Rubieroo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not everyone has to wake up for this to work, and not everyone who is wearing a mask is "unawake". Most are just afraid of being attacked for not wearing one (in places like NY where it's still going on). I am oddly okay with people in leftist cities being tortured before they wake up :P

Rubieroo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I love that! Tiffany blue all the way!

Yeah, pastors that have been sucked into the matrix freak me right out. What the hell? LITERALLY! They are parroting Satanist lines!

Rubieroo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Just a feels I have been having this week. Scavino is boosting Q accounts.

SPACESHOT76 just got a huge validation from Scavino this week. Scavino is part of Q.

Spaceshot76 is one of the remaining Q accounts. By that I mean he doesn't just do "news" he talks about events through the prism of Q. VERY IMPORTANT.

I suggest y'all get on Rumble and listen. "Hey Scavino, can you post a ROCKY reference?". And within the day, Scavino did. The video was Tiger Woods, tying his shoelaces while whistling "Eye of the Tiger".

Anyways - I really do not ALWAYS walk around feeling like we are at the end of our venture. But I feel it NOW. I don't know what this means. Maybe I am an idiot. But...something is up.

Of course, my version of "the end" and the Q team's may vary :P And I am really truly okay with that. Just....I dunno. I feel twitchy XD

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kinda weird, isn't it? Must resist being a total SNARK when I see things we knew were coming go down. Cuz it's the Q team.

Rubieroo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well....the Q team knows the Plan, and they've helped us understand what it IS, but not necessarily WHEN it is. I have noticed that yelling BOO at the Cabal's Deep State does seem to work.

Years ago I read an account from a woman who called herself Svali. She said that there were about 2 million well trained bloodline Cabal who had been militarily trained from childhood, and who were completely MK Ultra-ed into obeisance.

The description she gave of their lives and what they did to their own children was chilling.

Our side is dealing with mindless killers. Our side consists of honest men who want to preserve and safeguard mankind. THEIR side will do anything, including torture and murder children (thus all the school shootings).

If not for God, the advantage would be theirs. If you are a psychopath fighting a lawless battle against an honest man you might win. BUT GOD.

Thus the need for prayer. Unlock THE realm.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have noticed that there is a week+ lag when a MAJOR crime is committed. So I will be checking this next week to find out how many more people are going to wind up in nooses or prison :P

Cheers fren! ~

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds good ^ one of my favorite exchanges between Moses and God:

God saying "YOUR people are doing something bad" and Moses responding back with "YOUR people". Reminds me of when kids misbehave and moms - to dads - saying "Do you know what YOUR kid just did?"

Rubieroo 12 points ago +12 / -0

Also, it was a convenient way for them to claim it's the un-injected people that are getting sick all over the place. Be hard to explain away an entirely vaxxed nation getting the scary scary moronic "variant"

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh no! A pharmaceutical giant selling injections is saying a morph will make their injections even MORE necessary?!

XD Makes me laugh but I know TV "news" addicts will believe this.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Weird observation: I'm actually kinda wondering if at some point we will be able to genetically identify the Cabal as not actually being Semites at all, or not much. They believe themselves to be a corrupted life form - Rephaim (Nephilim/human hybrids).

Exodus 12:38 And a great multitude of sundry sorts of people went out with them, and sheep, and beeves, and cattle in great abundance.

Who were these "sundry" people? Might be that a lot of the trouble that was stirred up (golden calf/Ba'al worship/Molech worship, etc) came from an ancient people tucked into Israel, hiding behind Israel, practicing an ancient religion - which carried forward until now. The Cabal is nothing if not long term planners, though considering they get their marching orders from Satan/Nephilim I suppose that's not surprising.

Rubieroo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well, seeing the Red Cross used to launder money was certainly an eye-opener, as was the recent evidence of Salvation Army going "woke", in lock step with the Cabal.

Rubieroo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Seems the ADL doesn't exist to protect Jews, but to protect the Satanic Cabal that hides behind regular people. Flout their will and "Anti-Semitism!" gets yelled back at you. I've even seen them claim that anyone criticizing Soros is anti-Semitic. The guy who collected the earthly goods of Jews for the Nazis and didn't even feel bad about it?

Rubieroo 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is the warning "shot". The next time this happens in this world it will probably be the real deal. THE mark of the beast. And yes, so many just going along with it.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow! Okay, that IS a bizarre response from a supposedly grieving spouse. Like, "I'm sorry your husband died". Wife: "I know, weird, huh?"


Exact same "accident" that happened to the reporter who was stirring up a lot of trouble in LA, and also to that man's wife in San Diego after he came forward and talked about (sorry I cannot recall exactly) something to do with election interference and Hillary. I think it was related to Google. Q did say cars and planes can be remote controlled.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, there have been many times I've just said everything that needed saying and they digested it all perfectly, and others I knew to just shut my mouth and let them go over the cliff they wanted to go over. It's not always easy to tell which is which.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not waiting for the election debacle to be undone. I NEVER saw a way we could topple the Cabal and the Deep State publicly and maintain good optics. And good optics is how you avoid civil war.

Nor do I care how much fake money gets sent in every direction - what, erode our fake fiat Cabal currency? Yeah, that's a good thing. Painful, but sometimes one must remove the cancer.

Do you see that it can all be undone? I actually feel a bit sorry for the illegals who forged a way up here (even if it was Soros buses). They're going right back where they came from.

Think about it: without the central banking system and outside interference? We could turn this ship around in very short order. And if you EVER thought this was going to be easy, I do not think you properly comprehended that this is a real actual war where people DIE. There is no such thing as a war where people don't die. I know some who died in this one.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think it's their looks causing this, scoripowarrior. It's their CHOICES.

Some people are bad. Bad can be redeemed. Bad people can change.

Others are evil. These who prey on and murder children are evil.

Rubieroo 12 points ago +12 / -0

There was the guy who masturbated during a work zoom call (and got caught); Don Lemon is accused of sexually assaulting a man; the pedo who was busted this past week; and we haven't even gotten to the actual Satanic Cabal member: Anderson Cooper.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The people I know IRL who are part of the Q community - including myself - are the ones organizing rallies, protests, gatherings of patriots just for socializing (which went on all through the lockdowns), spreading information and putting in hours or work every day in this war effort. I'm in California, so it actually means something to show up and protest, to refuse masks, to refuse to stay home, to refuse shots and every other piece of Cabal crap they've thrown our way. We've stood on highways holding up signs, advertised rallies, fought school boards.... From what I've seen? The more one knows about Q less inclined they are to give up, grey out, and do nothing. So....not a lot of passivity going on. None, in fact.

Even garden variety patriots I am familiar with? They're fighting back. They DO show up to rallies/protests. They get booted off social media for spreading the truth. It's been interesting watching FORMERLY passive people wake up and go downright militant about resistance and spreading info.

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