Listen to Dave at the x22report. He's on rumble. Or go to his website. The encouragement and support he gives is a boon to mankind.
Also pray, even if you claim to not be religious. He will hear your words, and your request. Do not expect direct answers. Is very seldom the way it works. Do not pray for selfish things, pray for others but let Him know your needs.
You can let Him know your desired but it will not always be because it is according to his will.
So a couple people i know, respected and trusted older people recommended some "light" reading:
Book of Enoch
I Maccabees (read first Maccabees)
II Maccabees (read second Maccabees)
The Book of Wisdom
Others have posted before, but it cannot be emphasized enough, these outline historical events which directly talk to events transpiring today.
If you understand history, you understand the present, and can help shape it.
Spotted 5 min ago (check post time)
between warsaw and columbia city, est. To be sub 2000ft. Elevation.
Last week saw one sub 1k ft. Flying over corn fields, same location.
So some pedes have been complaining, and I believe we should listen to them.
Many of us are safe in red states, and don't see the evil which has infected our federal gov't except when we travel, or have to directly intereact with the feds. Some have to deal with it at work some, but not in any great way.
Many people, however, including those who have not woken up, are embroiled in it. I don't want to make it out to be bigger than it is, but there are millions who are trapped by this, and don't see a way out. some are dying, literally. Most of us have lost family or friends to the jab, flu, or violence by the terrorists BLM, ANTIFA, Leftists, Progressives, etc.
WW3 is not just an information war, there are very real components to it, and millions have died so far.
I think it would be helpful to figure out ways to help those in the trenches, rather than just be safe here in the home land carrying on with life, business, etc.
Getting involved in local politics/school/gov't is important, but that doesn't consume all my time, I've got lots more hopium and winning to burn off.
For example, what can be done to help California, for example? I want the recall to succeed, I want them to get an audit. I believe they are and have been red, but what can be done to help save them?
(and no, I'm not buying a war bond).
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I'm glad to hear Utah Sheriff's are doing the right thing, good to see patriots!
Indiana did this also, back during Obama's term:
"... we will not accept any concept that separates law-abiding citizens from their 2nd Amendment Rights without due process. "
This doesn't sound the greatest, just a few sheriff's, but in reality, every sheriff in indiana feels this way:
..... Ok, i tried to find a link to the letter, ill update when i find it. Essentially, they told the feds in a letter signed by every sheriff in the state back in 2013, if you want indiana's guns you'll have to go through us first.
This is still in effect.
I work with a few Indiana county sheriffs professionally. Let me say one in particular is a fairly week individual, not one of our better sheriffs. However, even he is on board, he's said right in front of me he'll deputize the whole county if the feds start anything.
Doesn't nean a whole lot to many, but is comforting that we wont go down without a fight. Also means while we are secure, we are more likely to be able to help our neighbors in a shtf scenario.
Hang in there pedes, we'll get there, and we will win.
GOLD, SILVER, CERTAIN CRYPTO, AND THIS. Be prepaired, not everyone will understand:
If tomorrow all the things were gone I worked for all my life And I had to start again With just my children and my wife I'd thank my lucky stars To be livin' here today 'Cause the flag still stands for freedom And they can't take that away .....
This quote seems familiar, i think I've heard this before. Regardless, I always had a respect for the Jews. They are God's chosen people, and he has shown massive favoratism towards them, historically. One of my sayings has been, they are his favorite, and i dont mind that because I'm one of His kids too. I have Grace going for me, so I'm good. If ever I was that jelous of them I should convert.
So with that mindset, I come here and find other believers, who claim to have been down many a rabbit hole, and are completely anti-semetic. Not only that, but actively seek Israels destruction.
Even Q apparently says saving them for last.(???)
So. ... What the heck is going on? Yeah, i get there are some bad Jews, just as there are bad Americans, Catholics, Protistants, etc. However, this seems to go far beyond that.
It almost sounds like there was a big to do, that most European Jews had turned their backs on God and Hitler was actually doing good work to exterminate them, therefore purging evil??? Doesnt sound right, but not much else makes sense for all the semetic hate.
Hitler was evil, that will always be true, but even then he chose a cross for his flag, and was purging for a reason, was it more than insanity?
I get Patton, the Communists predictedly turned into a great threat to our country. However, i dont think he was siding with Hitler, as in agreeing with him. I believe it was a , 'bigger enemy makes other enemy my temporary friend', kind of thing.
Am I picking up on this right? What say you all?
So i have a friend who caught the flu (covid), was already compromised from 1-3 hours sleep for 3 days (His dad passed, natural causes), and he caught double pnemonia.
4.5 months later, 2 cardiac events (died 2x), ventalator, and 60 lbs lossed weight.
