I know most of you are very health conscious, which is one of the reasons this is my favorite communities. This man, neurosurgeon, Jack Kruse proposes it all comes down to light, water, and magnetism (toxicity implied). Worth a listen, ill include links and TLDL in comments.


I dont often watch TV, but it is winter here, so i did. First commercial was for Healthcare.gov. 3 steps to get healthcare, 1. Open the letter. 2. Fill it out. 3. Send it back. Thank you, sherlock. The next commercial was an INJECTABLE weight loss drug. We are literally in crazy land, I dont know if this place is real anymore. I honestly thing these people are computer programs, nothing else even makes sense...

Another Seth Rich incident (aubreyrtaylor.blogspot.com)
posted ago by PlumberFag ago by PlumberFag

I was late on my payment last week they charged me a 60% late fee. Yes you read that right. That has to be illegall first off, that seems insane to me. Plus these assholes call me like 8x a day. Im debating whether to pay them at all or tell them to go pound sand. I like having good credit but goddamn...its a Citi card fyi


Nobody wants to pay taxes, that is something we can all get behind, especially if you have a business. I am in the process of forming a private memebership association, otherwise known as a PMA. Through a PMA you are essentially taking yourself out of the public, and away from corporate law/statutes/all that bullshit. For me, and i am no lawfag, but it seems to put you into common law. Private transactions are NOT TAXABLE . You dont need any of their licences. You can make and sell booze if you want to. Look into it. Join one. Start one. Listen to this podcast for more info than i can give you. This is how we fight back, peacefully.

God bless you good people.



The older i get, the more i lean towards the anarchist system. I know the military is important, we should probably protect the seas. But other than a military, do we really need much of anything else from our government saviors?

Need help with SSRI medication 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by PlumberFag ago by PlumberFag

My mother has been on a plethora of anti-psycotic and anti anxiety medication for, probably 20 years. She wants to get off of them, because after so long it has obviously not done her good. I was wondering if anybody had personal experience they could share with me?


H.R. 7641

Protecting Free Speach Act.

"This bill terminates the Disinformation Governance Board of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and prohibits using DHS funding for the activities of any other entity that is substantially similar to the board."


One month before his nephew possibly assassinated.


"Buy chickens and guns"


Where have all the workers gone? Why is it that since covid, there is not enough people to run a bar at lunch? Is there not enough young people being born, or all they all dead? I find it odd that in 2 years, theres nobody around to make me a damn hamburger? I know this is a first world problem, but i am just curious. There is a lack of workers in every industry, and its strange.


Whats the most rediculous thing i can wear as a mask without getting kicked out? I want to slap every person i see with one on, but i also have anger issues so i figured mockery was my best option. Please post ideas below. Thanks!


Brief history: Element 115 was first made public by Bob Lazzar in 1989. No scientist had ever publicly observed it. It was the matallic material they told him the core of the spacecraft Bob was working on was made of. According to Lazzar this material once activated, produced the anti gravity effect that allows these ships to fly and provides propulsion and energy.

Fast forward to 2003. Russian scientists mash some atoms together, and create a few atoms. Superheavy material, uranium comes in at 92 protons,  scientists managed to cram 23 more protons to the atoms nucleus with nuclear fusion or fission idk. Anywho, it is a superheavy, radioactive material that only last a fraction of a second. They eventually named it Moscovium, but it took them another 13 years until late 2016 to add it to the periodic table. I find the timing interesting....

20 years after being discovered, we have a war over there to push back NATO forces, we know they were running biolabs there, but why there? My guess is because they were targeting the Russian population with their DNA based virus. This would explain (along with the low vax rate) why Africa did fine with the Covid Bioweapon, and white populations not so much.

I speculate they are targeting Russia because they are on the verge of a massive energy breakthrough, or more likely they already have it. It may very well have to do with Element 115 or another similar element.

The reason i have come to this conclusion is, why is the NWO suddenly so insanely anti russian the past 6 years? Its not a military conflict, its an energy conflict. And we know Russia is winning that game 1000%. This tells me, the deep state is on their last legs. Once the tech comes out, its game over.

Sorry that was long but merry Christmas my frens!

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