Been away for a while, but when back here I see that the mods and some shills and doomers are piling on the GN... What a sad thing to see... With friends like this, who need enemies..

I applaud your zealotry in trying to vet all information. But zealotry without knowledge and wisdom is bound to doom you to FOOLISHNESS. And foolish people with a Ban Hammer is truly HORRIFYING in any society.

Now, let's EXAMINE your "findings"/"proofs" that you claim to conclude that GN is some kind of "PAYTRIOT"...

  1. GN host their site at paper.li

First off, we know that their site is using paper.li as a platform. (https://greatawakening.win/p/12hkhjyJxG/a-look-into-george-news/)

First, if you run an organization that try to keep the operation somewhat "private/underground/anonymous", wouldn't you PREFER to base it in a place where the PRIVACY Law/Protection is The BEST? Like, for example,.... in SWITZERLAND?? (https://www.cloudwards.net/swiss-privacy-laws/)

So why would an organization like GN would use a Swiss-based company like paper.li host their site? hmmm...

Second, are you implying here that any organization that deals with companies that has a Lefty CEO, are "Paytriot" (guilt by association) and can't be truly Patriot??

If so, please do some research on ALL of the CEOs of ALL of the Companies that have deals with the Trump organization... I'd be waiting for you to call Trump a "Paytriot"...

  1. GN is using vids from DVidsHub.net

...unless you visited a public site who literally uploads all of the videos and pictures George News claim to be taking part of, ... (https://greatawakening.win/p/12hkhl4nGb/a-look-into-george-news-part-2/)

How do you know that GN were NOT taking part in any of those videos? Why do you think that the ONLY explanation is that GN "stealing" those videos? Isn't it at least POSSIBLE that GN use it WITH PERMISSION, if not that they are PART of the CREATORS/COLLABORATORS?? If GN is not part of the creators (or collaborators) then they must be REALLY STUPID to use DOD vids and use them for misleading people.

  1. GN "violates" Q's "No outside comms" directive...

No outside comms. Not now, not ever. (https://greatawakening.win/p/12hkhl4nGb/a-look-into-george-news-part-2/)

This is really RICH coming from a forum claiming to be "THE PUBLIC FACE OF Q" (I just realized that this lovely forum has this claim on the sidebar.) Since when did Q anoint GAW as their "PUBLIC FACE"??


But GN has NEVER claimed to be Q (at least not yet). So there's no ground to accuse GN of "violating" the "No outside comms" directives...

So, take it easy on GN... Don't rush to judgement and unreasonably dismiss fellow Patriots, unless if you have a TRULY SOLID FOUNDATIONS and EVIDENCES to do that.

We're in this TOGETHER.



If you haven't, watch the EVENT201 pandemic planning event video (alternatively, watch the PLANDEMIC 1 & 2)... you'll understand that the EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE has always been PART of the PLAN from the start. With or without Trump, they've been READY to produce the experimental vaccine since the beginning. (They designed both the virus and the vaccine)

In the early days, the Corrupt Media tried hard to push Trump on the vaccine. They expected Trump will be against the vaccine because it's not safe and virtually impossible to produce vaccine in such a short time.

But Trump KNEW the plan. If he's against the vaccine, then they'll produced it anyway, and the Media will then crushed him and claimed that it proves "Trump's incompetencies as president".

But, by promoting and even taking credit for the Vaccine, Trump hopes the Hateful Leftard will then OPPOSE and REJECT the vaccine, just because... Just like what they did to the HCQ (hydroxychloroquine). Once Trump promote HCQ, the Leftard rejected and banned it. So by promoting the Vaccine, the Leftard hopefully will reject the vaccine and ergo save their own life.

But, wouldn't it confuse and persuade his followers to take the vaccine and potentially endangering our life? But, Trump knows his followers. We're smarter than the zombie Leftard. Trump followers have functional brain and know how to think for ourselves.

Trump's followers do not ONLY LISTEN to his WORDS, but also OBSERVE his ACTIONS. If Trump DOESN'T take the Vaccine, we WON'T, whatever he or anyone else said. We follow his lead. That's why even though he promoted the vaccine, he's always said that he will not force anyone to take it. And even he and his team (except the traitors like Pence, Fauci, etc) didn't take the vaccine.

So, if you're thinking on taking the Experimental Vaccine, just think "What Would Trump Do"?


“For FALSE CHRISTS and FALSE PROPHETS will arise and perform great Signs and Wonders, so as to Lead Astray, if possible, even THE ELECT. (Matt. 24:24 ESV)”

Are we seeing this HAPPENING?

1- FALSE CHRISTS = Global “Ruling Elites.” They think they OWN the Power to “save” and “destroy”: Big Government, Big Money, Big Pharma, Big Crooks, etc…

2- FALSE PROPHETS = “Information Gatekeeper.” They DECIDE what “the truths” are: Big Tech, Big Media, Big Science, Big Religion, Hollywood, University, Publishers, Social Media, etc…

3- False Christs and False Prophets forms an Evil Coalition – The Cabal – whose goal is to RULE the world and become “god”.