4 mos. After that, wife insisted he get jabbed to protect him. From 270 to 130 lbs. Cant eat. Food smells terrible. Goes to er, feeding tube, iv, scans.
2 weeks later, found gall bladder full of sludge, and removed an infectious mass next to gall bladder the size of a golf ball.
Draining the sludge, on a clear liquid diet. Can eat foods for first time in almost 7 months. Starting to recover, finally.
-Covid was cleared up in first week, the double pnemonia is what almost killed him.
-The infectious mass didnt appear until after the jab.
-doctors wouldnt even consider the gall bladder until after this final hospitalization.
-He is finally getting better. Was able to eat some foods the odor of which didnt make him sick. Apparebtly gall bladder issues can alter smell of foods? Never heard that before.
-until this everyone thought it was meds messing with sense of smell.
Even as bad as it may get, dont stop fighting, and never give up.
The threads of an N95 mask would create a gap ~27ft in diameter between them.
Source: cdc characteristics on virus, and math.
So this time, fouci was right, masks don't do anything.
Flew United from Boseman, MT to O'Hare, then to Ft. Wayne, IN (Sky? Flying for United).
Electronic check-in: convenient, scary. I uninstalled the app once the flight was over, but DID make check-in a breeze, did it in the car on way to airport.
TSA security: much more down to earth, took their jobs seriously, but were very cordial. Whole thing is still a joke.
Oh, and TSA had you lower your mask to verify your id picture. What...? Hypocrasy in action. I muttered under my breath about it, some asians stared at me.
- Masks: still required, constant reminders, anouncements in the concourse, in the plane, 1/2 numbs the brain so it seems normal, 1/2 sounds like theyre trying to convince themselves.
MANY people obviously see it all as a joke, but TSA and Airlines still have the power of arrest for non-cimpliance, so everyone obaying, but only just barely.
LOTS of noses poking. I saw 2 non-maskers. Saw 1 pilot, no mask. If you sit down anywhere in the terminal, mask comes off, about 80% of the people.
How does sitting to enjoy a meal, with people walking by a foot away, protect you?
Flight attendants obviously tired of talking about masks. Same monotonous tone as safety briefing, please wear your mask, buckle up, life vest, yadda yadda.
NO ONE social distancing. Not even trying. Tight crouds getting on board. Both flights full. Everyone with good manners.
Final observation: All it will take is one good person with the right connections to tell TSA masks are done and they would vanish from airports overnight, except the 5%-15% who are brainwashed to keep wearing them. Most people seemed to only wear to stay out of trouble. No bead clutching, no accusations of killing others, rudeness, nothing.
My $0.02
The military coercion of our troops, forcing them to take the vax or lose freedoms is unacceptable. This is apparently happening to all branches, at all levels(?).
If the vax really will kill people at 18-24 mos., this is a national security risk, and a disaster to our ability to defend the nation, or operate an effective military force.
Before you say anything, yes, military has a long, time-honored tradition of using soldiers as guinea pigs, and soldiers sign away many of their freedoms when they sign up.
Reality is, this is morally reprehensable. If the good guys are in charge, this should not be happening.
THE WAY YOU STOP IT, like so many other things, is communication and open dialog between responsible parents and their kids.
My wife and I talk to our kids about most everything, and have gone through communism, Marxism, etc, debunking it early.
When starting a drive to Grandmas house, my youngest, when she was in fifth grade, out of the blue asked me if Hitler was so bad and did so many bad things, why did people follow him?
What commenced next was a 2.5 hour discussion on his life, experiences from WW1, and topics such as politics, manipulation, economics, culture, religion, etc.
PARENTS, teach your kids this stuff or others will! And maybe not the way you want them to learn it!
Good friend i went to college with sent me this:
"My company just announced they're going to be treating any unvaccinated people as second class citizens. I will have to wear a mask forever, will not be able to sit in conference rooms with anyone, and presumably will have to identify myself somehow as unvaccinated. This is a HIPAA violation of astronomical proportions by a "medical" company, but they're such a bunch of hypocrites they don't care. Lord, please get me out of this place."
Holcomb is so weak, RINO'ed, he stopped govt from requiring it but not businesses. Our area has been pretty lucky for the most part, but this is bad. J&J and Eli Lilly are really big in indiana, especially in Indianapolis. Lilly forced our absentee ballot laws to be wattered down through excessive racist lobbying, scared our state legislature through threats. J&J is showing their true colors by marking the unvaxxed.
Any ideas, frens, on how to combat this?
Will anyone help by calling and threatening tourist dollars to leave if they dont rectify this? Any other ideas?
Indiana House of Representatives:
317-232-9600 800-382-9842