God, The Great Creator, The One Above All, The Universe,Wr-Alda....... whatever you choose to name your/our source of all creation. Protect those who are still confused and scared while we traverse this ancient abyss of change. Above all that i can ask is to give them the strength and courage to meet in celebration of life, freedom, and happiness. If need be, please take what is needed from myself to help where i can. Humbly.....

People need strength right now. We don't all see the reality in front of us the same way.


They thought the verdict would come yesterday, hence the high profile deaths of madden and reid to block out the news. Enjoy the show frens!!

Who is Q? Only makes sense that someone in his " admin" would know something. You would think they would have something up their sleeve for an answer. Curious as to what the would say.