ResistEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

That guy has always tried to figure out how to get clicks and money. He never had any moral compass. Good to see all these cluster B type personalities showing their true colors.

ResistEvil 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, hold the line brother! Resist the Evil and still have hope, the alternative is worse.

ResistEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lengthy reply went rogue, oh well. New try, shorter version.

Essentially the laws are opening up for further totalitarian policies. Sweden has until now been spared, for whatever reason, the madness we have seen around the world. Now we are catching up with the rest. Authorities can now close down private or public activities if seen fit, disperse all kind of human meetings or interactions, public or private, if seen fit.

As already said, they have also stated that they are now aiming at making these policies permanent under disguise of other future pandemics. Its becoming a dystopian nightmare. The New Normal will pave the way for The Great Reset for all living humans around the planet.

We cant let them succeed.

ResistEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes we humans are essentially the same all over the world and yes, the globalists know how to instill fear and divide us, manipulating us to herd us to the cliff. It is unreal that we now are in the middle of a worldwide orwellian battle where too many are still playing in the hands of the dark forces.

Swedes are far behind the americans in the awakening, but we will get there and so will you in South Korea!


ResistEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

We (the whole world) are lucky we have this man among us, holding the line against the dark forces of this world (and beyond). They shall not pass!!