I worked as a poll worker in Los Angeles County. The location I was in had people showing up overwhelming (it seemed) voting yes on the recall and for Larry Elder. I was helping people work the machines who were having trouble with them. Some people were asking what machines we were using. I did not know until later on in the night: Smartmatic. Isn't Smartmatic a subsidiary of Dominion?

Anyways it is amazing that the AP called the race for Newsome when we were still in the process of counting our vote totals, just the vote totals mind you, not the actual breakdown of those votes for each candidate. Unreal.

Hello I was an election worker the last four days in Los Angeles County. The people in the city I worked in showed up in person to vote yes on the recall and for Larry Elder overwhelmingly. Amazing how the results were announced by the AP while we were still counting our vote totals.