Redpilldispensary 7 points ago +9 / -2

And then there should be things to discover, aka new plant and animal life…

I think exploring the universe would be an incredibly boring discovery if every other planet had no plants or animals, just barren rock and other raw material

Redpilldispensary 3 points ago +5 / -2

What is your basis for this? You saying Q lied about ET existing? Also, why would an infinite God fill the universe, with more stars than there are grains of sand on earth, and only put life on one planet… your idea of God is kinda insultingly basic

Redpilldispensary 23 points ago +27 / -4

I think he means the truth about ancient ET (which we’re mistaken for gods and know as “those who came from the heavens/stars”. Then creating hybrid bloodlines that become the elite (they think it gives them right to rule and why they “keep bloodlines pure”). This would be the reason for the long headed skulls around the world (Pharos, Pope and royalty). This becomes the secret elites or cabal that we know today which runs society from the shadows. The different races from around the world represented different genetic experiments of these advanced ET races, which were kept separate to preserve the purity of the experiments. Beyond even that, I think the truth about our multi-dimensional reality and fact that we live in a holographic reality made up of light which only “becomes real” when observed by consciousness (quantum theory). This also entails the “robes of light” in the Bible, which is a reference to ascending to the higher realities which exist outside of the dense lower physical realities. This includes the astral (where we go when we dream) which is just as “real” as our own, because conscious experiences is what defines real; this is discounted as “not real” because it doesn’t follow the linear rules of our reality, but is actually a higher reality where thought alone can rewrite the very laws of nature. The major cultural traditions from around the world all talk about the same concepts but with different prophets to different peoples in different cultural models. And the Q story represents the opportunity for a mass ascension event into the higher realities for a huge number of souls. There are cosmic cycles (about 26,000 years each) at the end of which there is a huge cataclysm on earth but also represents mass ascension opportunities into the higher realities/realms of consciousness (I.e. the rapture). We are nearing that event (somewhere around 2046) and the great awakening is an attempt to ensure as many souls as possible “graduate” this reality and escape reincarnation in the lower realities, which have been used essentially as a soul prison for thousands of years. I know this sounds crazy, but it is why Q said he wouldn’t go into it because the more information he revealed on the higher subjects, the more it risked losing potential followers due to the “conspiracy label”. Once they could show the world the corruption the Q narrative exposes (Global satanic cabal intent on enslaving world), they will then be able to share more advanced spiritual/religious truths because people will have accepted that everything they have been taught is a lie. And I know that pitching reincarnation seemingly goes against Christianity, but in original interpretations, Jesus’ resurrection was actually showing the soul exists outside of the body and material realms. Both heaven and hell were the high realms (astral), which would be of your own creation because they are controlled by thoughts alone, meaning it would match the individual soul. The reason for him incarnating in the lower reality as a higher reality being was to share the truth of the universe (god’s word) so that we could achieve the same salvation he had in returning to the higher dimensions. This is the basis of “all things I shall do you too shall do and greater” meaning we all will in time return to the graces of higher density reality once we give our souls to God. The way to salvation is to go inside and work on yourself, hence “he who knows himself shall know god”. This is the reason the cabal took over the church (and other major religions) in order to obscure the message and keep people locked in the lower realities entrapped in a satanic world. I can go more in depth if desired, but this is why he says it’s “going to be biblical” because very literally is what the Bible was telling us about

Redpilldispensary 3 points ago +3 / -0

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Revelations 2:9

Redpilldispensary 36 points ago +37 / -1

Or just use the biblical term and call it the “synagogue of satan”

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (Revelations 2:9)

Redpilldispensary 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess I see your point, but plus one what? Day? Week/Month/Year? My point was the specific term “Delta” is based on amount in time between post time and the event. Absolutely, the timing on this is interesting, but a delta refers specifically to post times. This is more of a prediction for an upcoming event. Not saying it’s wrong at all in substance, just think it’s the wrong term

Redpilldispensary 2 points ago +2 / -0

This post’s 2 year delta was on July 17th… Sure the election is coming up, but nothing about this is a delta

Redpilldispensary 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump recently got his plane back after years of repairs. Wouldn’t they repair the plane during the years it was sitting around while Trump flew on AF1 as POTUS? Instead they wait until when he needs it to start fixing it, which makes no sense, unless they were upgrading it to meet AF1 specifications while Biden is allowed to fly the original AF1 for optics. Air Force One is not a plane, but a title for the plane the president is on, meaning if Trump is still truly POTUS (devolution) then his plane would be the official AF1

Redpilldispensary 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rothschild replaced Rockefeller a while back, to my knowledge.

British Royal Family Saudi Royal Family Rothschild (Central Banks)

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