So for decades, when investigators were on the Clinton's trail for all the bribery, graft, corruption, etc. they would run into a wall of lawyers and the Clinton's would snidely say "Talk to my lawyers. Oh wait, that's under attorney client privilege! [Smirk!] They can't tell you anything!"
[ Photo ] "Oh look at those poor fools, Bill! They just ran right into our lawyers!"
Only ONE INVESTIGATOR and his team has ever gone up against and beaten the massive phalanx of dirty lawyers that the Clinton's surround themselves with.
[ Photo ] "Yeah, they tried the old Attorney/Client Privilege trick to cover up all their crimes. But I know how to beat that."
[ Photo ] "Durham doesn't have anything!!!!!....This is...[sputter!]...this is all MADE UP! A fantasy! We didn't do anything wrong!"
Go check the date that video was made. I'm pretty sure behind the scenes THAT was when it first began to enter the Clinton's mind that they were up against a truly formidable opponent in John Durham, and he might actually win that subpoena fight for all their documents in federal court.
Now, a word about secret grand jury proceedings. They are secret. S-E-C-R-E-T. They are done in strictest secrecy. People are asking me what date this judge ruled in Durham's favor and which judge it was. Useless questions. Because nobody knows. Because federal grand jury proceedings are SECRET. So this years-long epic battle in the federal courts over whether or not Durham's grand jury would get these documents from Clinton's campaign people, Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, Neustar,etc. was carried out under a complete and total media blackout. No announcements were made. Nothing leaked about it. But we know the court fight Happened because Durham got the documents. Well over 500,000 that he's disclosed thus far.
The entire time people were telling you nothing was going on from the Clinesmith indictment in August 2020 to September of 2021 when the Sussmann indictment suddenly dropped, behind the scenes, out of sight, 'neath the waves, behind the epic court battle was fought. And the good guys won it.
All those documents that Durham has been showing and alluding to having in his indictments and case filings were not meekly handed over to him by Hillary Clinton and her former campaign staff. They were not immediately surrendered by Marc Elias or Michael Sussmann at Perkins Coie once they got their subpoena from Durham's grand jury. Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS probably laughed out loud at first and tossed the Durham grand jury subpoena in the trash basket when he first got it. Only after a few months had gone by did it begin to dawn on these goons that Durham was not only serious about forcing them to hand over all this evidence, he was very likely going to win.
Hillary Clinton, Marc Elias, Jake Sullivan, Robby Mook, Glenn Simpson, Rodney Joffe, Michael Sussmann...all of them know what's in the emails, text messages, phone calls, memoranda, billing records etc. that Durham is demanding they hand over. THEY KNEW FROM THE START WHAT HE'D BE ABLE TO PROVE IF HE GOT THEM. No, they did not meekly hand them over. Durham getting this stuff would SEAL THEIR FATE.
You think Hillary Clinton meekly handed over the documents she Knew would not only prove she ordered the dirty trick operation that led to the Alfa Bank/Steele Dossier hoaxes, but also the blatantly illegal mining of the federal databases by her own private operatives, up to and including spying on the Executive Office of the President? No, she FOUGHT. She fought as HARD AS SHE COULD. And she lost.
[ Photo ] "This...this never happened before...this isn't FAIR!"
There's nothing anybody can to do save her. Durham got it all. He's got everything he needs to make the cases stick. He says he can prove with the documentary evidence given to his grand jury that the illegal spying on the EOP went on. You know what? I believe him. And you can quote me on that.
This goes far beyond just DNS lookups as JE Dyer shows here.
We're only calling it bigger than Watergate is.
Let me call your attention to something about the nature of the Durham Spygate investigation, now entering it's 6th year around April/May of 2022:
[ Photo ] From my last Epoch Times column back in November:
How good is Durham's team at not leaking anything? Durham and the the people working under him since 2017 knew early on that a key Steele Dossier source was top Clinton flunky Chuck Dolan...and it never leaked until DURHAM was good and ready to drop it HIMSELF in an indictment of a major player inside the Clinton campaign's Russia Hoaxes Team.
Then what did Durham do a week ago? After dropping two recent indictments both walking the reader through the criminal conspiracy hatched by the Clinton campaign to have operatives at Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS create their own respective Trump/Russia hoaxes [PC - Alfa Bank, Fusion - Steele Dossier] Durham carefully established the criminal conspiracy before he dropped the MOAB in a filing about the private contractor spying on the EOP that was also going on. Spying paid for by...private citizen Hillary Clinton. NOBODY, N-O-B-O-D-Y, got to leak that before Durham was ready to drop it himself.
