If another one blows up.....I feel like we are at the "watch the water" stage...
So I cooked chuck shoulder steak for my family tonight....first time since my college days....because I guess I am poor again....Fuck Joe Biden! He is a cocksucker.
That is all.
Just talked to a lady down the street. She has had lung cancer for 7 years. I guess she had it treated once using standard treatments but then it came back. The past 4 years she has been treating herself with hedge apples (freezing and shaving them). She said after the first two months the tumor had decreased in size by 70%....and it just keeps decreasing in size......has anyone else heard about osage orange fruit as a cancer treatment?
This guy and these clubs are intriguing.... I haven't seen anyone talking about William Webster...member of the alfalfa club and alibi club...initials show up on the kryptos wall....knows where shit is buried....
What do you guys know?
Listen guys. You are never going to hold a reasonable debate with shills/trolls. When someone is obviously a troll....you must troll them back. That"s correct...the right needs to learn to troll. It means not answering their questions with real responses. It means posting memes or facts that having nothing to do what they are talking about. It means making fun of what they say or the fact that they fat-fingered the screen. They are playing games not trying to have a discussion.
I think it is time....I have been pretty good.
Thank the lord we never lived up to other people's expectations.....I salute you all on your splendid failure to do the impossible.
Soooooo....I normally grow giant pumpkins in my backyard as a hobby. I have a 1300 square foot garden. I kind of think this supply chain shit is going to get worse before it gets better, but who knows. Do you think I should grow food this year? Obviously I am decent at growing cucurbits....but what other vegetables should I consider growing?
Bobby Fischer seemed to know way too much....so I started looking. This is what I found:
Bobby Fischer Father: Paul Nemenyi
Was a "martian" - group of hungarian scientists "The Martians" term coined by Leo Szilard (strange last name)
He wrote his doctoral thesis on Maxwell's demon, a long-standing puzzle in the philosophy of thermal and statistical physics. Szilard was the first to recognize the connection between thermodynamics and information theory.
When you look at the application...it ties to a lot of things from quantum computing to nanotechnology.
Also mentions "mirror matter" also known as "alice matter"
Am I just being a crazy person?
Please don't shit all over me for this question. Why would a group that is against group-think and sheeples adopt a saying, "where we go 1 we go all?" Am I missing something?
Q-post #1010 is the only post that mentions "tobacco", I think, and it is right between vaccines and opioids. I am starting to feel like a piece of shit because I can't seem to quit "dip". Do you who partake in "nicotine" products [rooftop] think that this is the community to help us quit?
Maybe the Frenchies could help out with this one. If I flip the w's to m's......Mater the Match...or Mater le Match - which I think pretty much means "watch the game". Mater = Watch? Think mirror? I should be working.
So this is probably pretty thin and too long to read. I apologize for my ADD Qtard brain-train. So good luck following this......rambling.
So I am at work today doing some PID calculations for some PWM controlled servos....and I totally zone out while looking at this datasheet and start thinking about dogs and fishing and like what bark is made out of....and then I come back to reality and I see "pole pairs".
WATCH THE WATER....remove the pairs and you end up with the letters CTR. So what acronyms could apply?
CTR - correct the record CRT- critical race theory TCR- t-cell receptors RTC- real time clock TRC-truth and reconciliation commission RTC- Randomized controlled trial
......lots more. What if they were just telling us to look out and hold the line....or the Connecticut reactor...in waterford. There is never really a conclusion to my train of thought. Cheers.
So...just read about this guy. A lot of his writing parallels the stuff I read on GAW. I have never seen him mentioned on here though. Anyone have an explanation? My brain is making me think things....