What if in 2024 he doesn't win and they just cheat again? What happens then? Would we still be sitting here saying trust the plan? Would that be the point in which we take physical action if it's as blatant as it was last time? I have t seen a post like this on here in quite some time so I feel the need to ask. What then? Opinions?


Any evidence or arguments appreciated no matter how you believe on the subject


Can someone please explain?


Just a little theory here. What if Trump endorsed McCarthy because McCarthy was used by the White hats to gain inside info on the WEF. The WEF bought into it and endorsed McCarthy because they thought McCarthy is gonna do right by them. Now looks as if the tables turned. It might be to soon to tell but I bet the WEF isn't happy about McCarthy thanking Trump in that video on live TV. We shall see

I've found out some info from doctors regarding my son and I'm not sure if I can do anything about it .

Matt Walsh 😂😂 (files.catbox.moe)
posted ago by Pmb1903 ago by Pmb1903


Well because the only thing standing in the way of what's coming to them is US. The ppl. Until we act nothing changes.


So 2 more years huh? This country will be twice as fucked as it is now by then. It'll be alot worse than what was given to him when he took office the first time. He did a good job but dam it's gonna have to be one hell of a comeback to even remotely gain any positive momentum from the 2024 run. I believe he will do it but to the normal.person and typical msm it's gonna look like he didn't do shit but fix some gas prices.

Now this announcement has to mean something here I believe. Like WTF has all this shit given to us since 2017 meant..was the storm the red wave? Because we haven't seen one yet. If the military is the only way it's not happening anything soon. If they didn't interject with all the fucked up shit happening over the last 2 elections with COVID and all that, it ain't happening at all. Trump will be POTUS again and regain the mil for himself then do something with them. That must be what it means when we hear the mil is the only way.

This also means that Trump has not been the president in exile that some of us were led to believe. Nor will he be speaker of the house to take back POTUS in that form. In fact because of this announcement, unless by some huge tactic he's trying by announcing 2024, there is a shit ton left on the table that we all thought would happen that will never happen now. I mean never say never but realistically at this point it's like we're just waiting. Again....and again....and again...2 years...again. Now as it seems the only storm that will be happening is the shit he lets off when he retakes the WH. This also means another thing .The Dems have 2 years to think of something else or some other way to cheat him out of that one .and if that happens well protest again so thousands more ppl can sit in jail as well until God knows when. At this point for me, the Q shits over. Gotta quit the hopium cold turkey at least for the next 2 years. Back to reporting all the other countries great news stories but our own until then. Didn't mean to shill if it came off that way . This is rant. You will probly see more of these and there are probly plenty of us in silence be aysecthey are mad. I'm sure we'll get over it and be back in full force in no time. I mean what's another day of getting fucked compared to the rest?


Think about it this way. If it was gonna be about a presidential run it would of just been at another rally. My guess it probly would of taken place at the Ohio rally just passed, or FL with the Desantis shit going on or AZ to further drive that state to do something about the steal there. If it was him announcing the debut of another political party like some of you have said it would of been at the same. A Rally. This is taking place at MAL. He is announcing it from somewhere where he is truly safegaurded. Where nobody from the outside world can get in. (Let's just hope a gay prostitute ninja in his undies carrying a hammer doesn't come strolling by though 😂) But If I remember correctly doesnt MAL have a bunker in it that's fit for a POTUS? Just saying that's tell tale its not gonna be your run of the mill normal announcement. It's gonna be a big one, big enough to where he feels like he has to make it from the sanctity of his own home. Just something to keep in mind.


About the watch part..its just in case he says something msm doesn't like and the feed gets cut. I usually go to rumble but idk if it's going to be on there and who to look for to have it on.


What if the reason the military won't get involved is because they knew how 2016 was going to be done. They picked Trump to go over and to be the one to start this plan. They put Trump over in 2016 to start this all and if they step in, it will bring themselves into the light as well? What if that's the reason the military won't step in and are waiting for us, the people to make the first big move so they can interject at that point. Which brings us to this point. The 2022 midterms. We weren't powerful enough as an informational society in 2020 and we've came a long way since then and have gained alot of momentum. We have that informational strength now for anything to catch wind and be believable by factial evidence or anything for that matter just as long as somebody who is as important enough in this movement just to say it. Are they waiting for us??


So take for instance in AZ and CA. If they count the votes normally it will constantly go up in red votes. But if they open up the machines and take all the ballots out and count who voted red vs the counting of blue voters they then have a scale of what they need to make up for. The only reason numbers have stopped completely is because they have far more red ballots then blue. More then they ever thought. They are stuck at what to do at this point trying to figure a way out. If they make more blue ballots then the total of voters goes beyond the # of registered voters= they will be caught. They have to alter/deem them bad and refill out ballots that were red and turn them into blue ones so the numbers match the # of voters. And only then when they have enough to over run the red they have is when they will update them. This is why AZ is in a slow trickle. They made some beforehand and it still wasn't enough. CA crazily outperformed in red and now it's at a standstill. This is why they said it'll take weeks.turn ballots blue then post some results, then count some red, count some more red make some more blue ones then post more numbers. The votes are being taken away from the red and being fraudulently turned into blue ones and trying to alter the #s in the computers at the same time. Some have been caught already like NY and that video showing the same totals everywhere. Ppl everywhere knew about illegals voting, dead voters and such that put the numbers over their totals in 2020. They can't play that card anymore. This is the only way out. I hope this make sense. It's long I know..


We have to keep desantis in Florida. If not the DS will seize it. If Kari wins she's already said that she would be in AZ for 8 years. And I think it would be for good reason for her not to leave and give AZ to the DS also. So what about Walker? If he loses he'll have nothing to do and along with his views could come with a couple other political stand points if you know what I mean.


Where they struggle isn't the house or Senate. Where they had problems in the past 2 years was the governor's of each state not obiding by the feds mandates. The governor races was much more important. Look at the map of the US house compared to governor map and you will see just how well the cheat worked for them. Why we were focusing on AZ they had no problem stealing the rest of the US giving them the rest of the compliance they needed. They can pass all the laws and bills they want but ultimately it's the states that decide what's best for them. And now they have a governor majority for the whole US. It's gonna get alot worse before it gets better I presume..Something needs to happen now!!!


30-35 seats have been claimed already. Alaska, Nevada and Wisc are still not done and all have significant leads for the red. If we claim 3 out of the last 5 seats to claim. Won't that give us a majority regardless of what happens in Georgia? If the D's win Georgia and Arizona that will only put them at 48 total. If we win those 3 as stated above we will have 50. Can someone explain how it's possible for them to overcome that odd?

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