Trump found guilty on 34 counts?


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Hi frens

We have had a situation where a ban message was sent to the wrong user even though a ban was never applied to that user.

If any more users have received a ban they can't understand, can they please contact us by using the modmail link "message the moderators" and we can investigate it against our logs.

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Thank you and have a great day!



The battle for our freedom is like no previous battle. This is 5th generational warfare and uses tricks and deception and strategic use of information.

I'm going to do a series of posts on patterns (strategies) which the white hats use over and again to defeat the cabal.

The first pattern I'm going to call "THE MARKER".

THE MARKER is a strategy where the white hats - usually Trump - bait the media into making a big fuss about something to try to ruin Trump's reputation and foil the plan to save the world. The marker strategy may hurt the white hats in the short term but in the long term it will help .


Part of the black hat plan was to scuttle any non vax alternative treatments for Covid19 and they went as far as to fake trials to prove alternative treatments were dangerous. The black hats had the media too so they denigrated any alternative treatment which was discovered. Trump had no way to persuade people to try alternative treatments with the media against him so why did he mention it? trump mentioned HCQ along with some other statements which the media could easily take out of context like disinfectant treatments.

The reason I believe Trump mentioned HCQ was to bait the media into shouting it down. The media was happy to do so, they thought HCQ and "drinking bleach" would bring him down so they associated Trump with HCQ and said that it was dangerous and that he was being irresponsible. Nnow HCQ is firmly fixed in people's mind and associated with Trump. HCQ was laid down as a MARKER.

There, right there is Trump's antidote to being blamed for the deadly vaxxes. When people say he pushed to produce the vax he can say that it was always a choice and he mentioned HCQ and other therapeutics too. Everyone knows this because the MSM shouted about it and made sure they knew. Now when the vax is exposed and HCQ proved to be a cure, Trump can prove that he mentioned it early, (laid down a marker) and he can also show that the media and medical establisment actively suppressed this cure. That's checkmate. All from a marker.

Example 2 The virus has come from "Chynaaa"

This is very similar to the previous example; Trump very loudly said that the virus was from "Chynaaa" and he wanted to prevent anyone from coming into the US from that part of the world. He presented another huge target for the media who painted him a racist. They made sure that everyone heard that he was racist. But at the same time, he laid down a marker and all those who wanted to keep the borders open are now exposed as people who were complicit in spreading the virus.

Example 3 Trumps tax records.

We all expected Trumps taxes would be clean. Why did he claim privacy and not release them until forced by the corrupt courts. Why did he allow the media to brand him as a tax cheat. He laid down another marker, The media and the lefty normies thought they had Trump again. They wanted to humiliate him over tax irregularities. They were let down when the tax records were clean but now they will recognise the importance of the Biden family's corruption when it is brought to light because they have the marker from Trump's tax investigation.

other Pattern posts may include:

"WARP SPEED" - eg. rush the vax plan so it wasn't mandatory and lockdowns avoided

"THE STING" - eg. let the cabal steal the 202o election

"THE DISTRACTION" eg. get the cabal looking in the us while purge the Saudi princes

"THE DATEFAG" eg. wear down the cabal so they use up their ammo.



Hi Guys

Here's a story I posted earlier:


and another source:


It's widely accepted here at GAW that some events in the news are either setup, staged or even made up altogether just as a means of getting information from one party to another ie. Comms.

There are code words and concepts in comms such as water being information for example.

Here is an attempt to treat the news of the attack on Buckingham palace as a comms piece, no matter what actually occured in real life:

The guy threw shotgun shells, not bullets, per se. The police later did a controlled explosion of the man's bag as a precaution.

Explosion = "bomb" + shotgun "shells" = bombshell / bombshells.

Bombshells signify very significant scandal material, something which would bring a person down from their position.

The man had a suspicious bag that they blew up = someone did a controlled detonation on the bag to prevent the proverbial cat from getting out of the bag?

Could this be about controlling the release of bombshell information?

It happened on Tuesday. Tue (French) = "kill" Tuer (v.) = To kill

Could this be instructions to the press to kill the story.

Does someone have some bombshell allegations regarding King Charles??

"...and police are treating the matter "an isolated mental health incident" instead of terrorism."

Mental health incident = MK-Ultra victim going rogue?

Does this mean that someone has broken their programming and may go public?

Please add your thoughts.


I have a concept which I want to share for discussion

I'll call it the Pareto rule of repression, the idea that a certain threshold percentage of opinion must be in place before a repressive policy can be carried out and if that threshold is not met, the policy will be a failure.

For the purposes of explanation. I'll use 90% as an example of this threshold and demnstrate why the MSM and the narrative is so important

I'll also use vaxxed versus unvaxxed, although other differences could be used such as race, religion, or politics, support for foreign intervention etc.

The cabal as hoping to use the vax in order to lockdown society, remove dissenters and institute their "new normal" and they damn near succeeded, but they didn't..


In my opinion, they had camps built for vax refusers and they would have murdered us in the camps and blamed covid which would further that narrative.

I think the cabal did not reach the threshold of support they required, let's call it 90% where they could retain a functioning society while removing the unvaxxed. There were just too many of us and society would have collapsed without us, both politically and technologically. They need the higher fraction of society to carry out the repression on the lower fraction and if the ratio isn't high enough, the higher fraction do not do it.

The story Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift has a non emotive example of a societal rift where people are divided over which way up to eat their boiled eggs and they will go to war over it. My contention is that the Lilliput MSM and shadow government would need a threshold of let's say 90% of broad end egg eaters in a mixed society before they would repress the pointy enders and 75% just wouldn't cut it, the minions would not comply.

I think that we escaped vax tyranny and genocide because the unvaxxed had a high enough percentage that the cabal plan was just not possible and that white hat, anons and generally awake people tipped the balance.

It's all about the percentage, the MSM, manufacturing consent and narrative.

An awake population cannot be oppressed and would not oppress.


There are several posts here today with frens asking quite reasonably why Trunp still defends the vax even though his "warp speed" project has done its work of rushing and spoiling the lockdowns and perpetual vaxes plan - the new normal.

I just saw it, it's a repeat of the pattern he uses. Let me call it the rope-a-dope.

Remember that he kept his tax returns to himself until the press screamed and eventually got their way? - precedent set - we'll get to see the swamp creatures' tax returns

Remember when he allowed a raid in MAL and "classified" docs were found and the swamp thought they had him ? - Precedent set - Biden's classified docs are the real story and everyone has been primed.

Remember when he said that there were possible other treatments for the 'rona like HCQ? Press screamed - precedent set, he can always say that he was right and told people about the treatments when big-pharma was sabotaging them.

Right now, the cabal is very desperate to stop Trump and he is giving them a way. He is leading them to blaming the vax on him, he won't decry it now, he wants to be the target. When they scream and shout that the vax is poisonous and it's all Trumps fault, then he really has them because they have shifted the goal posts, they have made it an issue and the injured public will be out for blood.

Then the white hats can reveal the clues to who was really behind this bioweapon. The press, thinking they have Trump will have fully committed to that fact that someone is to blame.

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