I am not sure why she had to post this. I don't see how Lin Wood was against the law or the Constitution. Makes me wonder if she is for us or against us.
Replaying to my own message. I guess I just showed my ignorance. You have to go-to the tweet and replies section of the account.
Is this a deleted tweet? If so how do you find that out? Only because I do not see it on his Twitter account.
I am not against Martial Law however if suspension of habeas corpus, which is Constitutional, can get the job done. I am all for exercising everything we have under the Constitution. That is how we restore our Constitution that these corrupt leaders have ignored for so long. After all tools are used, under and by the Constitution, and it does not work then martial law maybe our only option.
Suspension of habeas corpus vs martial law. Is there a difference? One difference is one is under the constitution. Does the suspension of habeas corpus give President Trump enough authority to perform the mass arrest needed? If so then following the Constitution would be the best option because in order to restore the Constitution, that our government disregarded, the enemy must be defeated by the Constitution.
There are many angles to this. First we must ask the motive in what Snowden did Verses Assange. Motive is important because it's a difference between reporting truth and actually attacking the United States to weaken it for a globalist agenda. Also stollen classified information is different than someone giving to a person. That must be realized to see difference. My final part to this is what if Q wrote against Snowden as part of the disinformation is necessary? The truth of the matter is we citizens do not really have all the facts completely. With that I hope and pray, when it comes time, that President Trump and patriots do the right thing for Assange and Snowden by either pardon or justice by prison or whatever the law requires for both.