So, last night my boss is watching faux news as usual, remarks how awful Vlad is decimating Ukraine. I can't help but tell him, just MAYBE the situation is not quite that. I tell him that all this is to cover the corruption of the Biden, Romney, Pelosi, Kerry, et al. That the Ukrainian army is actually killing and destroying the country, and that many Ukraine citizens are happy Russia is there. I think I made him consider it a bit.


So, who wants to fill me in on the odd goings on at .win? Why'd we remove letter 17 from the sidebar? What's with all the new freaky spots there now? Lots of doom and gloom and just odd stuff all over the Donald? Like a sleeper cell of shills attacked ... We must be closing in on them.


Unmasked and unperturbed. Throw all the sideways glances you want at me. Mutter under your breath as well. Confront me because I am petite and you think you can intimidate me. I need a laugh anyway. #NYC #LOVEMYCOUNTRY #FREE

Wild in Queens NYC (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Pegstar69 ago by Pegstar69

One of you talented folks needs to clip the video of "Joe Lies" from this 80s flick and run with it. Please


I have a feeling it's going to be an awesome Spring. Like a child let loose with no supervision in a candy store, the left has recklessly pursued their will and made a mess that the moderate sheep are appalled at.