I just heard a guy on a cable channel I'm not familiar with, talk about this person, and her not so subtle communist ties. He said that Federal lands are in jeopardy due to this woman being in control, with the "Green New Deal" set to prevent all sorts of Federal land natural resources extraction. Has anyone else heard of this woman? She was just elected in 2018, and now is head of a major Federal Dept. Only in Democrat Washington does that seem to happen.


I have been stressing the imminent (now blatant) inflation with my investment counselor, and what can be done to protect my retirement savings. I suggested TIPS, but since that would cut out the middle-man fees, he was against it. I believe now, that government backed retirement funds may be in great jeopardy with the "Great Reset" looming. Does anyone here have REAL financial investment experience who can suggest a good plan going forward to deal with likely higher inflation, and possible financial meltdown? (and please, don't post, "Just buy gold!")


Local NY station (CBS) broke into regular programming to have live coverage of the NY State Attorney General's summary of the sexual assault accusations. He is TOTALLY being roasted, with a summary of the worst instances! The question is, is this just cover for the more serious crimes involving the deaths of the seniors due to his covid policies? They are mentioning actual, criminal, activities.


The DS/leftist media/Democrats/pharmaceutical industry have been successful in calling, and convincing far too many people, that the experimental medical procedures involving the covid shots are "vaccinations". They are not! Like with so many things, leftists change the name of something, or adopt an existing name, to hide the truth about something. In this case, the experimental medical treatment that alters every cell in your body! Real vaccinations ABSOLUTELY protect you from a given virus, because they use the virus to make your body create antibodies to that virus. The covid shots alter your cells to create a defense against the covid virus, but it is not the same type of defense that true vaccinations produce. Please stop calling the covid shots "vaccinations" and just call them "covid shots", or "experimental medical treatment". Thank you.


I heard quite a bit of the first show of Rush's replacements. Sorry, but I can't remember their names. I liked what I heard, for the most part, but what did strike me, was when discussing election fraud, one of them said something of the order of "Well, even if it is determined that Biden only won through fraud, even the Supreme Court won't touch it, so we have to look forward to 2024". Have these guys been put in Rush's spot as "controlled opposition"? The idea that you could have an entire nation know a sitting President is only there through fraud, but do NOTHING about it until "the next election", is about the most infuriating thing that could happen, and unless the military DOES take control, there would not be a pretty outcome for the country.


Good morning patriots! I woke up this morning with this train of thought: We've heard that the U.S. military has been infiltrated with marxists; they aren't even hiding it. Patriotic Americans are now being called "domestic terrorists". What if Q's pleas for us to all sit by to eventually let the military take care of all the treasonous SOBs in our government was just a ruse to make sure the portion of the citizen population with the guns, patriotic Americans, felt comfortable when the military takes control, only to have that military round up the "domestic terrorists"? Remember the rumored "FEMA camps"?

Sorry to have a negative train of thought like this, but when I wake up, I sometimes have either great ideas (creative ideas, inventions, etc.), or sometimes thoughts like this.

Voter I.D. (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by PhDinNY ago by PhDinNY

What is going on with the covid shots reminds me of what happened at the twin towers on 9/11. After the 1st plane hit, the building safety announcement in the south tower told the people to remain in their offices until further instructions. Some people decided they weren't going to wait, and evacuated before the 2nd jet hit. It was like a cruel psychological experiment, those who question "authority" lived, those who comply with authority, died. The same thing seems to be happening with the covid shots; although whether it results in the compliance group dying is yet to be seen.

Covid madness! (www.pgatour.com)
posted ago by PhDinNY ago by PhDinNY

For those of you fortunate enough NOT to live close enough to New York city to hear the non-stop campaign commercials for all the Demi-rats running in the primaries, I want to ask this question: Is it wrong for me to want the most leftist, ridiculous, Democrat to be elected Mayor of NY, so that the final decay can take place before the nation? It's so bad there now that people are abandoning it like a sinking ship, but I think the rest of the country still doesn't see how it is because of Democrats running it that it is happening. I think if it got so ridiculously bad, national media would have to report it (but of course, they would find a way to blame it on some Republicans, or maybe "climate change" :) )


I realize EVERYONE is getting pretty tired of waiting for something really big to happen, but would it kill those in charge of "the plan", to just let us all see one little public hanging now? It wouldn't even have to be one of the top-level scum we would all really like to eventually pay for their crimes, it could just be a low-level Congressman, or maybe a 2nd tier executive of one of the media companies (hey, I think we would all be satisfied enough if it was just someone like Hillary's walker polisher :) )


The streaming news channel, NewsMax, has been considered a reasonably reliable source of news since it began, but there have been some disturbing trends. The channel backed off on presumably any election fraud coverage, at least in terms of discussion of rigged voting machines, and today, I noticed that they are full on board with covid "vaccinations", with no mention of any controversy there. One of their panel members even mentioned how he was looking forward to his children getting "vaccinated"! Are there people behind the scenes that control even the alternative news sources? If they were all about telling it like it is, and therefore, telling all there is, which would increase their viewership, why cave to those who don't want certain news broadcast?

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