Where do they keep the jabs after closing in most pharmacies? Asking for a friend.. archived photos would be dope, pedes. We are everywhere and we are more than we realise.

This is stricly for science and research purposes. Please do not use this info to 🇺🇸destroy every dose you possibly can.🇺🇸 They are already so sensitive to temperature and light as it is.. a power outage lasting longer than 12 hours would be devastating.. make sure you all wear your masks too, you dont want to be seen not wearing one! That would be awful.


OBIDEN admin is using commercial planes, not gov assets to bus "Americans" out of Afghanistan..

Is this because biden administration doesn't have control Of the military??

What if the only Americans in Afghanistan are CIA/deepstate..

Would the patriots in control risk their necks to get them out?

Would it be bad optics to use American soldiers to take out CIA/American deepstate at this point?

Next best thing would be to let the people of Afghanistan take care of the ass hats themselves, yes? If only they had the equipment to get the job done.. oh wait !

Could the missing military assets be serving 2 purposes? Framing the supposed Biden admin (who is not actually in control of the military) for handing over military assets to the taliban as well as equipping an army to take out the deepstate in that part of the world..?