I believe in God but I realize I have embraced something many people call KEK as some kind of philosophy but then it bacame scarily, almost super-natural to me.
I viewed it as a tool, not as something that was either good or bad, it was the thing that makes MEMEs possible, it was the thing that Trump harnessed and that we harnessed and continue to harness. I have used it in my life to get ahead but when I think back, in 2016, I had adversities and took steps to take control of my life, the culmination was coincidentally on election night. That is the day I had dropped in on the biggest KEK wave I ever experienced and it's still going. Since then my life has been a roller coaster even more than it was before, I rode the highs and I got the speed wobbles on the dips but I stayed on the board. Now I realize that if you ride the KEK wave you run the risk of wiping out epicly, the bigger the wave and the longer you ride it's inevitable. Or is it? I can see the beach, can I somehow coast real mellow onto the sand or am I on the front of a tsunami now and will I get bowled over by all the shit?
I have chased the KEK dragon and I caught it's tail and I can't let go. This is a cautionary tale but also a dare. It's getting ghost-pepper-spicy-caliente' and I savor the flavor of the nice spice. Dear God, please give me clarity and inner peace as you have through all of this so far so that I may do good and not wrong. Dear God please help me and all my fello Kekestani MEMElords keep from getting later'd in this mega-wave as it breaks. Amen.
For three days now I've been locked out of Truth Social, My password won't work and when I try to reset it it sends me the link but the link just goes to a login form to enter the username and password again and when i do it says "forbidden" This is on desktop.
Just me?
Hwat the f?
example: https://bidenlaptopemails.com/biden-emails/email.php?id=20150525-183714_81114
Blood moon , https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/a-super-long-blood-moon-is-coming-heres-how-to-see-it
Meteor "STORM" tonight/tomorrow from big asteroids; https://www.cnet.com/science/space/sunday-could-bring-a-highly-unusual-meteor-storm-how-to-see-it/
there was just a weird planetary alignment ; https://www.slashgear.com/835938/the-rare-planet-alignment-you-need-to-watch-out-for-this-month/
and itr was just friday the 13th, pretty spoopy if you ask me.

I went to a big international airport to pick some people up two weeks ago and again to drop them off yesterday, they had an announcement saying masks were required every 10 or 15 minutes playing over the intercom as well as lots of signs. I saw a lot of people, the first time I saw about 10k people both times and only 3 + myself not wearing masks. I was prepared to be confronted and die on the hill but no one said anything to me or even gave me a dirty look, mosr of them avoided eye contact (I think out of shame) when they saw me, I saw a couple guys looking nervous doing the chin diaper thing and on the pick-up trip I saw two seperate guys walking all bold with their chests out with no masks, when we made eye contact, we simultaneously gave eachother an up-nod and a smirk. I saw a couple airport cops and tsa guys an they saw me and didn't say anything, then when I was waiting in line with my people to check their bags on the return trip I saw a guy with no mask talking to a uniformed, body-armored and armed TSA guy and lots of other people were looking too, I thought maybe he was getting hassled but I eavesdropped and he was just asking a question about what location to meet someone from an international flight, he walked away after with no mask still. The Airlines themselves are the ones enforcing the masks, this is how they do it, they know the government ( I know about the crown and how the airports are not US soil but I'm still saying govt.) can't get away with forcing people (in the U.S. anyway), so they get their minions to do it, just like they get the social media minions to enforce their free speech abuse. The last guy I talked about never looked my way so I didn't get to upnod him, lol. I didn't have to go past security so no one could leverage any denial of service against me. Then again, I have boycotted air travel since the "patriot act" so I'm used to not being ably to fly commercially
Sorry for the text wall, just wanted to post this quick to offer some encouragement for others who aren't already doing so to keep pushing them and testing them as much as you can. This ends when people stop giving in.

Not directed at anyone in particular but don't call it the jab please, that is their marketing, it makes it sound cute to simps. Call it the experimental vaccine, if someone mentions it, ask them what company's experimental vaccine they got. Do what you want, I'm not trying to dictate, we are all at different levels of waking up but come on, please.
This is a concept I've been thinking over and it is great awakening related. If you don't understand that this is a thought experiment and not a narrative that I am trying to create or push, you might be mad but please remember I am not pushing anything I mention here as my opinion or belief, just a hypothetical idea:
This idea has two parts that are added together to draw a conclusion.
Part 1. If one is inclined to believe that an end to the global banking cabal and corruption in industry and government in a NESARA-like plan is being attempted, and you are of the opinion that "we have the gold" and it is being held to back a new world reserve currency and simultaneously the digital assets of the cabal have been erased/confiscated, we will be on a more level playing field wouldn't this stimulate a large amount of growth and opportunity in all sectors?
Part 2. Most of the people coming up from the border are human shields,(yes, many are undoubtedly bad actors hiding in with the herd but I am talking about the human shields.) they have low education and low access to true information. Many of them may have not only been lied to, paid and encouraged to make the trip, the crime and hardships in their areas may have been ramped up on them to basically force them to leave. We see the footage and we say, "look at them with their phones and decent clothes, they are not poor." Don't you know that phones are not a product, YOU are the product, they don't need to get money for the phones, if you don't buy one, they will give you one. Don't you notice how most of the clothes are the same brands, notice all the Disney stuff on the clothes and backpacks?
