Starting with a little background on myself, I am currently 36 years old and in the healthcare field. I have an advanced degree in medicine and have been in the field over 10 years with an emphasis on Anesthesia. I have been working in a major Trauma 1 facility located in the United States since the beginning of COVID. I have interacted and taken care of my share of COVID patients for the past 3 years and somehow I have managed to prevent myself from getting the virus. Our donning and doffing protocols for the hospital have changed a few times since then and even in some emergencies I was only able to afford myself eye protection and an N95. My vaccination status is negative. I was skeptical originally and now more than ever after seeing released data on the different side effects that can occur vs. chances of death, I personally don’t see it as something worthwhile for myself. I took an AB test Jan 6th 2022 to verify my exposure status and it was negative. Now fast forward a couple weeks my exposure came from a close friend who was actually vaccinated and boostered. He had a couple callouts from his clinic from vaccinated employees for COVID. Well as we all know the major infectious period is right before you get it. So a group of us went on a trip where we all interacted in a social setting and in close enough proximity for me to get COVID from him. This is where our stories differ. During this time I have done a fair amount of research on Ivermectin, you know the horse paste everyone has been talking about, and from the journal articles I’ve read on I decided to follow the I-MASK+ prevention and early outpatient treatment plan. I knew we were going to be in a social setting so I was already taking the .2mg/kg twice a week because it was going to be a high risk setting seeing some of my old friends again. I mean with Omicron anytime you step into a crowded area you have a risk of being infected. My friend who was infected made it home before I did and sent out a courtesy text that he had just tested positive for covid. He decided to take the test after he thought he received food poisoning the night before. So as soon as I saw that I took 4mg/kg Ivermectin, vitamin C 1000mg, melatonin 10mg, a multivitamin, and used some mouthwash. Didn’t follow the protocol word for word, but I figured I'm a pretty healthy guy and I rarely get sick so I would skimp on some minor details. That day I might have had a little tickle in my throat so my technical day 1 according to the CDC would be tomorrow. So after one good night's rest, thanks to the melatonin, I wake up to a tiny sore throat, an occasional cough, and a little runny nose. I knew this was most likely covid so I self quarantined and just caught up on some computer work I had been neglecting. As the night approaches I repeat the cocktail and when I wake up on day 3 I feel pretty much back to normal. Maybe a slight itchiness in my throat, no pain whatsoever and little cough. Also a tiny bit of sinus drip, but it could be the fact that it's now 28 degrees outside and my heater is on. Running out of things to do and be productive I spent the day watching movies, and playing some video games with an old friend. As the night approaches I take my cocktail again. Day 4 I feel perfectly fine, but I know I have COVID so I do the next best thing and schedule a test for the next day just to confirm what I already know. After that I workout a little bit, clean up, and shave as I have neglected to do that the whole time. I take the cocktail once more and head to bed. Day 5 I wake up and head to the testing site. It’s a PCR test and the results come back as positive. Nothing new there, just needed to confirm so I could show my employer. Overall, the journey was not that remarkable. Yes I received and recovered from Omicron very quickly and rather unscathed. I am grateful that I have no long term respiratory issues, or suffered from any permanent loss of taste or smell. I am not sure what my body would have done had I not taken Ivermectin. I am not here to tell anyone to follow my path, rather just to tell a story of what happened to me. Omicron is one of the most contagious things humans have ever encountered and it’s not going away any time soon. I know some people may be offended by this, but again this is simply my story. I am not recommending anyone do this or even follow this. All I ask in this crazy world we live in is to think for yourself and make your own educated decision.