Which part of the sidebar are you? "Civil Discussion Only" or "Representing Most Positive Way Possible"??
ThanQ for shedding some light on this.
Is "complete autist" slander or praise here? Please help. Serious answers only.
Not high. My questions are respectful. I used to live on TD. Now it is just noise. HUNGRY FOR ANSWERS
The clearest answer seems to be Joe Biden.
Could the world be unified in hatred?
Doesn't trump have to exit stage at some point?
Do we know the world watches TV? Who tells us this? The Television itself?
This is where I was headed with things. Someone posted earlier about the actual number of Biden voters being closer to maybe 25 million and it got me thinking.
How about living the rest of your life free of bondage?
You will be sheltering
The message of the takedown
The message can't pass through the MSM without getting distorted.
Can u link to the NFZ alert?
IDK. Would we know if something did happen?
I am balls-deep already. Why is no one acknowledging my use of the word arrest in quotations?