Freedom Convoy arrives in Ottawa a couple of weeks ago.
Justin Castro fakes illness and hides for a week or so.
He comes out of hiding to call people names and then goes skiing for the weekend.
Next, he comes back from his little trip and declares war on the truckers with ZERO attempt at dialogue.
It's just 15 days to Full Blown Tyranny.
Hmmmm... I wonder what Durham has on all the 5 Eyes puppets that aided and abetted O Bozo during his 8 year crime spree including spying on political opponents.
The Durham investigation seems to be heating up as of late.
Fidel Jr. is acting like a cornered Rat.
What if the first arrest is none other than....drum roll please... Donald J. Trump?
What if his non stop pushing the jabs results in him being the first one indicted for unleashing global genocide upon the planet?
How would normies respond thinking that Orange Man Bad worked in cahoots with Big Pharma to murder Billions?
Do you think they might start to wake up?
Do you think they would continue mindlessly shilling for Big Pharma?
Is it possible that his arrest would have an overwhelmingly unifying effect on the majority of the world's population?
Would his arrest set a precedent that allows for the arrest of all former presidents for actions taken while presiding over their respective administrations?
Do you think Trump would be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and offer himself up as a scapegoat in order to unite the country and pull the curtain back on the Deep State?
Didn't Trump once mention his willingness to take all the slings and arrows for the benefit of his country?
Didn't Trump hand off responsibility for the scamdemic response to Mike Pence early on in February of 2020?
Wouldn't this absolve him of any actual criminal liability if faced with charges of genocide?
Does Trump relentlessly tooting his own horn over operation warpspeed not make him the most obvious target for any future trials related to global genocide?
Do you believe Trumpism (ie Anti-Globalism, Anti-War, America First Policies, etc) can survive without Trump?
On this last question, I personally believe the answer is a resounding yes.
Trumpism is much bigger than the man Trump.
It is a vision and a set of policies that are supported by the vast majority of Americans.
These policies are sensible, practical and not too many years ago were considered common sense by most thinking people.
So even if Trump were to offer himself up as a sacrificial lamb and put an end to any future political aspirations, Trumpism itself will live on for a very long time.
Anyhow, just a fun little hypothetical I wanted to throw out.
Q did say the ending will not be for everyone.
This would definitely be an interesting twist if it were to go down this way.
Cheers everyone.
Seeing as after 4 and a half years, Durham is finally starting his investigation by issuing subpoenas, it seems that this movie is headed into extended indefinite overtime.
As such, I've decided to continue trusting the plan with a few amendments.
400 pounds of Rice 100 pounds of Quinoa 400 pounds of Dried beans and Legumes 300 pounds of Frozen Vegetables 300 pounds of Dried Kibble for my Puppies 300 pounds of other miscellaneous foodstuffs 2 whole pigs 300 pounds of frozen chicken pieces 6 firearms (2 shotguns, 2 rifles, 1 home defence firearm and a pellet gun)...Never owned a gun before. 12,000 rounds of various types of ammunition. 20 acres of land near lakes and away from the city with easily accessible drinking water and a 10,000 square foot garden An undisclosed amount of precious metals.
This is what I would consider merely a good starter pack. Chicken coops, rabbit hutches and greenhouses will be built in the very near future.
So for me anyway, the plan is starting to feel a lot more solid and tangible at this point.
And before you start calling me a handshake or a doomer or a glowie or whatever else, I would like to point out that I have been active in every incarnation of this movement starting with the Podesta emails, Pizzagate, the FBI anon scam, the Redditt ban, the migration to VOAT and then finally here. I bet at least half of you haven't even heard of FBI anon and the other half who have will know what I'm talking about.
It's been a long six year journey for lots of us expecting to see the Hildebeast behind bars. And now with hundreds of container ships anchored off the coast as part of an impending orchestrated food shortage,, anyone with the means may be wise to consider investing in a a solid plan they can trust to help get them through what is clearly going to be a very rough ride. Hint: Nobody is going to save you when SHTF. So come up with a plan that you can trust fully that doesn't require relying on others. Sometimes if you want to get the job done, you just have to do it yourself. Trust the Plan? Hell Yeah. The Bullets and Beans Plan. Good Luck to everyone.
