Can anyone help me brainstorm how to find a doctor willing to sign an exemption form for an expecting mom?

I am at risk of losing my job (where I work remotely 100% of the time... therefore I am not a “risk” to literally anyone I work with) due to a newly rolled out vaccine mandate.

I have reached out to America’s Frontline doctors and my appointment was cancelled because it sat in their queue for too long. I re-submitted for another appt. but I’m not sure how long it will take for me to get to talk to someone because they are so overwhelmed with requests.

I reached out to a local conservative group and asked for recommendations there but have had not luck yet.

My own OBGYN refuses to sign. I have asked female friends but all of their doctors are recommending it.

There must be something I am missing. Please help me brainstorm other avenues for finding doctors who believe pregnant women should not be forced to take an experimental shot.

Thanks so much!