fairytale? AS THE WORLD TURNS. THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE. Q
Now im going to speculate and go out on a limb here.
Vaccines + specific cell frequency (might) = a mass public 'result'
What could the result be?
-Awakening of or creating of (enemy) sleeper cells
-Awakening of sleepers resulting in the GREAT AWAKENING
Thoughts on 'variants'... is each iteration of cv19 released to target genetic demographics?
23&me, Ancestry, etc all to steal DNA to taylor cv19 to affect certain groups/races/blood types???
The flood/noah reference is simple:
Genesis 6:9
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God
Perfect in hid generations (root genes, genesis) he had unaltered dna. While the world around him went mad, they called HIM crazy. I would not at all be surprised if all the 'nephilim' of his day were actually just genetically modified humans. We don't know their level of tech back then. Look at where we've gotten in the past 150 years. Its feasible to think humanity achieved what we have in the past.
Then most all of the GMO humans/nephilim were destroyed by a 'flood'. Though, if it was a God sent flood like the Bible implies, it would have been fully successful. It wasn't though. And the enemy bloodline lives on to this day.
Point being 'natural law' or 'God' or 'Source' or whatever you want to call it, doesn't want us unnaturally evolving.
On Jonah, the great American eclipses of 2017/2024 bracket a 7 year time period.
They criss cross the Americas. They are nearly identical to the ones that happened over Ninevah, which scared the Ninevites so bad they thought it was God. That's what actually got them to listen (eventually) to Jonah. It wasnt Jobahs message, it was a double total eclipse!
The eclipses make a CROSS in the sky. A CROSS is the sign of the son of man that Jesus spoke of when he said 'look up! When you see the sign of the son of man, your redemption draws near'.
Now couple that cross sign with the OTHER birth of the son of man sign also in 2017 (the 9/23/17 sign), Oumuahmuah arriving in 2017 (messenger from afar), Trumps first year in office in 2017, and of course Q arriving in 2017.... I mean common.
And all of these events happening within a few short months of each other?
This is to give you hopium. The wrath we are witnessing on the enemy is not for us. Its for them. Since we KNOW we are to live bold and fearless.
The man of sin won't be revealed until the rebellion.
We are the rebellion. The man of sin isn't 'the antichrist', it's the anti christ SPIRIT in the world that inhabits MANY PEOPLE. You see them in your family. In tv. In SM. At work. Everywhere.
Christ doesnt mean Jesus. It means ANOINTED.
Antichrist means 'In place of the anointing/Holy Spirit'
The flood/noah reference is simple:
Genesis 6:9
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God
Perfect in hid generations (root genes, genesis) he had unaltered dna. While the world around him went mad, they called HIM crazy. I would not at all be surprised if all the 'nephilim' of his day were actually just genetically modified humans. We don't know their level of tech back then. Look at where we've gotten in the past 150 years. Its feasible to think humanity achieved what we have in the past.
Then most all of the GMO humans/nephilim were destroyed by a 'flood'. Though, if it was a God sent flood like the Bible implies, it would have been fully successful. It wasn't though. And the enemy bloodline lives on to this day.
Point being 'natural law' or 'God' or 'Source' or whatever you want to call it, doesn't want us unnaturally evolving.
On Jonah, the great American eclipses of 2017/2024 bracket a 7 year time period.
They criss cross the Americas. They are nearly identical to the ones that happened over Ninevah, which scared the Ninevites so bad they thought it was God. That's what actually got them to listen (eventually) to Jonah. It wasnt Jobahs message, it was a double total eclipse!
The eclipses make a CROSS in the sky. A CROSS is the sign of the son of man that Jesus spoke of when he said 'look up! When you see the sign of the son of man, your redemption draws near'.
Now couple that cross sign with the OTHER birth of the son of man sign also in 2017 (the 9/23/17 sign), Oumuahmuah arriving in 2017 (messenger from afar), Trumps first year in office in 2017, and of course Q arriving in 2017.... I mean common.
And all of these events happening within a few short months of each other?
This is to give you hopium. The wrath we are witnessing on the enemy is not for us. Its for them. Since we KNOW we are to live bold and fearless.
The man of sin won't be revealed until the rebellion.
We are the rebellion. The man of sin isn't 'the antichrist', it's the anti christ SPIRIT in the world that inhabits MANY PEOPLE. You see them in your family. In tv. In SM. At work. Everywhere.
Christ doesnt mean Jesus. It means ANOINTED.
Antichrist means 'In place of the anointing/Holy Spirit'
The flood/noah reference is simple:
Genesis 6:9
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God
Perfect in hid generations (root genes, genesis) he had unaltered dna. While the world around him went mad, they called HIM crazy. I would not at all be surprised if all the 'nephilim' of his day were actually just genetically modified humans. We don't know their level of tech back then. Look at where we've gotten in the past 150 years. Its feasible to think humanity achieved what we have in the past.
Then most all of the GMO humans/nephilim were destroyed by a 'flood'. Though, if it was a God sent flood like the Bible implies, it would have been fully successful. It wasn't though. And the enemy bloodline lives on to this day.
Point being 'natural law' or 'God' or 'Source' or whatever you want to call it, doesn't want us unnaturally evolving.
On Jonah, the great American eclipses of 2017/2024 bracket a 7 year time period.
They criss cross the Americas. They are nearly identical to the ones that happened over Ninevah, which scared the Ninevites so bad they thought it was God. That's what actually got them to listen (eventually) to Jonah. It wasnt Jobahs message, it was a double total eclipse!