Question: How would normies react if they found out that massive election fraud was committed in order to install a CGI avatar as leader of the Free World?
I think a lot of them might at least be a little concerned...even moreso when it becomes clear that the media played a major role in perpetuating the scam. Also, the Biden avatar has been crapping all over the so-called "progressive" wing of the party since being installed and has been acting in every way as a true Uni-Party typical Warmongering scumbag. There is significant buyer's remorse all over Libtard social media, especially among so called "progressives", that is growing every day that cartoon Biden is supposedly in charge.
At the very least, the fact that the USA is being fronted by a computer generated avatar is a very serious National Security crisis...a big enough crisis to justify military intervention...that's for sure.
Hmmm...I like where this may be heading.
Looking forward to the upcoming "press conference" next week. Maybe there will be some more CGI fuckery for all the world to see prime time Live.
Quick Question:
Does anybody recall back in October when GNEWS promised to reveal the names of the American politicians compromised by the CCP?
They first started by posting a bunch of dirty videos and photos from Hunter Biden's laptop.
They then promised to reveal the blackmail tapes of compromised US politicians.
Then came a bunch of Hunter Biden dick pics leading up to the election and then after that...NOTHING.
At one point they promised compromising videos and photos of US politicians on the hour every hour in the days leading up to the election but did not deliver on that promise.
Unfortunately I can not find the article where they made this promise...maybe it was scrubbed?
So what happened?
Did they get scared?
Did they get called off by the white Hats?
I'm just really curious to know what's up with these folks sitting on tons of incriminating evidence and doing nothing with it.
It's one thing for the FBI and DOJ to do this to cover their asses but it seems odd that GNEWS and Steve Bannon would hold back this type of info.
Very Strange.
Here are some links if you are not familiar with GNEWS and the promises they made.
To all those tripping about George News not being on the up and up...
It's Ok
Who needs em?
Never Forget
Thank You Crooked SCOTUS.
Hello Q
Can we get some action now please?
Thank You
Add another NWO stooge to the list of fallen Cabal puppets.
Yeah Yeah Yeah
It's the Alex Jones Mossad on Wheels Show.
Nevertheless Steve Pieczenik sticks to his guns and reiterates that Tump is still president and that the counter coup is still on.
Interestingly, Pieczenik claims to know nothing about Q but that he still appreciates the work being done by the Q team.
Enjoy the Hopium and Hold the Line Patriots.
That's it.
The most recent thing I can find on this is a Fake News politico article from January 20th quoting anonymous sources.
Just wondering if anyone has any more pertinent information regarding this topic.
Thanks for you help.
Cheers and of course WWG1WGA
So on Biden's first day he reversed several of Trump's EO's and subsequently reversed a few more over the following days.
Sauce: (All MSM Fake News Links - Note: This is what Normies are seeing.)
Very strange Biden has yet to reverse Trump's EO regarding human trafficking and confiscating assets from evil villains...or Trump's EO regarding foreign interference in the election process.
You would think these would be the first EO's to be reversed instead of reversing EO's that piss off a lot of people...for example the EO on drug prices.
It's almost as if Biden is being told to do as many things as possible to piss off as many people as possible while disregarding reversing EO's that are extrememly dangerous for him and his evil cronies.
In other words it appears that white hats are controlling the Joepedo.
Do you enjoy your new digs?
Is this the last Q platform in existence or does anyone know of any other outlets?
Just Curious
Q does NOT condone Date Fagging
I've been in these trenches since the Podesta emails and I've seen countless people abandon and even turn on the Q movement when events didn't play out the way they expected.
Qdrop # 3929 Patriots: be cautious in your interpretations of info posted.
False expectations [& push] based on 'speculation' will only weaponize those who attack us [MSM].
Why does [MSM] expend resources [daily] attempting to discredit?
Do you provide the playbook to the enemy w: specific dates?
Logical thinking.
FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice) ……………. Game theory. If you look you can see. Q
Complete Q3929 drop:
First, if YOU know the date of upcoming events...SO DOES THE CABAL...DUH!