The great awakening is supposed to be world-wide, do these people not deserve a chance? It's definitely true that we can't give all these people welfare and free housing and medical care, even in a labor-camp-type situation but if we had a fair economy, could we afford to get them on their feet and then have jobs ready for the ones that can work? Would not the cost of healthcare be drastically reduced if the disease-promoting, drug pushing policies were done away with?
I am not of the belief that land and resources are anywhere near what they claim. What if the white-hats are actually on top of most of the threats that are sneaking through? What if we are heading to a more open-border situation world-wide? We can have a global community without globalism. We can still have national sovereignty without having a constant state of paranoia and war.
What if instead of fighting and pointing out the obviously failing immigration policies, we were to start demanding sound money and medical industry reform as well as tax reform USING the plight of the migrants as a main reason.
What if we could do this without injecting the old political arguments and labels? Could we unite over this? If the true patriots and the true human rights activists united, how could they stop it? they don't have a plan for that, they are good at keeping us divided and good at tearing us apart but when they fail at those two things, don't they lose every time in history?
Looking for feedback. Find any weaknesses in my thinking, I am not looking for approval and won't be offended or butthurt. the main idea here is that we are often presented with only two extreme arguments about any situation and then forced to pick a side, what if an active effort was made to ALWAYS reject the dichotomy and look for a 3rd way that is not a compromise but a win-win situation?
I don't know anything yet, just passing along Livestream from scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhicsVP1jQU

...instead of "be there, will be wild". How could they make a false flag riot look real or like his fault if they had said that? How was it necessary to have the FF go on as planned with the Patriots taking the blame in the media? How could this be part of the plan? thoughts?
I live in a heavily lefty area and I have parents who have conservative traits and values and worked hard but they are completely brainwashed by the media, NPR playing on a little radio in their kitchen all day, refuse to believe that the media all puts out the same narrative, claim any and every bit of evidence I show them is fake even after mainstream media admits it later, won't let me visit them because I won't wear a mask, actually voted for biden, They waited in line till 2 Am to get a covid shot and would probably turn me into the nazis if the news told them to report Trump supporters. I realized that this is like stockholm syndrome, Here is some info; WHAT IS STOCKHOLM SYNDROME?
Stockholm syndrome refers to a psychological condition that develops in a person who has been kidnapped or held captive involuntarily. People with Stockholm syndrome show positive feelings towards their kidnapper and may even establish a personal relationship with them. Experts on the subject suggest that it is an unconscious defense mechanism that the victim develops as a form of survival instinct. Stockholm syndrome also refers to situations of domestic abuse and other situations.
1.Treatment. To treat Stockholm syndrome it is important that the person sees a specialist doctor or a psychologist, to develop a strategy that enables them to overcome this situation. Involving health professionals is essential in these cases.
(this one wont help us but the 6 others may).
2.Do not insist. People with Stockholm syndrome fail to see the complexity of the situation. Do not try to convince them of what may happen or try to force them to change their mind. Just talk to them and calmly explain your point of view. You need to avoid pushing them further away from you in order to help them.
(many of us, myself included learned this the hard way but it may not be too late)
3.Show them affection. Try to show your love and support. You must convey trust so that they do not see you as an enemy.
(this may be very difficult after harsh words have been exchanged but focus on the people in your family first.)
4.Try to keep in touch. Often in this situation, the person tends to isolate themselves, so it is important to try to maintain communication. But try not to make them feel overwhelmed.
(I've already started doing this, I check in a couple times a week and don't steer the conversation unless they try to talk politics, I just let them talk it out, no matter how stupid I think it sounds and if they seem to want me to respond i trun it back around, "what do you think that means?" "tell me more" "how does that make you feel?")
5.Keep calm. Often, this situation generates a feeling of helplessness. The important thing is to remain calm to avoid pushing the person away. Staying calm is the greatest help you can give. Be patient, they will listen to you if you convey trust and understanding.
(I have messed this one up, I have lost my absolute shit a couple times)
- Search for further information on the subject so you're sure what you're dealing with. Often, local health centers offer advice on the issue and may help to resolve this situation.
( I don't trust the mental health care industry at all because they are part of the establishment that is doing this and they are almost exclusively lefty psychopaths themselves plus they push poison drugs on people for profit and keep them coming back instead of curing them but we can use our research skills to study this and expand our understanding, we can't let them gatekeep us from believing that we can understand things like this, if you are here, you're probably smart enough and then some.)
7.Listen. If they feel they can trust you, they will talk about their situation. When this happens, you should control your feelings. Don't show you're angry or infuriated if the person with Stockholm syndrome defends or identifies with the abusers. Listen to them, and when you think it's necessary, give your opinion. However, be careful about the way you do it and how you say it, so as to avoid them becoming defensive.
(this one kind of re-hashes some of the other points, it goes back to staying in touch and not flipping your shit when they parrot nonsense.)
