"Minnesota chicken farmer culls 5+ million due to bird flu." OH NOES, NO MORE CHIKN AT GROCERY STORE, WE ALL DIES!!!!@#%!
Yeah, not so much. Fear porn is real. Most of the food shortage....not so much.
I won't be so flippant to say there aren't limited quantities for some things, but lets be realistic frens, when Team Evil messes with the supply chain, things happen. Yes, certain things may be short right now. Things will be short in the future too. Some things yes, but remember a certain other commodity was recently believed to be stopped in production but had actually increased production nation wide by over 400% (ammo anyone?)
The reason for the shortage was not so much gov't interfearance (though they've been trying), as new gun owners, hording, and general high demand.
Will we run out of food and have to eat dandelions, dirt and bugs? Unlikely. Right now we are seeing hording, and therefore high demand. We also collectively have millions more mouths to feed more than anticipated (immigrants eat food you know, even illegal ones).
Both take a toll on our generally precise just-in-time inventory system, which is a must up and down the food supply chain to prevent spoilage. Add to that some fairly simple shinnanigans on shipping and some media fear from the left and bingo, fake mass food shortages.
"But Rooks", you say, "With all this surplus food in peoples houses, won't demand dip down again when hrders reach 2 months reserve? Your argument defeated by logixs!"
Hold up there wonder puppy. You forget, NPCs arent firing on all cylinders...or even thinking straight, just left. Remember that guy in CA who filled his truckbed with gas, just by lining it with tarps, then drove off sloshing gas all over the road and sidewalks?
Yeah, its like that.
Last food run i saw people buying 2 months of not just canned corn, but also milk, bread, yogurt, fruits, and deli sushi.
Can't fix stupid.
Anyways, So I work with farmers every day. Cow, pig, chicken, duck, crops. Only reason i see they cull a barn herd is when it is actual threat to the barn (local labs/vets checking, plus the farmers themselves, many amish too).
Farmers tend to be pretty based, and don't have time for much nonsense. Any farmer still out there (the American farmer is NOT gone) tends to also have pretty good business savvy, they have to, to survive. Long story short, wiping out large volumes of product isn't something you just say "do it" and they comply.
In addition. Believe it or not, wiping out a million here/there is not that unusual. Uncommon, yes. Notable, barely. Had a farmer just down the road take out .5 million due to flu, 3 years ago. Heard about 40k pig put down due to swine flu (yes, it was real swine flu). Didn't bat an eye, both still in production to this day. One SMALL farmer alone has 5 chicken barns, .5 mill IN EACH BARN. There are hundreds of these all over northern indiana alone.
Once you realize the actual scale of food production in the US, you will see the fear is manufactured, and 5 million dead chickens is... uh... chicken feed compared to actual DAILY production.
Yes, there is a lot more to it than that, yes there is industrial espionage in farms. The whole PETA highring people to work undercover at farms, then inciting/forcing/coercing others to video them doing cruelty to animals, yeah that is real. I personally know a larger farm that was targeted like that by PETA.
You always hear about the leaked video, but not when they find the dudes that did it were plants, and are now in jail for lying to officials during an investigation, false pretenses, conspiracy, not to mention fired and sued by the farm for lying on job app, breach of policy, etc.
Anyways, just a little bit of my take on this.
Best if you are worried, get out of the city, plant a garden, live in the country and make friends with farmers. When a city starves, i guarantee today's farmers won't.
Now im gonna go grill the family some T-bones, sirloins, and make me some mashed 'taters, and a salad, just because i can.... and its mothers day weekend....that too π

So, I've been asked to write a paper (or handout of sorts) and i could use some help from my frens, as it affects all of us.
Long story short, some people very close to me are getting involved in state politics and have some very strong allies backing them (current governor, former governor, etc.
However, they are very discouraged at the tradition of christians not getting involved in politics, and for their state they see a critical voter group being Christians.
This isnt a bash-fest request on Christian politics. Many churches and denominations had good reason at the time to insulate the congregation and themselves from politics. Others saw it simply as the tax break.
