I can't be the only one seeing this, so if this is old, let me know and I'll delete. Also, I'm glossing over a lot of technical details for the sake of clarity. I or others can answer them in the comments.

Short and sweet: 5G technology has been mocked as a tech solution looking for a problem. The problem is the massive data flood coming from the clot shots.

3G brought internet, better txting, etc. 4G brough bandwidth for multimedia, and streaming, better data throughput.

5G brings a massive increase to volume of devices and bandwidth, but to what end? 4k video? 8k video? Nope, the reality: biometrics and control.

With a high bandwidth frequency you drop range substantially; we're no longer talking miles, we're talking city blocks...and only a couple/few of those.

So best excuse from legacy media/trade rags for this that I've heard is ...smart cars???

Yeah no. How about smart people? As in, we suspected nanotech being in the clot shots, we had some evidence, now we have confirmation coming in from around the world. 5G is being focused on the cities, 80-90% of the population.

Conclusion, 5G is the solution to how you control a population, infused with nanotech with 24/7 live monitoring & control of vitals for billions of people,starting with the population centers.


I heard the report, let me see if i can find the links, i got so excided hearing about it im putting the carriage before the horse.


Multiple members of the crew have been temporarily taken off active duty and sent to their quarters in attempts to quell what very well may turn into a crisis. Three bridge officers were down, leaving a skeleton crew with no relief shift.

Initial tests confirmed a viral infection in one of the crewmates, but there was no way to determine the exact nature of the infection. The results were dubious at best.

Without notice, I find myself now infected by what we can only now call a virus.


Captain's Log suplemental -

It has been three days since first symptoms, and two days since i was relieved of duties and send to quarters. My significant other has now also taken ill from this virus. Earl Grey tea, while soothing, has not been the curative i had longed for.

Increased dosages of supliments has been the course thus far. Large doses of C, D3, and Zinc, supplemented by herbal tea, sudafed, pain killers, popsicles, and Spam have all given some relief, but not the curative I seek.

After using remote communication devices we were able to requisition additional medicine from a nearby supply base. It is with hope these additional supplies will be enough to heal the ailing crewmembers.


Captain's Log suplemental -

Supplies have arrived and include a curious remedy. Long hailed by the denizens of this planet, I find myself in the position to be the first to test this concoction.

I have been assured by the supply base that the all natural Quercetin added to my existing regimen should be able to combat the virus. This, coupled with a local root of the Ashwagandha tribe used in their calming rituals, should do the trick.

I have taken my first doses and found the root to provide an almost mental soothing effect. The medicine that the locals have nicknamed 'Q' seems to create an inner heat, and has caused me to go flush.

Only time will tell if this creates an effective cure, which can then be shared with the rest of the crew.

If were not even considering this as a possibility, we cannot defend against it.

Biden wants to grant insta-citizebship to a bunch of actor/migrant/illegals. While your at it, why wouldnt you also import docs, pilots, ATCs, nurses, docs, cops, military, thugs, etc. They need all of these, and a promise of better wages, better work conditions, a chance to beat/kill people, well, .... Why not?

Didn't we hear they were being shipped to all 50 states? Would be better than a bunch of bums who couldnt earn enough feed themselves (yes I know, only enough to not become independant, just a hypothesis atm folks).

Good counters:

  1. one state has already sent them away, refused to allow them to disembark the plane.
  2. Florida EO, human trafficing is illegal.
  3. Stop the mass legalization of the illegals.
  4. ....?

Lets cover our bases pedes, brainstorm and discussion.

And please, we know castle law works, lets try and stear clear of CW ideas. Yes, thats always on the table, lets try and think of a B before plan CW.


Just down in Indianapolis today doing some shopping at Meijers, looking around and seeing maybe 5% masks. Looks like they're not required for employees, some are wearing them regardless, one employees wearing gloves as well, looks kind of funny.

No age differentiation for mask-wearing, short hair long hair quality of dress, family units, race/color.

Still a little jarring seing elementary kids wearing them.

No bodies in the isles, nobody going into cardiac, etc.

Did get a compliment on my 2A shirt (forgot i was wearing it).

That is all.


Like you push and push and push, and then you cross the line and its too late, they will hunt you down and squash you.


I just heard from some family down in Indianapolis that several lawsuits against medical groups has been lost. (Major hospitals, IU medical complex, etc) People are getting fired or forced into jabs without legal recourse. Mask mandates are being pushed hard.

