ReleasetheCrackers 3 points ago +3 / -0

We've had a lawsuit in progress in Arkansas for a few months (Reopen Arkansas). FOIA requests show where the mask Gestapo has been throughout the week and who were issued fines. We have made fliers to distribute at restaurants, and we have seen several restaurants in our area ease up on enforcement in the last few weeks. Sadly I think we are finally seeing less compliance because people feel complacent after receiving the vaccine.

My encouragement is to stay strong and keep doing the right thing. So many people see us and have said "Oh, we don't have to wear masks in here?" Nope. We've liberated a decent number of sheep. It does help us, however, that our directive doesn't allow police to detain us - as individuals- to issue tickets. If you want to be fined you have to choose to stay and wait for a ticket. Also, our state legislators are working their butts off and the restaurant fines should be going away at the end of the month. I expect other restrictions to lift soon after.