
Fuuuuuuck. This post must be referring to a future delta, in a future election. Right?

I was just reading through the "April showers" posts and then started reading through the May-dated posts, and wanted to share.

It says "right after the election" and shit was definitely not "well right after" this previous election, so I guess Q thinks we are going to allow clown world to continue at least another month+?

Can we speed up this timetable or what?


If you read nothing else, try this DD on r/Super-stonk. I think you'll be entertained.



I've seen several of these posts coming from a "concerned" point of view, worried about a "unified" direction, warning about promoting "misinformation", and Q's "image in the media"

The Truth is that We, The People have been lied to, repeatedly and obviously:

Coronavirus is not the danger they say it is. I'm not a doctor, but there were no additional deaths in the U.S. in 2020 (or, more specifically, the death rate increased in the same rate it did for the previous 4 years.) Maybe Covid is real, maybe it's not - but it's definitely not what they said it was.

We do not need to attempt to control message any more than to keep it on subject. This is how the marketplace of ideas work. Good ideas are promoted, bad ideas are rejected - both processes are valuable to the speaker and listener.

The more the media hates us, the better. The only way to lose this war is to believe the media narrative, and pick one of the sides they present. They will paint you a picture of a dichotomy that simply avoids the ACTUAL issue entirely. I can prove this to you time and time again. For instance, the current dichotomy is "Q is a dangerous, fringe, terrorist conspiracy theory" vs. "Believe in Q"

The reality is Q is not the Apostles, and did not write scripture. There is nothing to "believe" and most people are not "dangerous, fringe, or terrorists." We have an assortment of facts which do not line up with what we have been told is the reality. We are silenced for asking questions in most venues, and questions deserve to be posed.

Do not fall for the ConcernFags, however innocent they may be. Many are bots. There is a concurrent populist war against the Globalist Bankers playing out on r/WallStreetBets. Currently media is running hit pieces on r/WallStreetBets making them seem like the market manipulators when in fact the bankers have been manipulating markets for years. Similar "heartfelt" ConcernFag posts have popped up there in recent days. The similarity of the situation is STRIKING.

tl;dr: I see through your shill bullshit. Your ConcernFaggotry is unwarranted in the marketplace of ideas - we, humans, have been sorting through each other's bullshit ideas, good and bad, for the last 10,000 years and we've come a long way. Groupthink and false prophets are the real enemy of Truth.


It doesn't fuckin make sense to carry out a refined military operation in the middle of an inauguration. It just doesn't. There's too many extras floating around.

On paper, FEMA is running the D.C. show until the 24th.

And there was a post about a T.V. network told to "be prepared to be pre-empted (EAS) at 8am 1/20 for up to 72hours." And we know that 8am time is retarded because none of the hogs would be in the cage, and Trump already had his send off scheduled at that time.

And now youtube has a little "Joe Biden is the President of the U.S." banners, so they are still tripping out.

I think our 1/20 goal post was undeserved, and actually quite short-sighted and emotionally driven - but, I do see the next few days as crucial. If we get to 1/25 and the military is flying all the troops out of D.C., then we've been bamboozled.


We should get betting squares going.

HOLD THE LINE! (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by RamboToaster ago by RamboToaster