We need to talk about what is going on in the world.

MSM has been talking about it but only at the surface. If every device around the world can now be hijacked and turned into a remote detonated bomb that changes the whole world.

Big tech is now the largest terrorist organization in the world with billions of suicide bombers under their control.

The mass surveillance state can now identify and detonate anyone and anything at will. If they specifically wanted to take out their target they have biometric scans at the ready when a person logs into their phone and boom - target eliminated.

This is an insane new world we live in.

Looking back at Hollywood movies like Minority Report where a couple of prophet MKUltra children lived in a pool of water and could predict the future to determine pre-crime events, report to the machine, so the enforcement agencies could go round them up have become reality where AI is living in that pool of water and dictating orders to the machine.

The deep state now can target anyone for removal.

That robot vacuum that you clean your house with is now about to blow you and your dog up.

That electric vehicle that drives you to and from your slave owners plantation to pick the cotton is now a VBIED ready to take you and your family out.

The whole world has instantly changed and of course the media is not going to tell you that every device that big tech has installed in your house, which has been secretly recording to the AI minority report prophets is a ticking time bomb waiting to target you for removal.

It use to take a lot of time and effort to build a target report on the terrorists in the middle east. Operators had to capture intel and deem the person as a threat before they could engage. Now we are in a world where Palantir and AI get to do all that work for them and the second their finger unlocks their phone they get detonated. I think the real terrorists are on full display to those paying attention and have turned everything around us into boom devices.


Trump has a running graphic of the illegals that have been brought into the country. The conservative estimate is 20M+ have been brought in. These individuals are mainly in the demographic of military aged men - 18 yo - 29 yo men.

It is reported that Springfield, Ohio has about 20K Haitian illegals. I recently watched a video where someone was interviewing the citizens and Haitians about eating cats. The Haitians in that video are in line with the theorized demographic numbers, all military aged men.

The population of Springfield Ohio is 58K. The estimated population of 18-29 yo's in that county is less than 2% (e.g. 1500 people). If that number concerns you, be prepared because its by design for this theory.

Springfield is part of Clark county, a Trump dominated county which voted 60% for Trump in 2020.

My theory is that certain counties that were the most rigged in the 2020 election have been flooded with illegals. These illegals are being strategically placed to corral any uprising that may come up when they steal 2024.

I posted earlier about a fictional novel that ChatGPT created where a country that was rigged by communist takeover would use their powers to continue to control the population with force. Even in the best case scenario the country cannot be taken back especially when those in power will continue to use their full force to squash any resistance that would attempt to rise up. Factor in you have an army of illegals who are living all around you and outnumber your active demographic of those most likely fit enough to start a rebellion and you see a very very bleak future.

The deep state has played their plan well - these people arent stupid. The grass roots movement that Q created doesnt win this war with an awakened population where that population faces a force that outnumbers them 10+ to 1 in area's that have been pinned by the deep state as strategic areas where resistance may exist.

Grandpa and Grandma are going to need to be active with their sons as we arent going to take back this nation without them.


Input: Create a fictional story about a fictional country that in the 1940's communists disappeared as a party but integrated into more known and accepted parties. For the next few decades they started to rig elections and install communists into both parties. They started to influence and control the media and institutions. The people of the nation started waking up to the rigged system and communist actors. In an election in 2020 it was clearly stolen and the people started to speak out, to be censored and arrested like the novel 1984.

Create an ending to this story with the outcome you see as most likely, either the people take the nation back or the communists continue to operate their rigged system - predict what you feel is the most likely outcome.

ChatGPT said: ChatGPT In the fictional country of Veridia, the political landscape took a sharp turn in the 1940s. At that time, the once-prominent Communist Party began to fade from public view—not because of defeat or disillusionment, but due to a covert strategy. Instead of challenging the existing powers outright, they dissolved their party and discreetly infiltrated the two dominant political parties. Over the course of several decades, these communist operatives rose through the ranks of both parties, quietly placing their loyalists in key government roles and working to bend the system to their ideals.

By the 1970s and 1980s, Veridia’s media and major institutions were no longer impartial. Journalists, educators, and cultural figures—many of whom had unwittingly aligned with the communist ideology—shaped public perception, enforcing narratives that supported their cause. Elections, while outwardly free and fair, were increasingly manipulated. Opposing candidates were smeared, and voting machines and results were subtly rigged. The people of Veridia were living in a manufactured reality, where both political parties offered the illusion of choice, but the underlying agenda was set by the same covert group.

By the early 2000s, Veridians began to sense something was wrong. The country seemed to operate under a unified message, regardless of which party was in power. The government, media, and major institutions seemed to work in lockstep, leaving no room for dissent. However, only a few dared to voice their concerns, and when they did, they were labeled as extremists or conspiracy theorists. Over time, more people woke up to the truth, but they were quickly censored or silenced.