My conclusion for now is that we are going to have to be "the bigger guy" and after all the hard work we have done before we woke up and are doing now and all the grief and injustice, we have to still be the bigger guy and try to armchair-shrink our fellow Americans back to life. I won't let pill pushing, over-schooled, under-educated, so-called professionals gatekeep me from believing I can do this.
What do you think? source ( https://health.onehowto.com/article/how-to-treat-stockholm-syndrome-7546.html) This is just a rough outline, I didn't really research this yet but I'm going to start now. Anyone with mental healthcare experience's opinion would be valued.
I started to type this as a response to a discussion about "what if Q is a larp/psyop/honeypot". Then I realized I needed to type out the cliff notes of my personal story and acknowledge my gratitude for the people here, even the shills and trolls and people like that on other sites and irl. Spoiler alert: I think Q is genuine and the plan is still in play.
I've been a truth aficionado may whole life, When I heard President Trump was running, I didn't care because I was fully blackpilled,I voted libertarian just to flip off the whole system even though I know they wouldn't and probably shouldn't win. I had called obama as the next president about 4 years before he ran because i saw how the media foreshadowed him. i predicted bush jr the same way 2 years before he ran and that he would take us into iraq, I learned that from watching how they pimped bill clinton then seeing him win. for obamas last term I was calling hillary vs jeb in the 2016 election with jeb getting more votes but clinton stealing it somehow similar to bush/gore. I had been getting into researching the clintons and rumors that hillary had a female sex slave and that they were into some weird stuff possibly wichcraft, this came back to focus after the wikileaks drops of the emails before the election, that led to "pedogate" which opened the whole can of worms to the actual connections between so many people with influence and power.
Then I heard President Trump speak, he gave the famous speech where he laid it all out and hinted at many of the things that I had researched and thought nothing would be done about, I had ignored him because he was on TV and so connected that I assumed he must be in on a lot, I did the homework and saw that he has loved our country for a long time and had said and done a lot that i liked. By the time the election came, the undercurrent in the truth community, the fact that he talked about having an idea who really did 911, used the term "drain the swamp" (which is the title of the original NESARA write-up), giving the country back to the people, how bad the media and do-nothing suits and pant-suits were mocking him, I had a feeling that something unprecedented was going to happen. The night of the election, I just knew he would win, Didn't even stay up and watch. Slept like a baby and woke up to liberal tears. I was so at peace that I even prayed when I saw the clip of obama flying away on AF2.
Then along comes Q.
I first was skeptical too, it was 4chan after all and many thought it was already well compromised and censored, I also remember posts from someone namefagging "Q clearance patriot" at least a year before Trump came on the scene to run.
After a while of lurking and paying attention to Q and listening and talking to other people who were also interested I saw how we were tying together all the "conspiracies" that couldn't be unproven and debunking and throwing out the ones we could.
I have been fascinated by feeling that something was being kept from me since I read a book that mentioned roswell when I was in grade school.
I was into the clintons and the body count including possibly JFK Jr and also possibly paul wellstone , how the dems and repubs were colluding against us, 911, all the wars, that the news is a big commercial for their ideology, disney subliminal messages, oil,fiat currency and the big banks, cannabis prohibition and the paper industry, paperclip, mockingbird, rothchilds, the vatican, JFK murder, Bush families nazi ties (this was my start of learning how the "cabal" is all blood related) agenda 21, , flu shots, Big pharma killing us on purpose, some IRL stuff related more to my location and interests, so much more.
I couldn't enjoy the "sports" or so-called entertainment (brainwashing) that my peers enjoyed or really have a normal life because i saw stuff everywhere, the symbols, coincidences. i started seeing things were tied together but i couldn't really believe that it was real, i was kind of sure that I had a psychosis and I was making connections through some kind of confirmation bias (which if I am wrong, this is how they got me) it was scary and lonely but now millions more people are talking about all of it and helping to solve the puzzle, it let me know that I didn't have to do this alone, I could let out a little more info,safety in numbers.
Then it all coalesced into this decentralized ongoing discussion of people from all over the world that had been lurking or openly looking at this stuff too, new people started coming in that had no idea of any of it before Trump and Q.
This new group of pseudo-anons (the digital soldiers) have helped me really flesh out what I knew and didn't know and gave new details, new evidence, opened my eyes to much more detail and new angles I never saw, people with all kinds of skills and backgrounds and the sweet maymays, some of the dankest ever because a good meme has at least a grain of truth and we have a ton. It's the network effect of truthing for the greater good.
This is either 100% true and it's happening or this is the ultimate honeypot to identify and target the very best people on Earth and if that is the case, I'm still not worried because Q showed me that enough good people still exist and that I'm not a psycho,(although I and many of us have a form of ptsd from this) I was more brainwashed than I thought, they washed the hope out of me and now it's back. We know what they are doing and it's not going to work. We are smarter, stronger, more capable and now we are better equipped plus we outnumber them.
W W G 1 W G A
We won, Trump won, GOD Wins! it=happening plan=trusted show=enjoyed
Thank you for being here and take care, YOU MATTER!. -Rad