I don’t know about the rest of you but, I’m HOLDING THIS FUCKING LINE! I pray WW3 is averted, I pray the people responsible reap what they sow… I pray that every civilian death is not in vain, I also pray that those affected find piece in our God the creator. I pray the world realizes that we’re one giant HUMAN family that have a right to live how we choose and have NO right to tell others how to do so. I pray all of the good works together and brings about a new earth where EVERY child is seen as the most important being on our planet… I have so much faith in the good people of this world, I have so much faith in you crazy fucking autist here! 😂 WWG1WGA Jesus, give us strength, to be like you..


I asked recently on another post what some anons think of Dr. Steven Greer and his disclosure project. From what I could tell the man is genuine and wants the best for humanity. When someone gives up a large portion of their assets and leaves a cushy job for essentially, ridicule and death threats, I tend to listen to them. All the information I know about him comes from his documentaries and podcast interviews. An interview of note, I would say, is his appearance on “The Sean Ryan Show”. During that podcast he talks about; DES’s (Direct Energy Systems), the majority of UFO/UAP sightings are our own (Lockeed, Raytheon, etc), the suppression of zero point energy, and more. My questions to you anons is; does Dr. Greer pass the stink test, and how would all of this fit into Q? I ask how would this fit into Q because, if zero point energy has been suppressed for a century and could end our energy struggles and world poverty within 15 years, I would think the Q team knows about it? If private companies are receiving black budget money through the same individuals that have been fucking us, wouldn’t the companies and their coconspirators be on the chopping block as well? Apparently there’s a list of more than 100 black project sites (bases/DUMBs/etc) in Dr. Greers possession alongside his 8 terabytes of data. Around the time of his interview with Sean Ryan, 3 whistleblowers were interviewed after. One was a Raytheon contractor who worked on one of the polls and blew the whistle about a weapon that could produce earthquakes (I know, not news to anons) but, another interview was with a marine who witnessed a football field sized “UAP” with his unit who was then held at gunpoint, shook down, and threatened by unidentifiable black ops type mercenaries. The marine alluded that “this group” were there trafficking weapons, drugs, and people following the 2009 Indonesian earthquake. What I’m getting at is, I hope this plan (the Q plan) includes all of these pricks, not just the politicians and low level scum being used by them. What’s the communities thoughts on all of this?


I was just reading through some Q posts and of course landed on the most recent again and found myself scratching my head. I’m sure when it was initially posted back in Nov that there were some great theories but sadly I missed all the talk. Who put what in our DNA? Why was it put there? I’m confused and I know this community has some truly brilliant people. Would love to hear some of the communities thoughts on the post and what it could mean… thank you so much frens!

Edit - Thank you so much for the replies! This community always amazes me!

Idk about you anons but the overturn of Roe V Wade and reinforcing our 2nd amendment in liberal faggot states has got me going back to the cabinet for more popcorn! NCSWIC!!! Jesus saves!!

Stay Sigma Frens (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by QBURD ago by QBURD

The military other than certain state guards are forcing the vax down our soldiers throats. My wife is reserves and is holding out until June hoping by some miracle they no longer are forced to take it. If June comes and she “has” to she’ll be getting dishonorably discharged. So my question is, why are the patriots at the top allowing these mandates forcing our soldiers to get vaxxed? I’ve said it before, one of my best friends died taking the fucking thing. Why would we risk patriots?****** - Thank you for all the replies everyone!


Durham is bringing the fucking PAIN! We’re at the beginning stages of true JUSTICE.

“The best has yet to come”


My wife was feeling dizzy and fainted so we went to the ER. We get there and check in and as soon as my wife was done being questioned by the nurse they asked me if I was vaccinated. Once I told them I’m not (nor is my wife) they told me I wasn’t allowed to be there. Since my wife’s blood pressure was really low and she was nervous as it is, I kept calm reassured my wife that I’d be right outside and went to my car right out front where I am now.

I nearly fucking exploded on everyone in there… So much anger and hate is boiling up in me. This COVID fraud has done and is doing so much fucking damage to people. I’ve already lost one of my best friends to the vaccine (J&J heart attack, he was only 28).

Please pray for my family frens

**Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers, this community really is the best <3


I know, fuck AJ.


The memes are funny