Punt1nTheBa11 5 points ago +5 / -0

Levin mentioned Something today about Barr stating in an interview somewhere that Trump would hound him about using troops to squash the rioting/looting earlier this year and how barr refused saying it wasn’t possible, well sure seemed to be thousands of troops in DC atm. Barr proved to be swamp in that regard.

Punt1nTheBa11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holy shit, that could very well explain why R’s turned on Trump on a dime. that Trump guy’s greatest trick was making people believe he’s a bafoon. He uses that against his enemies. I’m equally curious to know who is helping him it would be fascinating to say the least. No doubt in my mind the things laid out in this article are what Trump is trying to implement actually matches his rhetoric of 4 years. He’s trying to save us before we implode financially and slip down the slope and become physical slaves to foreign entities. Here’s to hoping it’s executed? ?

Punt1nTheBa11 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ll watch it only cause Nino is on, he would probably be the most credited on the panel beca He was somewhat emersed in the ungodly world of celebrity. Be interesting to hear him speak had only seen him on Twitter to date.

Punt1nTheBa11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea I guess it’s a woman thing or rich lady thing to change dresses in mid flight but also can understand different time zones or seasons. She is an incredibly elegant woman I’m gonna miss her. Also comms. No way Melania doesn’t know almost everything Trump does.

Punt1nTheBa11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually barely found you guys about a week ago. I’m not a techie or even good at this but I remember Reddit I was lost but now I’m found. Trump is not perfect but he’s the real deal I’m truly fascinated to know who all obstructed betrayed and who are the good actors in this whole movie.

Punt1nTheBa11 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m all for that being exposed because the alternative is shocking to an innocent populace that ALL of our institutions are corrupted, that is just disturbing.

Punt1nTheBa11 1 point ago +1 / -0

The world is contracting to Trumps departure. We need to examine what replaces some of these collapsing regimes around the world

Punt1nTheBa11 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea people saying Q was meant to pacify are stupid. We crave information giving and receiving and we vote. That’s it. I never once been to a rally or marched but I love information and loathe a two tier justice system which is exactly what we have in this nation.

Punt1nTheBa11 6 points ago +8 / -2

Or what was the point of appointing Miller right after the election? I suspected it didn’t want to believe it but it was for Trumps and his families safety. That move of putting Ellis in at NSA is another small time move to pester Bidens administration. White Hats are surrounded. Harsh truths. Also felt that Trump putting all his energy in pursuing election justice was soft and small time moves as any pleb could of guessed the courts are part of the problem in this nation.

Punt1nTheBa11 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yup and That’s exactly why they installed him. So saps like this guy can be like o well there’s no correlation between the increase of human trafficking/sexual exploitation of kids and disappeared aka (murder) of human beings and the person in the Oval Office. He couldn’t possibly be involved or willingly turn a blind eye to those atrocities.

Punt1nTheBa11 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is way to confident in the most powerful position in the world. He rarely has ever look shook. On Jan. 6th he did and at the speech at the wall I feel like he was acting. You don’t carry yourself with supreme confidence unless you are 100% insulated. Especially under this onslaught jeez we’ve never seen anything like the hatred spewed at this man. Presidents have been assasinated or attempted for far less. Trump is still going strong.

Punt1nTheBa11 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched every single 2016 Trump campaign rally. I’m Mexican/American I hated what he said about my people but it was true. I also was born in a border town in Mexico so I know both sides. I wanted to hear more from him i initially thought he was racist but I quickly realized he’s just a white man beholden to his culture and country and I began to respect him for speaking his truth and inspiring patriotism. Populace/Nationalism is the healthiest form of government on this planet. At least 50 rallies later he earned my vote. And I can thank RSBN for making it possible giving people like me an option of tuning in.

Punt1nTheBa11 11 points ago +11 / -0

Throw in RightSide Broadcasting they’ve earned it.

Punt1nTheBa11 5 points ago +5 / -0

Interesting. Although I think they are all dirty, Grassly maybe less dirty I believe he wouldn’t take the position and maybe that’s how we get to pompeo even then tho it’s temporary, because he’s not elected we would need an election of some sort eventually. Pompeos the real deal, making money moves under Trump. Strong willed dude I trust him

Punt1nTheBa11 0 points ago +1 / -1

We don’t, the trip code lines up with previous crumbs tho.

Punt1nTheBa11 1 point ago +1 / -0

In what scenario is he next in line? I mean how would we get there?curious

Punt1nTheBa11 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why are they so terrified of lil old us we are just concerned citizens. They should be afraid of the makeshift high security prison thats suddenly overlooking them and all the capable men/women with guns they find themselves surrounded by. Life comes at you fast?✊? Signed, Concerned Citizen.

Punt1nTheBa11 8 points ago +8 / -0

that is actually the only thing that makes sense. but antifa with real weapons? i think not. they can barely swing there hands.

Punt1nTheBa11 3 points ago +3 / -0

LoL my lil brother walks around saying this all the time

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