Was there to do some work. Girls at the front didnt have theirs on either. Police cheif, nope. No Karens around. Loved it.
Edit: then on my way home I passed a High school in a larger town, girls playing soccer in fking masks. Ruined my good morning.
Since AG's and sheriffs are cucks these days, private citizens deserve the right to file criminal charges against our elected officials. They can do it to us, seems only fair that it goes both ways. These worthless cops and lawyers go after people for speeding and small drug offenses, but wont lift a damn finger when power is abused.
Just to highlight how dumb our township election systems are...
I asked the poll worker if they were busy today. They told me no, not really, that I was only the 40-ish person that was in today. (5:00 after work)
I never actually heard about this election, I just so happen to drive by my polling station every day.
Fill in my ballot, go to hand it to the poll worker at the end of the line, and she says " no you have to put it in the machine"
Naturally this upsets me. Mind you, there are 7 poll workers/watchers or whomever in there. So I ask the obvious question, " why do you need a machine to count votes? Seems like a pretty easy task."
The response, with a chuckle - "well thats how we've always done it, but we double check the count when its over."
Sorry for the rant, it was just stupid on steroids.
Whatever was even the excuse was for Bannon leaving the Trump campaign? Whatever it was I'm sure it was misinfo. But what i do know is:
A. Started a podcast immediately when the Rona started, because he knows their playbook. Which we all know as well. Fear, mix in a shooting, and a touch of racism.
B. He never gets distracted from the main points. November 3rd and the kung flu.
C. He is one of the original Trump guys and has remained that way.
D. He went hard anti- Q after the 6th. Seemed like pretty obvious misdirection to me.
E. He is hardcore af
Conclusion: He's slimy but he knows the game and how to win it, that is all. Stop getting distracted people, ALL EYES ON ARIZONA...??
The logo is in the shape of a Q :) WWG1WGA boys and girls, let's BURN THIS DEMONIC SH*% DOWN, NOW.
I think I may be wrong. All these retards walking around outside with masks on. What in the fuck its been a year of this shit, I just dont understand how people are so fucking dumb. Im sorry about the language but my faith in humanity is real thin right now.
Not sure if he had the ability to fire him or not, but damn hes proving to be a walking red pill this guy is so full of crap. Apologize for the jewtoob link but this is a good interpretation of Fauci ?
They would take any country or organization down within a year. Similar to what happened when "Trump" took down ISIS. He didn't take them out himself. His people did though. Free the people in charge to make their own decisions. A person is smart. People are stupid. Eliminate the committee. Thats what Trump has done. He cut the red tape for the military too.
Since about the time of my first insurrection (cough cough) when i could form logical thoughts, I have always viewed school as a waste of time. I could logically see that none of this would ever help me in the real world. Anyone else have this happen? Puberty hit and i could see what bullshit was going on. Been a domestic terrorist ever since.
I wonder how many doctors can efficiently practice their trade without constant guidance from their regulatory authority. Or how many teachers can teach without a handbook telling them, do it this way, not that way. My guess, is very few. These trades especially seem to lack common sense in their fields, leading me to conclude, that the government runs them 100% Because as we know, when the government runs anything, approximately 95% of the money invested is wasted.
Edit: My figures are explicitly derived from my personal experiences. From the FDA on down the list of unelected officials making "laws" (for those that dont know, the FDA is probably worse in corruption than the CIA..Research the biography of Dr. Max Gerson)
I for one, am throwing the biggest fuckin party ive ever had. Fuck you Xiden.
2.79 in Michigan.
Edit: 50 cents a gallon raise is 200 MILLION FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES PER DAY. (In Ameica)
The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, is the path of SURRENDER or SUBMISSION.
- A guy named John
We have a engineered virus, engineered brainwashing, in order to engineer an election. Been fighting engineered enemies for decades. Now they seem to be engineering the damn weather as well. Yeah its a fucking lot to take in guys! It's easier to lie to someone than to convince them they've been lied to. Slowly, they will come around. Drip drip.
Everyone has a mask on. I turned it off in 10 seconds. Good luck Autists.
I love My Pillow. And I love you badass patriots. That's all.
This seems extremely odd to me. They are posted up every other block of the base, lights on, just sitting there. Also had the state police mobile command center there. Why would this be? Anybody have an idea??
Its been 10 days with Bo Jiden, but for me it feels like it has been months already. Reality is cracking. Bring out the aliens.