Most never saw it as isolating Christians from politics (our church supports political participation, said so just this Sunday). However, due to the creeping evil, it has Become for many, an excuse just to not get involved, and to propagate the don't talk about religion or politics crap that permeates society today.
I'm wondering if anyone has constructive, productive arguments to getting more christians involved in politics. I'm not looking for arguments to get pastorsat the pulpit going on about the deep state.. Just getting them out involved in their community, and voting (baby steps).
So many just don't want to even vote because of the corruption. Scriptural references are a bonus.
What i have now:
Micah 6:8
Mark 12:17
2 Samuel 23:3-4
Romans 13:1-7
Proverbs 28:28, 29:2
I believe christians have a responsibility in this war, and it's not to just ignore it and have faith in God. We are called to actively participate in the world that he created for us.

That passage is so powerful. By itself it explains the purpose of the entire Holy Bible.
It's pretty cool. He talked about us pedes in there too, you know, albeit in a general, indirect way:
(15-18, NLT) Iβm not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. They do not belong to this world any more than I do. Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world.
Much of our research has exposed the cultists, proving they exist. And by that proof, showing yet others that God in fact, also exists. Not only that, but that He is on our side.
Pretty cool huh?
I grew up in an awakened family, and was awake young. It was so surreal knowing what was going on was a facade, but few would listen. Knowing you'd be branded a loony bird for speaking truth, I learned early to just stay quiet. Even then I never heard the full info about stuff, so having only bits and pieces didn't help either.
Even when I met others of like mind, I didn't have a complete picture, and some off the wall, even more extreme views would put me off talking to that nut job....who I realized later just knew more than I did at the time.
Sadly, I saw many brilliant minds go off the deep end, going too deep down the wrong rabbit hole into fake conspiracies, into true madness.
Years went by, life happened, and yet there was the ever increasing anxiety in the back of my mind, creaping every so often into my corner of reality.
The observance of our body politic was painfully, always building up wrongs...losses for the good team, loss of ground, rights, bad moves, out-maneuvered, seemingly to a crescendo that yet never came, only built bigger and bigger.
That urgency to do something turned into a frenetic pace with the gaslighting Obama was tasked with. It turned into a clawing, silent constant scream in my mind. The nightmare was calmed with the win of Trump, a positive force. In the dark. Win after win, ignoring russia russia, seeing the wave build against the evil, was glorious.
Then the cheat night. And the aftermath, the meltdowns. We actually bought rations, still in my closet. Bought supplies, more stuff than i care to talk about. I spent 3 months following the stories, research, full well knowing what had happened. Jan 6 came and went. Jan 20th. Surrealism at its best. All the criminals held their breath through the gun salute. So many proofs, so much evidence. So many crappy suburbans.
. . .
Ultimately, I feel like a burden has been lifted, and clouds are parted to shining skies. My life of conspiracy theories and fringe knowledge taught to me over decades has been proven true, vindicated even.
It matters not that many still think it lunacy, or unproven, or that the war rages around us. The burden is shared and feels light as a feather. Freely able to talk about it, articulate, decern the truths from lies. I finally feel at peace.
Tomorrow I will get to business fighting this war, but today I am at peace.
So short story, all true. I grilled her for details from multiple angles. She is prone to hyperbole, but not on stuff like this.
NOTE: This was originally a reply to a comment. u/MissMagaMillenial suggested to put in as an independant post so here you go...
So my Mom worked for a national church headquarters in Louisville, and they would send her to churches all over the US to do lectures, training, studies, etc. with the church staff.
So one day they sent her to Detroit. She got her rental at the airport and off she went. In fairly short order she got hopelessly lost (age of the flip phone, no GPS but garmond, and didn't have one.)
She didn't see any windows not boarded up, and not a white person in sight (not saying anything, just stating fact). Burned out buildings... about everything you are told about the bad side of Detroit is where she was.
"That's it Lord, this is where I'm gonna die," she thought to herself.
