RandomNumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Leftist support Covid restrictions and Leftists support Hamas. College students are leftist. That explains it.

RandomNumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

In WW2 the AshkeNAZI jews used Hitler as their fucken sock puppet to murder off all the regular jews... this is why people mocked Hitler with the term "Nazi" and he despised it so much

"Nazi" is a short form of "National Socialist Party" in German. It has nothing to do with Ashkenazi Jews.

RandomNumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Technically, it was the Romans. The Jewish authorities (Sanhedrin) handed Him over.

But note also that the first Christians were primarily Jewish and it took a while to actually sort out "how Jewish are we, anyway" (e.g. Acts of the Apostles and arguments over keeping Kosher and circumcision).

RandomNumber 1 point ago +2 / -1

Opposition to the policies of the State of Israel is not "anti-semitism".

Israel is a parliamentary democracy; Netanyahu leads a coalition government. Elections are by proportional representation and any party with 1% of the vote gets one seat. Economic left-right is one criterion but also Arab-Israel relations and also secular-religious axis (the degree to which the Jewish religion ought to be reflected in government policy). Opposition parties have varying degrees of disagreement with Netanyahu government on various issues. There are two primarily Arab parties: United Arab List (5 seats) and Hadash Ta'al (5 seats). A number of niche parties exist but have no seats including the Arab Democratic Party, and Rappeh (a party to protest Covid restrictions). The Green Party exists in Israel (no seats). (Party information from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Israel)

No one can argue that merely being opposed to the present Netanyahu government = anti-semitism or a huge swath of Israel itself would be classed as such!

RandomNumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fitts continued. “They’re literally planning on getting rid of all the farmers and instituting food created synthetically in manufacturing laboratories ... If they succeed in doing that, you and I will be eating lab-grown meat. That’s their plan.”

Yes, it's mainly a way of ensuring their "market share" for their products---their crappy disgusting products hat would never be purchased if it weren't for them gaming the system. And perhaps that is a good way of taking them down: "conflict of interest".

RandomNumber 6 points ago +6 / -0

You rot underground if you are buried normally. So, how is this new?

Other than another "method" of denying that the human body has dignity and should be treated with respect, which is really what that is all about.

RandomNumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

China is currently controlled by a very repressive Communist regime. We were exceedingly foolish to move so much manufacturing to an area controlled by Communists. In search of cheap goods, we walked into Communist control of our economy.

RandomNumber 7 points ago +7 / -0

Big Pharma has been test driving shit in Africa for DECADES. I remember in the 1980s Africans noting that sterility spiked after "vaccination" efforts.

RandomNumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's not alone; pretty much all the Hollywood / entertainment types have gone from "stick it to the man" to "stick it in my arm". The sole exception I can think of (there may be others, but the only one I can think of) is Johnny Rotten.

Between MK Ultra brainwashing and a whole lot of drugs, they were a useful group of idiots for the Cabal.

RandomNumber 4 points ago +4 / -0

Peer pressure to not look stupid is one way so many were / are drawn into the eco-cult. They have been conditioned, not convinced.

RandomNumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

I accidentally went to an Oratorian Mass in Toronto about 20 years ago. I was there for work and wanted to find a Mass on the weekend, and they were the closest English language Mass to where I was staying. Didn't know anything about them, but was very pleased; they are very good, very serious. Glad I had stumbled onto them.

RandomNumber 5 points ago +6 / -1

Ya, except it was mostly Muslims involved in the slave trade.

RandomNumber 4 points ago +4 / -0


Before the concerted efforts of Margaret Sanger and the eugenics movement of the early 20th century, ates of out-of-wedlock births and levels of religious practice were about the same between blacks and whites. The chaos in the US black community now is purely a result of several generations of concerted attack.

Haiti has a lot of pagan-satanic superstition. Africa has a lot of Islam.

Where Christianity flourishes, there is peace.

True for every race.

RandomNumber 7 points ago +7 / -0

This has been discussed here at GAW a few times: "Q" in Biblical studies is short for "quelle" meaning "source" in German. It was a hypothesis of some scholars in the late 1800s than the synoptic Gospels were actually a rip-off of an another source document they called Q. But this was part of a whole movement to de-spiritualize the Bible to undermine faith in Christ. It came part and parcel with "Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were not real people, just various faith communities" and "the Bible was written centuries after the fact and is full of mythology". We are so scientific now, you see. No need for that primitive "faith" stuff.

There is no real evidence Jesus was ever in India either.

RandomNumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mostly accurate, but Hitler and the Nazis was his own phenomenon. In a lot of ways, the movement was a reaction to the punitive measures imposed on Germany after WWI.

Mostly the National Socialists were quite leftist (economic policy wise) but combined it with a view of the German people as superior to all others (he was anti-Slav as well). But again, "scientific breeding" of humans and "eugenics" was run-of-the-mill leftistm of the early 20th century (Margaret Sanger, for example, had the same ideas).

RandomNumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read further into the book--the hatred for "the Jew" (oddly in the singular, as if all Jewish people share some kind of hive mind) is pretty obvious. Here, wiht the word highlighted: https://archive.org/details/mein-kampf-stalag-edition/mode/2up?q=Jew

Not all Anons are reflexively anti-Jewish.

RandomNumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ask a Muslim if they think they worship the same God as Christians and Jews; their answer will be HELL NO.

RandomNumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Islam is simply incorrect about God, human nature, and physical reality. It does not hang together logically as a system. The Islamic conception of heaven is one of simple physical pleasures. There is really very little "spiritual" in it.

RandomNumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Islam is very much the issue; it has been THE issue since its inception. Look into the history of why the crusades happened. The goal of Islam is to take ove the world and force everyone into Islam or kill them. Don't get distracted--this problem is 1500 years old.

RandomNumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Intelligence is on a bell curve and 50% of people are on the left hand side. There are as many people with an IQ of 85 as there are people with an IQ of 115.

That will never change.

To govern well, you have to take that into account. Not to take advantage of "our stupider brethren", but to be realistic. For example, we can't keep getting rid of low-skilled jobs like grocery packboys and parking lot attendants. Those would be fulfilling careers for people with an IQ of 85, and no one with an IQ of 85 is going to be able to be "retrained" to be an engineer or an accountant; they just don't have it in them. They will be unemployed and a burden on charities and taxpayers when they could have been taxpaying, working, people.

Just because some jobs CAN be automated out of existence does not mean they SHOULD be automated out of existance.

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