I hate to even post this b/c the content is pure evil, but I'm trying to find the pdf "creating a monarch". It was posted here a long time ago.

TRUMPS FIRST TRUTH (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Ppface ago by Ppface

I've been waiting for my pistol permit purchase to be approved for over a month; looking like it'll be at least another 2. I'm seriously considering filing suit, not for myself per se, but to protect the 2nd amendment. I don't even know where to start...interested if any other freedom-loving patriots have had experience here.


I don't have the stats off-hand, but I know this is wrong. Do any patriots have some good stats to share? Feel free to join the fun w/ your own account if you want.



CIO2. I hadn't heard about it's usage until recently...but yet again, we're seeing criminal medical negligence if this is true! And this has high potential to treat tons of other illnesses too!


For a very long time, I've noticed the undertones of "be prepared" (for some, obviously not all) are more like "I hope collapse happens"? I find myself wanting that somewhat...a societal reset...but why? Do we think that is the only way? Am I off-base here?

What do you think?


At church Sunday, I wasn't aware, but Mecklenburg county has a mask mandate that "extends to places of worship". I haven't lived here too long...but I would think that's an overreach? I still walk in most places free anyway or refuse to patron the establishment...but church is a must and I refuse to worship with covered face.

Are there any churches in the area that are reasonable?


Is it Fauci-saurus Rex?

Gain-of-function findings look hot...


Mask nazis tend to shy away.

We’re re masking here in Charlotte and I’m thiiis close to just saying “go fuck yourself” to the first person that mask shames me. We walked out of a restaurant last night bc masks required.

In all seriousness, men get in shape; literally nothing bad comes from it and we need strong bands of brothers for what is coming.


And by that, I mean waking up normies...


Legacy media thrives off of outrage and argument over "what is the truth". Ignore them, they make money off of clicks and our mindshare... Find truthful articles and promote them instead. Flip the script.

I'm tired of seeing nothing but liberal media passed around with sentiments like, "Actually false", "True, but ____", "Can you even fathom!"...stop it.

Hold every thought captive, meditate on what is good. Don't even let you (OR SOMEBODY ELSE) fall prey to the parasitic culture of media & liberals.


This always casts perspective for me. Those who hate God love death; we see it all around us with COVID, elite grasping for control, Satanists, etc.

Believe in Jesus & repent. Pray for our country! God promises to heal us if we repent.

NEWSOM ORDERED TO PAY MILLIONS (www.washingtonexaminer.com)
posted ago by Ppface ago by Ppface
Cancel Hollywood (www.loor.tv)
posted ago by Ppface ago by Ppface

I just moved from AL to NC and I find differences interesting. While in AL, most people are amenable to (what I call) soft-masking...just not too strict about things. Surrounding states like LA/MS (arguably TN outside Nashville) are pretty lax too. Now in NC, my neighbors (some, not all) are visibly afraid of COVID.

Now the mask differences are easily explainable, local govt and whatnot, but the fear is odd to me. (How do people see FL's response and not ask questions???)

Hoping I can bring a dose of red to this purple state.



Look at those comments. People are waking up.


I've considered compiling a short list of information about the scam that is COVID to try to reason with local managers/business-owners about complying with mask law. eg: https://greatawakening.win/p/12hRUvqIUv/3-important-articles-on-exparte-/c/

Has anyone tried this? Are any patriots appropriately suing local govt/state govt for overreach?


Yesterday I was eating in a downtown area. I probably saw 8/10 people walking down the sidewalk with masks on.

I'm considering publicly shaming them, since that's what gets them to wear a mask in the first place.

In college, we used to drive around and ask "Do you know where the library is?". If they knew, we'd just shout "NERD" and drive away. Completely immature and stupid, but I wonder if a similar tactic would wake a few people up.

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