So the neighborhood gets worse and worse until she comes to a stop and is deciding how to turn around, go back. Her window was slightly down and she hears a voice say, Hey little mama, your not supposed to be here."
This big black dude with open shirt and gold chains and such comes up to the car and opens the passenger door. She realized she'd been going around the neighborhood w/o locking the doors (manual locks, again, this was a bit ago), Now, I'm not saying my mom is the dullest tool in the shed, but she really screwed up on basic security on this one.
He waived to a few guys while getting into the front seat and three more piled in the back seat. "Drive, turn left here," he told her. She started to drive and thought, this is it, their gonna find my body in a warehouse somewhere.
He flipped on the radio, something obnoxious, she didn't remember what. They rolled down the windows and were all hanging out of the car being obnoxious, waving and shouting to everyone they passed. Literally the stereotypical stuff, ("Yo homie wassap!")
Once in a while the guy in front would slide back in and say "turn left here" or "at the stop turn right".
Eventually the neighborhoods had less trash on the streets, windows not boarded up, and more people out walking. She started to recognize street signs and landmarks. Soon they were on the highway back to the airport.
On a long straight stretch with hardly anyone else around he told her to pull over. As they got out he looked at my mom and said, "you aren't supposed to be here. Don't come back here." He got out and all four started walking the way they came.
Mom was so shaken up it took her a second to realize she hadn't thanked them. She looked in the rear view. She looked in the side mirrors. She turned around, then she got out to look. They were gone. No place they could have gone or hid.
Long story short, there is more going on in heaven and earth than we may ever know. Pray for each other, pray for the angels, and pray for God's will be done. It is real and faith and prayer moves mountains.
-Offer to pay him a dollar to take it off.
-Ask to see it a second, just to check. Sniff it, make a sour milk face then hand it back using only two fingers at full arms length. Walk away.
-Ask them if their face diaper is pampers or huggies.
-Ask if they are going to rob a bank. Only theives wear masks.
-Give them a face mask (superhero eye covering). Tell them your OCD compelled you to help them complete the look.
-Tell them its not on right, pull it higher, no higher. Keep going until it covers their eyes. Say its perfect now.
-Ask if you can sign their mask, use a stinky marker.
-Use a fezzik accent, ask, "why are you wearing a mask, were you burned by acid or something?"
-Tell them it sounds like they have a disease ridden cloth over their face when they talk.
-Snease in a tissue, show it to friend. Ask if they sneeze in their mask.
-Start a cardio program at lunch. Invite the masking friend, they'll find out quick to take it off during exercise, or pass out. Either way you've deal with the problem.
-Offer free masks, crochet them. Big holes.
-Do continue to research, read your Holy Bible, and the Q posts.
-Don't stroke out on hopium.
-Do stock 2 weeks food.
-Don't tug on Superman's cape.
-Do get to know your neighbors, creating a social support network is hard enough before the power and Internet goes down.
-Don't spit into the wind.
-Do buy up the last bits of ammo you have been contemplating, but didn't want to spend the money. It's only money.
-Don't pull the mask off the Lone Ranger.
-Do pray. For peace. Love. Mercy. Grace. Courage, a strong trigger finger and the will to use it ONLY IF IT IS HIS WILL.
-Don't mess around with Jim.

Stopping in MT for the night (Not disclosing exact town). About 50 Semis for sure (Marked), 100+ wasnt sure, but making a racket. Hundreds (Thousands?) Of cars, vans, trucks with them.
More vehicles joining hourly.
Convoys plan to meet together at some point (DC? Before DC?)
Even if DC blockades, not sure how they'll be able to keep this many out without violence. That wont go well for them DS bastards.
So if the DS takes talking points and Narative changes from a firm called Impact Research, if we could get a copy of their mailing list and their letterhead.....we could have a lot of fun. Completely Hypothetically.
Not saying fraud or anything, just make some "memes" or something to change the narrative...like skip covid talking points, just drop Ukrane comepletely, time to move on to UFOs, right now.
11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip Godβs people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of Godβs Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be immature like children. We wonβt be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth.
NLT (New Living Translation)