Second, predicting dates creates a tortuous emotional roller coaster ride of Great Expectations and Broken Dreams.
False hope followed by disappointment leads to not trusting the plan.
Furthermore, PAYtriots use prognosticating to string along their customer base to keep them coming back to buy more of their useless CRAP!
Also, attempting to be a psychic is off mission.
Those who attempt clairvoyance are Ego driven so that if one of their predicted dates ever comes true, (which never actually happens), they can say, "Oh Look How Smart I Am...Come Hither and Sniff my Hair....etc"
It is not your mission to prove how clever you are.
Your mission is to alert your peeps to the fact that the world is currently engaged in the most epic battle for human survival in recorded history.
Once that battle (which is but one battle in a war that has been ongoing long before Q was even a letter of the alphabet) becomes known to the public, as we fully expect, the mission then shifts.
At that point, your mission will be to console the normies when they see all the celebrity heroes they worship exposed as Luciferian pedovores..
So that's it.
WAR IS FLUID.. Even Q probably does not know the EXACT schedule.
Gaming out possible scenarios is fine and dandy but attempting to stamp a date on a gamed out scenario is a fool's errand and detrimental to all things Q.
First, if YOU know the date of upcoming events...SO DOES THE CABAL...DUH! Second, datefagging creates a tortuous emotional roller coaster ride of Great Expectations and Broken Dreams. VERY DESTRUCTIVE! Furthermore, PAYtriots use datefagging to string along their customer base to keep them coming back to buy more of their useless CRAP! Also, Datefags are off mission. They are Ego driven so that if one of their faggoty dates ever comes true, (which never actually happens), they can say, "Oh Look How Smart I Am...Come Hither and Sniff my Hair." MORONS! It is not your mission to prove how clever you are. Your mission is to alert your peeps to the fact that the world is currently engaged in the most epic battle for human survival in recorded history. Once that battle (which is but one battle in a war that has been ongoing long before Q was even a letter of the alphabet) becomes known to the public as we fully expect it will be, the mission then shifts. At that point, your mission will be to console the normies when they see all the celebrity heroes they worship exposed as Luciferian pedovores.. So that's it. WAR IS FLUID.. Even Q probably does not know the EXACT schedule. So once and for all... STOP DATEFAGGINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that anons have decoded the posts containing 11.3, 11.4, etc,for the first time
ever, we are now starting to get a real picture of how the plan is going to play out.
We have also seen for the hundredth time that date fagging is a dead end street.
So yes, China's inauguration did cause a brief interlude of Doomerism but that is
already now far behind us.
So Fake News Media, we are more confident than ever and we particularly look
forward to your inevitable demise.
And for all you Biden shills out there, I have a couple things to say to you.
"Whatever you say pedo."
"Isn't there some hair out there that you should be sniffing? Repent pervert."
Any shill who supports China Joe is a Pedo Enabler.
They actually voted to install the Joepedo thus enabling him.
So shills: What is it about being a pedo that attracts you so much?
What is it about sniffing hair that gets you so hot and bothered?
How long have you worshipped pedos and how long have you aspired to be one yourself?
Was it the following video that first inspired you down the pedo road?
Creepy Joe Compilation
Just Curious
The best response for shills is: "Whatever you say pedo"
Libtards are brainwashed to think that Trump is a Nazi bigot and they call ALL Trump supporters Nazi bigots.
Based on Libtard rules, because China Joe is a disgusting pedo perv, that means ALL his supporters are disgusting pedo pervs.
Soon, when all is revealed about our pedovore ruling class, the shills will think you are some kind of clairvoyant.
Besides, anyone who supports such an openly blatant pedo like China Joe, then of course they are pedos as well.
Birds of a feather and such
If Biden dies on the 19th, what happens?
Who takes charge on the 20th?
Non American Here
Question for Law Fags
If Biden is incapacitated or unable to be inaugurated on the 20th what will happen?
Does Pelosi become President?
Is the process considered to be in limbo and does this open the door for a military interim government leading to a new election?
Just Wondering.