Have a very large property in northern California that I would like to develop the best I can for benefiting humanity.
Fully self sustainable with hydroelectric, solar and hydrogen.
What are my best options for creating my own town/province/territory that gives equally to all?
Much thanks in advance 💕
Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank! First Republic Bank just cancelled wire transfers and is going under as well 🍿
Nancy Pelosi owned land on this street 💕
Both people are the same person. One is wearing a mask. Castle Rock Wine 🍷
Try out Watcher.Guru 💕
Love and Light for ALL 💕
You are PROTECTED The Time is NOW 💕
Keep enough buffer fiat to live, but stock up on Physical Silver while You still CAN 💕
Love and Light for ALL 💕
Stickers Everywhere? - Lets get it out to ALL 💕