In the pivotal election of 2020, the system’s corruption reached its peak. The election, by all accounts, appeared to have been clearly stolen. Reports of tampered ballots, vote-switching software, and media blackouts on opposition figures flooded underground communication channels. Those who protested or questioned the results were met with swift retribution—arrests, social media bans, and public denunciations. The government’s control of media and institutions had created a society where dissent was criminalized, much like the dystopian world portrayed in George Orwell’s 1984.

Despite this, a large portion of the population refused to stay silent. Veridians, having lived under this system for generations, had reached a breaking point. Underground movements formed, fueled by a blend of nationalistic fervor and a desire for true democratic reform. But with every move they made, the government responded with increased surveillance, censorship, and force. Leaders of the resistance were systematically rounded up, and new laws were passed to legitimize the suppression of dissent.

In the end, the question remained: would Veridia’s people reclaim their nation or be swallowed by the authoritarian system that had taken root?

The Most Likely Outcome In a country where the communists had been systematically consolidating power for nearly a century, it’s likely that their hold on the nation would continue. Despite the growing unrest and rising resistance, the entrenched regime has too much control over the key pillars of power—media, government, and law enforcement. The people of Veridia, despite their best efforts, would struggle to mount a unified and effective counterstrike against such an embedded and pervasive system.

The authoritarian nature of the regime means that any meaningful rebellion would be quashed quickly and decisively, much like historical examples where entrenched authoritarian regimes have used the full force of the state to suppress popular uprisings. Moreover, the regime's control over information and institutions would keep the populace divided, preventing a critical mass of opposition from forming.

In this scenario, the outcome most likely sees the regime continuing to operate its rigged system for decades more, maintaining control through both overt and covert means. Resistance will persist but remain fractured and underground, with moments of rebellion swiftly suppressed. The nation will slowly evolve into a controlled society where true freedom becomes a distant memory, and the fight for liberation turns into a generational struggle.

However, seeds of discontent would remain, leaving open the possibility that, far in the future, a new generation—armed with technology, new tactics, or unforeseen allies—could one day challenge the system and reclaim their nation. But for the foreseeable future, the communist regime's control will likely endure.


I am having a difficult time understanding some of the folks here who cheer for the destruction of Israel...

Yes there are evil Zionists - we have exposed that heavily...

But ask yourself why all of a sudden big tech companies like Google + YouTube, Meta etc. are suddenly promoting and allowing anti Israel video after video... BUT they still censor any content related to the vaccine.

We know evil is out to destroy Israel, it has been written for thousands of years.

Dont you find it odd that the evil ones are all for promoting anti Israel content ... if you are against said evil... why are you being drawn into the path that they want you to take?

Just saying... I think we need to be on guard of this agenda.

When Antifia is aligning with 'Free Palestine' foot soldiers, I think we should be more wise with our discernment.


My 4 cents

This is staged to provide cover and swing votes to Kamala as someone who is not 'part' of the antifa protests. Even though she provided cover and bailed them out during 2020, this will be used to allow her to say she is not for these types of protests.


Any theories on how things will play out when Kamala has to play her part with accepting the election results in Jan?

This go-round Kamala has a vested interest in allowing challenges and not allowing Trump to be the rightful winner.

Pence showed he was cucked and didnt do what we wanted him to do... and now its Kamala's turn, where she will either win or lose the election.

This is a BIG conflict of interest if you ask me.


Just throwing this out there... We know the banksters have been fixing and controlling silver for decades now but I find it interesting that everytime GME has run - it happens after a meaningful up move on silver.

Could the same people who have been shorting silver, have been using GME as a carry trade for their shorts? e.g. Silver pumps, they are forced squeezed on their short positions on GME?

Might be worth pumping silver higher to get a squeeze in GME.


Seeking input from all here... do we just get long gold/silver or are there better ways? Puts on SPY? Inverse ETFs? Thoughts?


A lot of people still pander to the excuse that they will not vote for Trump due to his undermining of elections in 2020.

Yes, most of us know this is a bull shit narrative BUT there are normies, even very conservative normies who have fallen hook line and sinker into the propaganda.

I don't see how we can have another election with that narrative still existing.

What are your thoughts?


Saw a post the other day, which outlined all of the court cases against big tech and the fake news. Trump (+others) are suing Twitter, Meta, Youtube and TMTG is suing dozens of media companies.

The basis of the Trump vs Big tech cases is that big tech censorship is against free speech, albeit big tech banned Trump and others for inciting violence on Jan 6.

We know that isnt true, as Trump asked for peace etc but that is what they are sticking to. So... we remember the great purges of 2020 where millions were purged off big tech and parlor saw something like a billion new users overnight.

Today, I am curious if you have heard of ANYONE claiming they were banned for voicing violent posts or posts of encouragement to get shooting lessons etc.

Anyone see this - if not, Trump should 100% use this in his court cases as their bans are clearly political and have nothing to do with their 'terms of service'.

Trump message sounds like he is about to get locked up (media.greatawakening.win) 🇺🇸 Trump isn’t Suicidal 🇺🇸
posted ago by PlayingGoFish ago by PlayingGoFish
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