Oh, he's a big cheese at the WEF:
This was not a general election, just a leadership contest for the Liberal Party of Canada. But since the Liberal Party has the most MPs in the House of Commons at the moment, the Leader of the Party is automatically Prime Minister.
I know what you mean. I voted for Ford, but only because the others would be worse (hard though that is to believe).
Ah, much better! Thank you!
Damned music in the background, I couldn't understand a word he was saying!
Ties in with other things I've been reading on the same subject--extended education (next to no jobs for mere high school graduates anymore), and difficulty finding partners makes for people trying to have children in their 30s and 40s and female fertility is just not there.
Yes, there is the corrosive effect of radical feminism but it's NOT universal. There ARE young women out there who want to be mothers and young men who want to be fathers of familites, but they just aren't meeting each other.
IMHO: Need a lot of healthy community and church groups to get young people together to meet each other sooner; need to make it possible to work with just a high school diploma; need to make modest and affordable weddings trendy again.
Good technique; well done!
Frankly, could be anything at all from accidentally whacking a doorknob to having to shake too many peoples' hands.
Wildly speculative articles are of entertainment value only.
Ya, I remember there was a big push against "vaccine deniers" before they dropped "covid" on us, and I remember thinking it was a little weird....
Either Vigano or Bp. Athanasius Schneider would be excellent choices!
OK, thanks. Wow, that's intricate! I guess I'm not autistic enough!
monsanto glyphosate first used in 1974.
Just a coincidence, surely!
Dandelions are wonderful, cheerful yellow flowers. Edible (though not very tasty). But as the first flower of spring, basically, they are such a joy to see. There ought to be a "dandelion festival" in the spring to celebrate them. "Make Dandelions Great Again"!
Or are edible! E.g. Lambsquarters is healthy and delicious (tender, like spinach). https://crops.extension.iastate.edu/encyclopedia/common-lambsquarters
Yes. About the same time period, too (1970s to now).
Ummm ... not seeing the connection between traceability codes and "Alice & Wonderland".
Could you connect those dots a bit more, please?
Unless he can scurry away to some diplomatic post in a foreign country with no extradition. He's probably been shopping his resume around with all those trips.
Does not surprise me. Chinese Communist Party pretty much controls the whole Canadian government.
Just FYI, Mark Carney is pure WEF and is being backed in his leadership bid by two of Trudeau's trusted advisors.
Nice chatting with you, too! Trump is wonderful! Am so glad to see what he is doing. I hope "the cure spreads"!
Yes. I was born in Montreal, but live in Ontario now. It used to be nice here: there are lots of outdoor activities to do all year round. But mass immigration from incompatible cultures has pretty much ruined what used to be a high-trust, peaceful place. The rot started in the 1960s, really. The Liberal Party of Canada seems to have had "bankrupting the country" as a policy plank for about 50 years, but no one has paid enough attention until now...
I was teaching at a large Canadian university and all the Canadians hated all the Americans.
Blame Justin's (putative) father. Pierre Trudeau started all that anti-Americanism 50 years ago. It's had time to seep in deeply.
Over 50% tax if you include sales tax, excise tax, and property tax.
Truckers did! Honk honk.