Trump Uses 'Anti-Vax.' (media.greatawakening.win) Unverified Telegram
posted ago by ResistTheGreatReset ago by ResistTheGreatReset

China has been committing genocide against the Uighurs - much worse than anything (I do not mean to trivialize the Atlanta murders) happening across the States.


Perhaps I am not using the correct terms, but I can't find any mention of Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, TGR, etc in Q drops; and to my recollection, the Trumps have not denounced TGR, nor has those closest to him. If you have any information I may have missed, please let me know.


Do whatever you can to save others from further supporting the LARP. Whether social media account you have, use it to warn others. Their YouTube page is full of comments supporting them. This community may be small, but we have to work together to make sure everyone hears the truth about George.


The chances of them being awakened are greater.

Redpilling themselves while they work to bluepill society.


In the first quarter of his speech, he mentioned everything the Dems are against. What he omitted is they are anti-faith.

The only mention of 'God' is when he said "thank God" re: rebuilding the military and "God bless America." I am disappointed.


What the fuck is this pro-vaccine bullshit Trump is spouting?


I was under the impression the peach mint trial was where evidence of election fraud would be presented? Now that it is over, how exactly does this lend credence to a grandmaster plan? What events that have taken place over the last few days help Trump get "back" into the WH?