for those vaccines.

We are now safe and free again.

Corona u r muerto

or is it just my impression?

I am referring to his CPAC speech as I am watching...


This is a call to all Winners.

Mods cannot do everything for us. We need self discipline and self awareness.

Let's divide our efforts and conquer the information flow.

Many of us ended up here as exiles from the Great Reddit Purge or the sudden Voat shutdown.

Many of us are interested in politics, conspiracies, social engineering and the like. Let us therefore clean up the space so we can focus and build back better (sic).

Conspiracies.Win is a forum for just that. Conspiracies. Two or more people agreeing behind outr back to do something without disclosing their agenda. Insert here: lizards, ET's, flat earth, 9/11, plandemics etc.

Patriots.Win (ex: is a forum for US (maybe for now) politics talk focusing on the Republican party, Donald Trump and the possibility of a new Patriot party. You like politics, election fraud etc? Discuss them here...

GreatAwakening.Win is a forum for anything Q related. Are the patriots in control? Is X22 a godsend? Where is DJT? Planefagging? Is Joe Biden a drone? Is the Oval office in Joe Biden's basement? Discuss these here.

I am sure there is some crossover but if you keep in mind who you wnat to talk to perhaps this can act as a guide.

NB: I am not a mod, just a plain Winner !

Hey fags,

I just learnt about planefagging thanks to all the autists here.

A genuine question.

Do you all play MS Flight simulator to relax?


Read the following ....

Do not judge the claims made. Instead...

Observe the links made.

The baseless QAnon theory suggests, without any evidence, that argued that a group of powerful, Satan-worshipping people running a cannibalistic child sexual abuse ring.

QAnon’s adherents came to believe that the cabal would eventually be exposed and arrested in an event known as the Storm and orchestrated by Mr Trump.

Links made:

Child Sexual Abuse ---- Storm/ Trump/ arrests

Do you understand now?

Age old disinformation trick.

Tool in use:

Presentation 95% of the truth then give 5% of outrageous stupendous claims that will smear everything and make the public miss out on the actual truths. Because it is the headlines that matter.

Public reads: Arrests will be made --- child abuse happens

Public subconscious programming: Arrests were not made --- child abuse does not happen.

Why are they after "Q Anon"?

To make the followers think there is a conspiracy against them and therefore rage even harder ! This will increase their followers' paranoia (they are chasing me therefore I am on the right track) and make them make even more stupendous claims which will make the only true claims even more remotely hard to believe and research.

Reverse psychology in play.

Other notable examples:

David Icke: 99% true facts - 1% lizard beings ---> facts dismissed

Alex Jones: 90% true facts - 10% caricature claims ---> facts dismissed

They are both out there free while some other truthers are behind bars (Assange).

Other tools in use:

Hollywood...The Matrix..."You are only a battery to them"

Public: what a great movie. Glad it is just that...a movie.

Now that you understand what will you do?

Here's an example of cognitive bias (or how you can be played).

Listen to this below and read the lyrics...while imaging that you are having a conversation with Q

How real does it feel? Isn't Q talking to you?

It all depends in the context you attribute to what is read, heard or believe in. Your perception of what is meant will change accordingly...


In case it has not become clear yet the Nazis have arrived in the US and are now installed for eternity.

Wake up from the illusion.

Their common practice is to eliminate everyone and anything reminding of the old guard as well as their families, their seed etc until there is nothing remaining in memory of them.

Now in 2021 there are no guns and public execution (yet) but social exclusion can be equally detrimental.

Learn from those who have suffered in WW2. Go underground while you still can.

Learn basic IT privacy skills.

Delete all your social media accounts and profiles. Purge anything that has to do with Apple, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Reddit, Discord. Delete all your profiles.

Uninstall all apps from your phone and use the web instead.

Go to your setting in your phone and computer and block all permissions.

Have you ever thought why is it called a profile in the first place?

If you haven't learnt from what happened with Parler then I do not know what to say.

Nothing is safe and everything is a honeypot. Including this board.

You are not anonymous and everyone knows who you are.

You are being monitored right now.

In case you have not understood you are Trump's digital soldiers and they will be coming for you and everyone you know of. It is just a matter of time....

I bet that you wish to send flowers to Dr Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes and their friends as a thank you for their amazing predictions and wonderful analysis to date.

If anyone knows where they live do let us know. I am sure many others may also wish to send them some postcards as a means of appreciation.

Also, do ensure to remain subscribed and buy from all their sponsors.

After all, they have spoken to Q !

For medical advise head to

For PTSD extraterrestrial advice head to (but he is fully booked for now !)


For anyone in the army or with army past experience is there such a thing as Q clearance?

Q identified himself as Q only in post #43 starting his post in 4 chan as: "Q clearance patriot"

Any clues?

Are there any Q posts prior to Oct 2017 in 4chan?

Someone somewhere was talking about FBI posts?


Not saying that he is double faced or God Janus but the man who gave speeches on and before the 6th of January and the man afterwards sound like two different people.

What happened after the 6th?

Did his personal banker gave him a call?

Just thinking loud...


How long does a swift MI op take?

How swiftly is swift?

[Seven] hours to go.


Why Q chose the letter Q?

What is Gematria?

What is the symbolic equivalents of the 17th letter in the language/s that Gematria was built upon?

Be Wise


Antifa is gearing up. They are not joking. Ubisoft tried to warn us all in

2021 be like The Division 2

2020 be like the Division 1

It's all scripted pedes

Apologies for the YouTube links but trailers not available elsewhere