Prepare for a year to remember!


My local supermarket chain - Giant Eagle - was a huge mask tyrant for most of the past year - they had signs on the door saying that all guests were "required" to wear masks. Now, the idiots are back at it, but there is a big difference - it says that all guests are "requested" to wear masks. I can't wait until the first snowflake asks me to put on a mask so that I can response "Request Denied!".


Because they are no longer needed. Q was essential in building the Great Awakening, but that work has now been done. There is no further purpose served by Q continuing to post so we just need to remain awake and stay on our flight path towards freedom and continue to enjoy the show. Q's mission is complete and was very successful - just look around you!!


What more perfect justice could we have than FISA surveillance of the Biden team catching them in REAL COLLUSION WITH A FOREIGN ENTITY? EO 13848 states that the framework for carrying out responsibilities respective to the order may be "CLASSIFIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART". Perhaps this is what @ThomasWic is referring to when he talks about COVERT WARFARE. What if the point of what is going on now is to gather evidence that foreign entities are colluding with the Biden team? And what if DURHAM is now a special prosecutor assigned to this task? And what if he has been gathering evidence for a very long time? Perhaps Barr was done with the role he was playing after making Durham a special prosecutor and passing him the ball. Perhaps Durham really was slowed down by COVID, but is getting ready to unload any day now? Maybe Trump will return to DC in a Durham boat after all :)


Full credit to the great Thomas Wictor for suggesting this. Tomorrow (or Wednesday if he is really determined to maximize suspense), Trump will release indisputable evidence (perhaps a video) of Biden and others admitting to election fraud (and perhaps other things). Biden will have to concede and Congress will have to decertify. This solves the problem without implementing a military police state and explains so many things - especially recent executive orders - 2,000 Federal Marshalls, troops in DC, guns for Judges, Firing squads for treason, Pelosi going ballistic over new attorney for NSA, etc.


They were all prolific Twitter posters but all 3 silent since last week - interesting...