“Too big to rig” they said!


One failed upward their entire working career, while the other put in the actual work and effort to achieve the success they’ve earned.

Which way America?


He said it! It’s coming!!

The lack luster SS security, with multiple eye witnesses attempting to warn security to no avail, no name or picture for the victim who died, Trump turning from the crowd to apply blood to his ear when he goes to touch it, with SS dog piling him to swiftly apply the blood on his face, the absolutely perfect photo ops that were taken, and this guy who we’ve seen before possibly being JFK JR just so happened to be there, looking not too surprised by the sudden event before him. If they had to stage an assassination to safely undercut whatever actual assassination attempt the DS might’ve tried, securing Trump’s safety in all of it, while getting the media coverage and population uproar they wanted. It would be worth it. They want the vote to be “too big to rig” right? Anything is possible.


And how will they circumnavigate Harris?


With how much his words have been twisted by the media in the past, he had to have known using a phrase like bloodbath would’ve been a lightning rod for the media’s ire and sensationalism.

It’s easily disproven by his literal next sentence in the quote. It gives me the impression that with coordination with Elon on Twitter/X, will further delegitimize the Legacy Media for the liars they are with the general public.


Trump is going to completely sweep all 50 states in the primary, and after some dramatic happenings, and exposure of how rigged the elections are, or some kind of media stunt that would attempt to postpone the general, it’ll be switched over to paper ballots with military supervision, which will result in a complete 50 state sweep in the general election.

The DS and their media lapdogs will scream election fraud, but their threats of violence will be swiftly neutralized.

Game Over, total overwhelming victory, roll credits


Millennials and Gen Z are rated as the loneliest generations ever, you have millions of sexless men, and millions more childless women over the age of 30. Plenty of attractive, healthy people today, that decades prior as recent as the 90’s would all either be in relationships or happily married by now, but feel hopelessly single today. It’s clearly all part of the Deep State’s agenda to lower birth rates, but besides taking dramatic steps to change this trend, by banning radical feminist ideology, dating apps and even some social media platforms, I’m not sure what else can be done to fix the damage done. Is everyone 30 and older just hopeless by this point even if the country is saved?

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