The eclipses make a CROSS in the sky. A CROSS is the sign of the son of man that Jesus spoke of when he said 'look up! When you see the sign of the son of man, your redemption draws near'.
Now couple that cross sign with the OTHER birth of the son of man sign also in 2017 (the 9/23/17 sign), Oumuahmuah arriving in 2017 (messenger from afar), Trumps first year in office in 2017, and of course Q arriving in 2017.... I mean common.
And all of these events happening within a few short months of each other?
This is to give you hopium. The wrath we are witnessing on the enemy is not for us. Its for them. Since we KNOW we are to live bold and fearless.
The man of sin won't be revealed until the rebellion.
We are the rebellion. The man of sin isn't 'the antichrist', it's the anti christ SPIRIT in the world that inhabits MANY PEOPLE. You see them in your family. In tv. In SM. At work. Everywhere.
Christ doesnt mean Jesus. It means ANOINTED.
Antichrist means 'In place of the anointing/Holy Spirit'

11.3 = 11x3 = 33= [THEM]
Add this together, what does it mean???
Id love to hear opinions!
After today we enter into the 23rd year.
Q showed an image of the punisher labeled (iir)
So, let's let the show begin (finally)
(And no im not saying jr is still alive. He is Schroedingers cat as far as I'm concerned)
Lets see if that 31 terrabytes of incriminating evidence gets released tonight...
How do you counter a deadly virus?
By releasing the ANTIVIRUS... MacAfee
"NSA accidentally releases it all"
Comms super 5:5 guys and gals.
Q500, 9 states!
and that 34 command is Q34
Also what are the odds that Q500 is on 1/07? Juan o savin lmao.
*▶B 05/29/21 (Sat) 14:24:40 No.111
Fact Vs. Fiction
We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours.
Who gave you the Playbooks?
Who helps you answer Questions?*
We know that 'P' / Israel are saved for last:
Lots of speculation can be / has been made regarding those drops. I wont get into that here.
Also 'P' = 'C'
This ALL ties back to Israel, and the key is that the brainwashing is SO ingrained into peoples minds that the ACTUAL truth about Israel can NOT be made public.
The destruction (or dissolution of) Israel as it is will be the final operation, like removing a cancerous tumor from the earth (a burdensome stone as the Bible calls it).
It is saved for last because it will/is the most sensitive operation likely to ocurr on this planet in human history. Not because of Israel, but because of what the WORLD has been programmed to BELIEVE about Israel.
Fact vs Fiction? Q has hinted at it throughout their drops, and many might be the OPPOSITE of what we all thought... ie; true history of WW2 / NAZI Germany and some key players today who we think are bad, might in fact NOT be.
The choice to KNOW the truth is yours, but you wont find it unless you are open minded enough to accept it. Q has hinted, but not overtly TOLD us, and many of us MISSED IT. But the most obvious thing was Q telling us to find OLD history books:
What is it that so ALARMING that would be found??? Im not going to tell you. The choice to know is yours.
Who gave US the playbooks? Q did!:
Q helps us answer questions...
But what about the ULTIMATE QUESTION? The 'Jewish' Question?
None of this makes sense until you 'ASK THE QUESTION', and thats something you must do on a personal level.
Im not being dogmatic about any of this aside from stating NONE of us REALLY know whats going on due to the level of brainwashing thats happened for decades / centuries / millenia.
We all need to be open minded to ANYTHING being possible, and try to use good intention to manifest (prayer / meditation / etc) whatever outcome is the best for humanity!

Just fyi, 5/13 is Ascension Day, or the day celebrated as the day Jesus ascended into heaven.
I went get into the various ways to interpret this, as that's a personal thing for you, or not.
Just file it away in case anything dasting occurs.
Parousing through the deltas, I noticed that stage set was a term, and it happens to be on the same date as the Oscars this year.
And the 25th is the same day that Hussein is targeted:
Other terms like Movie are mentioned on the 25th, and even Red Carpet Event is mentioned the day beforehand.
Which got me thinking of other search terms that might apply.
Im sure there are other related terms.
Just a thought, what if these 'murders' are fake and being used, on purpose and as planned, for MIL cover for movement of troops.
This would explain;
-Why Q drives home NOT to be divided
-That not everything will be clean
-Scare event(s?) necessary
-NG / Marine deployment under guise of citizen riot control to key cities
And many more relevant drops.
If this is the case, we may see quite a few more 'murders' or similar type events in a very short period of time that will allow for troop movement to these key cities.
All these events might actually be White Hat FF events, purely used for cover and to justify troops in boots on American soil.
I could be WAY off on this, I havent finished my morning coffee yet... XD
Gamespot just dropped this video yesterday:
The day that us anons were called 'Ninjas' and the memes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Pepe roll out.
Called Shredders Revenge?!
Shredder is essentially the leader of Antifa aka the 'Footclan'
Im starting to think the gaming industry is involved in MKULTRA.
There are 14x WWG1WGA drops (2, then 12) followed by THE GREAT AWAKENING on 4/11
The ARG #BADSELFEATER captured the attention of MANY people. This was pre-Q.
It was creative, engrossing and highly artistic, packed with symbolism to get you guessing. Not unlike Q.
Then the bombshell ending came. It was about Christ and our nation MURDERING CHILDREN.
The internet EXPLODED with rage and fury. It was SO out of left field it made no sense.
It does now.
It was the 'pre-game'. The warm up. Not unlike other ARG's like Cicada3301, Pronunciation book, etc.