Jerusalem, the Temple, and Judea were completely destroyed during the Roman-Jewish war aprox. 70AD.

Matthew 23. Jesus condemns Israeli leadership for murdering godly people. Says judgement will fall on that generation (70ad).

Matthew 24. Jesus says the Temple will be destroyed (70ad) bringing an end to the old covenant age of Moses. He gives signs that THEY (not us) were going to witness. V.34 "This generation will not pass till ALL these things take place." No matter what you think of the nature of the things He mentioned, they all happened in that generation. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words (the new heaven and earth) will never pass away." Here Jesus is comparing the old and new covenants, not the end and recreation of the actual cosmos. Compare Isaiah 24 as well.

Luke 3:7 John asks who warned them to flee from the coming wrath of God (70ad).

THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN/GOD Matt 3:2 The Kingdom of Heaven is AT HAND (near). This is Jesus' new Kingdom that was going transform (not replace) from the old (corruptible to incorruptible).

Luke 21:17 Not a physical kingdom, it is inside you Luke 17:20,21 It will not be a physical kingdom Luke 9:27 Only some of His disciples would be alive to see it, most would be dead.

Matt 24:14 Jesus: The Good News of the Kingdom WILL BE preached throughout the whole world, then the end (70ad) will come. Colossians 1:23 (Written AD 60-62) "The Good News HAS BEEN preached all over the world..."

LAST DAYS The last days of physical Israel as the kingdom of God, now spiritual Israel. Last days of the old covenant, now new covenant. Last days of the physical temple, now a temple not made with hands. Last days of old Jeruslaem as the city of God, now it's new Jerusalem (heavenly) Last days of being born into the kingdom then taught (physical Israelites), now you are taught then "born again" into the kingdom. Not the last days of planet earth.

They were in the last days, not us. 1 Pet 1:20; Acts 2:16,17; Hebrews 1:2

REVELATION (written pre 70ad, not post) Revelation is a rehash of Matthew 24 but with more urgency. For example, Matt 24:14 preach to all nations, Rev. 14:6 preach to all nations Matt 24:15 judgement on Jerusalem, Rev 14:8 Judgement on Babylon (where the Lord was crucified 11:8) Matt 24:19 Coming of the Lord , Rev 14:14 Coming of the Lord on a cloud Matt 24:30-31 the harvest, Rev. 14:15 the harvest Matt 24:34 will happen in that generation, Rev 14:7 hour of judgement has come

The future of earth depends on us, with God's help. We can't wait around for Jesus to come back to fix everything or a rapture because it's not going to happen. But if past proves future, the good guys win. I don't think God would have completed this beautiful thing called the new covenant if humans were just going to be enslaved by globalists.


Think about it. They were experts in cryptanalysis. With that expertise they were able to create something that couldn't be breached. This would mean cryptocurrency will be a significant part of the new world after the movie is over.