Why does everyone think a nuke will be detonated in the US? I thought Q drops said a nuclear war wouldn't happen? Once one nuke is used every country is going to unload their arsenal. No one is going to stop at one nuke.
If the deep state was going to try to start a war to prevent Trump from taking office I imagine they would have started already. It's almost January, seems odd to wait till the last second.
My mother decided to buy my father weed gummies to help with his back pain. I don't know anything about weed, I've never done drugs and have no desire to. She bought gummies that are apparently low in whatever part of weed makes you get high but it keeps the amount of whatever helps with pain.
My father has a history of pain killer abuse. He has no self control with any kind of pain medication. I don't know what I should think on the subject because I know nothing about it. On the other hand I know better then to trust anything our government seems to be mass promoting like legalizing marijuana.
Can anyone help me out with some information? Thanks in advance.
It's been another rough year but it's important to reflect and do better. I've had my fair share of misery but I have to keep pushing like everyone else. Despite the outlook for America a place like this reminds you that you are not alone. Thank you.
I wish everyone here a happy new year. May 2023 be a wonderful year for everyone in some way. I wish the best for all of you.
Thank you all for this community of Patriots who fight for something greater. I need to do better myself. I hope God hears my prayers. I'm scared for the future. I hope to do better.
Arizona looks lost baring actual military intervention. With AZ, PA and MI completely lost no Republican will ever win the presidency unless it's rigged for them. The GOP clearly plan to use "white supremacy" to prevent Trump from even having a chance at the nomination. Everyone is silent. All of these people like Gregg have physical proof of voting interference but nothing has happened. They are all still completely silent. Project Vertias has proof of tax money going into child trafficking.
Proving voter fraud clearly isn't going to do anything anymore. All of the recent headlines of railroad strikes, magical new covid varients and things like mass prisoner releases seem to point at acceleration from the globohomos.
What else is left? I dont think proof of anything is going to change anything at all. What else left is there to prove? Proof is meaningless if no justice is served from it. I really don't believe the military is on our side, let alone would help us if they could.
This feels like the last calm before the end of the world.