Color me unsurprised

I was trying to pick out any familiar faces that would be tip offs or even possible 'dead' people in the audience. It was difficult because the cameras kept in constant motion (gee, I wonder why?). But at one point I saw a man that I could swear was Peter Graves. He was only on screen for like 2 seconds (again thanks for that, Hollywood!) toward the end of the second ceremony. But I really think it could have been him.

It got me thinking. What is the main thing he was (is) famous for? Mission IMPOSSIBLE! And the name...GRAVES! At a "funeral" no less. Sick sense of humor they have. Has anyone ever looked into his existence to see if he was (is) connected to the Cabal? This is the exact sort of "funny call out" they like to make. A public display of their supposed power to each other while the rest of the mouth breathers go on in ignorance. Not saying it was him 100% but damn if that dude did not make me sit up and take notice.

I haven't had a chance to look at the rest of the whole production in stop motion yet. If anyone else saw anything, Peter Graves, or anyone else that they think was a tip off or public boast, let me know.

Trump suggests we should not be voting in them. On one hand I am 100% on board. The RINO's and other traitors need to know from whence their power is derived. But at the same time, the cabal would be in power?

I am hoping he will soon release info that he is starting the MAGA Party so we can all show the world, without a doubt where we are. What are your thoughts, frens?