Northern Indiana, my kids go to a private school and we're back to pre covid, trace is only a courtesy (few paranoid parents still), no requirements to do anything about them.

Public school is another matter entirely. They're full mask again, trace quarantine, athletes threatened to be dropped if they protest. Parents being ignored.

Im not in the school system, but this affects over 6000 kids, it sucks!


Just so happens your friendly neighborhood pede (me) has family that lives and works all over the state, including the villages


Business as normal.

Fact: patient to staff ratio is up.

Cause: they have less staff because of the jab mandate, tons of staff left in protest. Patient count is actually a little down.


Fact: sections of hospitals are closed.

Cause: same as above. Don't have staff to keep them open, so they mothballed sections just for now.


Suggested: ER is overrun, epidemic.

Fact: Completely false. They have busy nights and slow nights. Night my family went in to check it out, there were no patients, lots of staff on standby.



Same as above: business as normal.

Clinics: same. Any reports about the state becoming a death wasteland is nothingburgers.

Sources: two sisters and my nieces/nefews (nurse, technician, IT staff) 37 years living in-state. None jabbed!


Weve been led to post https://qposts.online/post/3716

Marker [9] has been referenced. What were the other 8? Searching the posts for

marker [

Reveals 1, 2, and 9, thats it.


Were they just skipped or posted elsewhere?


Says to connect all the markers.

Searching the posts comes up with dozens of additional posts with marker.

Has this research been done before? I don't wanna request a duplicate of work done. Thoughts/discussion, hand grenades?


All the posts just dissappeared from the front page.....


Better to pity and pray for them. Hate leads to the dark side...libtardism!

....and eternal damnation, thats kinda bad too.

Pray for salvation, for freeing them of demon possession and/or influence. Pray that they be saved if possible, and/or arrested, convicted and dealt with as swiftly as possible.

Judges 5:31

Proverbs 25:21-22

Matthew 5:43-45

Pray for their souls, and for God's mercy.

That Justice be done unto them on earth, and forgiveness and salvation unto heaven according to His word.

Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ to receive His blessings and protection, healing and perseverance.

KNOW YOUR ENEMY ℹ️ βš”οΈ Information Warfare βš”οΈ ℹ️
posted ago by Rooks ago by Rooks

The MSM will ABSOLUTELY jettison Biden and Kamalala to protect the DS.

MSM is the enemy. Don't forget that. Lie. Cheat. Steal.

This isn't about avoiding jail time, this is avoiding treason and death. Some of the DS and MSM think they are immortal, or are on their way to becoming so.

The core DS will cut loose anyone, kill anyone, cause anything they want to protect to stay off the radar, throw anything they don't see as critical at the radar.

They will overthrow countries, PRETEND to overthrow countries, threaten to AND use nukes if they can, anything it takes to protect the core.

Believe it 100%

That is a good reason to take it slow and easy if it means saving lives and cities. Use critical thought and question everything.

I know most of us know this, just seemed like a good time for a reminder. Be safe everyone. God Bless.


I don't know about you, but I can't even see the Air Force cut and running like that transport did, literally running over people to take off.

I cannot wrap my head around that Air Force pilots would do that even under orders. We've seen in other places they stopped and load up as much as they can to save people, even against orders.

Is it me, or does this stink of FBI or CIA Pilots, under the guise of Air Force pilots?

Them I could totally see it to give America as bad a name as possible.



Much of this most likely has already been shared. This is a revalation story of sorts my family literally just went through, along with some direct answers, no deep linking, no memes. trying for plain english.


So this stems from my family all taking Ivermectin. Long story short: I got the flu and strep, shared it with the family. We were having a rough go of it when a farmer friend suggested we get some Ivermectin and try that, their entire extended family uses it about once every quarter as a preventative (blue liquid, they buy by the gallon for their animals) So we tried it yesterday, metered doses, rubbed on skin.

We've all already shown dramatic improvement.

So my Dad (also took it) had a doctor's appt. today and asked the Doc what about Ivermectin as a treatment/preventative. The doctor reemed him out a new one, saying its for parasites and why on earth would you do that, and that's the stupidest thing he's ever heard, etc.