4- The only thing STANDING on their way is a people called THE ELECT.

5- The Elect knows The Truth. They can tell Right from Wrong. They know what’s True and False. They Love Justice and Freedom. And they are Ready, Able, and Willing to Fight for The Truth. Once in a while there will rise Hero that will Lead The Elect to fight against The Cabal. The Cabal will use ALL FORCE to Quash the Hero.

6- The Cabal has been trying to DESTROY The Elect for Decades. However, The Cabal can’t win DIRECT fights against The Elect, because The Elect is much STRONGER than The Cabal. The ONLY way is through DECEPTION.

7- Here’s how the Deception works: The False Prophets will DECIDE (manipulate, indoctrinate) what the “truths” (a.k.a. The Lies) are. Then The False Christs will MAKE SURE (through laws and force) that people ACCEPT these “truths”. Of course, the “truths” will always benefit The Cabal. Here ares some of the “truths” (The Lies):

+ Socialism is Good
+ Virus with 99.97% recovery rate causes Pandemic
+ There are more than 5000 genders
+ Government will solve your problems
+ Biden is President
+ And more…

8- To make people ACCEPT the “truths” (The Lies), False Christs will TAKE AWAY the people’s rights and freedom:

+ The right to speak your mind; “free speech is hate speech”
+ The right for self-defense; “ban gun”
+ The right to live in freedom without fear; “pandemic”, “lockdown”, “mask”, “vaccine”
+ The right to access information; “censorship”
+ It will be very costly to reject the “truths”: you can lose your jobs, friends, family, money, home, even life.  That’s why many people will be WILLINGLY surrender their rights and freedom, to trade the for “safety.”

9- The Elect knows The Real Truth. They won’t BELIEVE the Lies. But here’s the thing. The Cabal DOESN’T even CARE whether people BELIEVE their Lies. What The Cabal wants is for people, including The Elect, to ACCEPT the Lies as Inevitable, through deceits or force.

10- Some of The Elect will eventually ACCEPT The Lies, with justifications like:

+ We know the Election is a FRAUD, but we have to accept the Certification
+ We know Biden is Not Legitimate President, but The Congress has decided.
+ We know Laws have been Broken, but even Supreme Court won’t hear the cases. Nothing we can do.
+ We know they CHEAT, but we just have to accept it, and plan for 2024.

11- Those who ACCEPT The Lies are DECEIVED. For the DECEPTION to works, the people don’t have to believe it, they just have to accept it as inevitable.

So, How can The Elect WIN this Fight? Jesus TOLD us the Key:

"But he that shall ENDURE unto the end, the same shall BE SAVED. (Matt. 24:13 KJV)"

Endure. Hold The Line. Keep The Faith. Never ACCEPT The Lies!!!

Biden is NOT President. You Know the TRUTH. Stand Tall. Never Back Down.

Something Will Happen. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!



...ehmmm.. Which 4-year termed Office do you think is a PERFECT FIT for Donald J. Trump?? ?

The BEST is yet to COME.


Their COUP D'ETAT is not finished yet.

The BEST is yet to COME.


Trump will leave WH in the morning. Inauguration is scheduled for noon. What happens if during the "vacuum" of the Presidential power, Pence (2nd in line), Pelosi (3rd in line), and Biden/Harris are arrested? Who's next in line...? ?


We've had 3 BOOMS in the past week

1 Economic BOOM ? https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0gTUUwI/boom-can-it-get-more-obvious/c/

2 Space Force BOOM ? https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0gTWy75/space-force-commander-tweets-boo/c/

3 Military Sonic BOOM ? https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0gVmf5k/ground-shaking-in-florida-but-no/c/ ... For context listen starting at +1:47... the BOOM comes at +2:17...

It's Happening...


A story about LOVE. Love of country. TRUE story? You decide...

It all begins with The PLAN. Generals. Patriots. Calling. Duty. A Country to Save. Great Awakening.

Villains. HERO. Batman. Billionaire. Playboy. Adored. Hated. Patriot. Lifestyle? Perfect cover.

Trump. CHOSEN. Transformed. A changed man. Born again. Prayer. Love. Sacrifice. Mission.

Hero. SIDEKICK. Analyst. Strategist. Intel. Tech. Nerd. Team. MilOps. Q.

Mueller, Lawyers, Angry Men. Three-letters Agency. 3 years. $40M+. Investigate Trump. Business. Love life. Family. Childhood. Friends. Apprentice.

A Billionaire NY Real Estate Tycoon Playboy with NO DIRT? Records cleaned. Past cleared. Q.

The Plan. Sophisticated. Timing and PRECISION. Future Proves Past. Patience. Circumstances change. Respond. Adapt.

ACHIEVEMENTS. Economy. Security. Safety. Peace. NK. ME. No New Wars. Wall.

The SWAMP. Double down. Triple down. Hoax. Mueller. Impeach. Fraud. Treason. Judas.

DARKNESS. Humility. Suffering. Doubt. Abandoned. Alone? Future Secured? Play the part. "Cooperate".

Patience. Stay the course. Faith. TRUST.


1/20 ...

What a DAY..