Now, I'm Not telling you this to rag on my dad. He's scared. He doesn't know what to believe. He believes/trusts us, but he's so used to trusting doctors and experts, and all the dis-info being shoved out (also used to my side of the family being "conspiracy theorists" for decades), I understand it would be difficult to shift gears and start believing all the cockamamie stuff we're saying is true, even when you can see it with your own eyes. Long story short, he's coming around, but hard evidence helps.

My mom called me to tell me about the visit. She was worried because my dad has been toying with the idea of getting the jab (doctors say sure, get it, everyone in his family says DON'T). So you have to understand my mom.

"Mom: Dr. Pede (no acct yet, totally red pilled), was an RN, sociologist, psychologist, and statistical analyst, with 50+ years experience in those fields. (yeah, she's old, and also won't read this so i can say it.)"

She asked me to find some resources on Ivermectin, specifically any case studies, peer review studies, etc that shows it is helpful. Both of them were looking online and most of what they found was bubkis, nothing burger, or media lies.


A HUGE THANK YOU TO PEDE 20-guage for the resource compilation!



This had a lot of what was needed, specifically:

Studies (over 1000, several peer reviewed):





Then my dad, figuring out how to search for it, found this:

Ivermectin, being an anti-parasitic drug, not only fights parasites, but contains an element which inhibits replication in both viruses and parasites:

From Abstract: "We surmise that this may be connected to ivermectin's ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication, which likely leads to lower infection rates. "


-Published NIH, Nov 28, 2020



From many places in Africa to most of India, Covid flu infection rates are near 0% and death rates are effectively 0% due largely in part to "the use of replication inhibitors, such as Ivermectin."

New revalation? maybe not for most, but I've never heard it put this way before, and the studies are SOOO dry and boring! Dr. Pede eats those things for breakfast, so it was great to have a summary put in easy to understand language.


posted ago by Rooks ago by Rooks

Last I checked, the USA was at ~331 million people. There is always some flux with births, deaths and so forth, but it seems a good number so I'll just run with this.

331,000,000x0.04= 13,240,000

331,000,000x0.06= 19,860,000


So approximately 13.2 to 20 million across the country are so brainwashed, deceived, or otherwise mentally challenged they will never accept what is coming.

No "meh, oh well", not even grudgingly accept. Flat refuse. Lost.

So that puts up to 20 mil who will feel like there was a coup, the country is being taken over by their enemy, and there is nothing they can do about it....except what?

Basically what I'm driving at, is not only do we have to figure out how to help those who will be confused and in denial, we will have millions who will flat refuse reality, and do what, complete mental breakdowns? Physically attack others? Plot against real America? Has anyone given thought to this, who/what/when/where/how do we handle this?

Of course with love and kindness as much as possible, we're talking about many people, broken in many ways. Has anyone else been thinking about this?


In addition, those are the lost numbers. Does that mean everyone else will be rainbows and butterflies? Doubtful.

Just some thoughts coming to me this evening.


Mask and Vax mandates across the country, politicians hiding from their duties in other nations, whole countries falling apart, virtual war across our country. People dying, losing jobs, the Constitution under direct attack like never before.



The next couple weeks are going to be even worse. The more we push, the more they push back. Don't stop. Never surrender.

posted ago by Rooks ago by Rooks

(NOTE: it really is a true story, but low Q related content so I think I flaired it appropriately.)

I wasn't feeling well today (allergies?) but I went to work anyway. From 7:30 to 11:00, I was productive but getting worse.

My coworker asked what was wrong and I told him I thought it was allergies. He suggested I had Delta variant, but I told him it had to at least be Epsilon for it to feel as bad as it is.

He countered that no, it couldn't be Epsilon because we're following military code so it had to be Echo. I told him it may be foxtrot variant then, I was just trying to ease his mind it was only echo as we shared an office.

Long story short I went home at 11am for early lunch, took a nap. It's now 5 p.m. and I feel like crap, sick with either the echo or foxtrot variant. I called work and told them I would not be back today.

The way this is shaping up I probably won't be back tomorrow. But I have confidence I Will survive to work another day.

No tests needed, the owner wore a mask 1x last year, doesn't have time for all this Covid bull nonsense (concept shared with all 30 other employees).

While I'm down, please don't let this country go to pot.

Love to all my frens.

SPOTTED IN THE WILD, COUNTY FAIR, NORTHERN INDIANA (media.greatawakening.win) ℹ️ βš”οΈ Information Warfare βš”οΈ ℹ️
posted ago by Rooks ago by Rooks
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