What else won't leak until Durham is ready to drop it himself? I can't wait to find out. How about you?
Hillary Clinton paid for private spying on the White House. Out of her own pocket. And she left a paper trail a mile wide, because she arrogantly thought she'd be able to hide what she did via attorney client privilege. It had always worked before, running the money and the comms for these bribery/dirty trick operations through Perkins Coie. Let me remind the other biggest story in Spygate that's been ignored by the MSM - besides the fact Hillary's campaign very likely had a top level Russian spy in it.
Durham must have subpoenaed all the documents related to the Alfa Bank/Steele Dossier hoaxes from Perkins Coie. There's only one way you can breach the attorney/client privilege: if you can show the commission of a crime or fraud. It's called the 'crime-fraud exception'.
"The attorney-client privilege does not cover statements made by a client to their lawyer if the statements are meant to further or conceal a crime. For this exception to apply, the client must have been in the process of committing a crime or planning to commit a crime. "
Here's the boneheaded mistake Hillary Clinton made: she involved BOTH of her top lawyers inside Perkins Coie in a criminal conspiracy to manufacture fake Trump/Russia hoaxes and then feed them to federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. She involved them in the planning of the crime. It's right there in the emails, the text messages, the billing records. :)
I'm almost positive that even as people were saying 'nothing was happening' when Clinesmith was indicted and his case was being processed after he accepted a plea deal, behind the scenes a Battle Royale was playing out in utter secrecy in the federal courts as Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Marc Elias and Perkins Coie fought in a scorched-earth-hide-the-women-and-children-Sherman-Marching-Thru-Georgia-and-bayoneting-the-wounded fashion to keep from having to hand over HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of documents Durham had subpoenaed for his grand juries.
That Battle Royale over Durham's subpoena's for Perkin's Coie's, Fusions, Neustars, Georgia Tech's documents on the Steele Dossier and Alfa Bank hoaxes wasn't over in a week. It must have taken about...2 and a half years. And in the end? DURHAM WON. Durham proved his case in federal court that Hillary Rodham Clinton had involved her own lawyers in planning a CRIME, and therefore the attorney/client privilege was vitiated. A federal judge made this decision. The judge told Durham he'd proven his case that Clinton both involved and PAID her lawyers to engage in a criminal conspiracy with her and then that judge ordered Clinton, the DNC, PC, Fusion, Neustar, GT to HAND IT ALL OVER.
And while this epic secret court fight was underway over Durham's subpoenaing all of this stuff, it never leaked that it was going on. A court fight that lasted very likely 2 years or more. And here's why Hillary fought so hard...SO VERY keep from handing over those documents....
Hillary knows what else Durham is gonna find out about if the court grants his subpoena requests for Joffe & Neustar's records and the GT researcher's records. She knows what else is in those documents...Durham is gonna find out she was paying Joffe & Neustar to be her own private spies on the EOP for her. Durham is gonna find out she was paying Joffe/GT to illegally mine federal databases to compile dossiers on six particular Trump associates.
[Forwarded from Brian Cates - Political Columnist ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (Brian Cates)] [ Photo ] 🎶Roses are red…violets are blue…Durham is coming…and, boy, ARE YOU SCREWED! 🎶
Here's why I just went over all of this with you. If you had asked me before the Sussmann indictment dropped, and the especially after this last filing dropped, if I thought Hillary Clinton was going to be indicted, I'd have said "Likely not". I can't say that any more.
Throughout her career, the Clintons had perfected the art of covering their tracks and avoiding accountability. Durham cracked the code. They were running everything through the lawyers and shielding their criminal conspiracies and acts with the attorney/client privilege. The game was over and it was over in secret some time ago. There's no suspense for me now. I know exactly what's going to happen. Because Durham got it all. The moment that federal judge, whoever he/she was, ruled in Durham's favor on the subpoenas for documents for the Durham grand juries, it was essentially all over for Clinton and her slimy crew.
[ Photo ] Durham has the evidence. He's not looking for it. He already got it all. He can prove private citizen Hillary Clinton, as part of a criminal conspiracy involving her lawyers at Perkins Coie, contracted with a private federal contractor to spy on the Executive Office of the President, as well as illegally mining federal databases on specific political targets.
What she did is a massive breach of United States Government National Security. The exact same kind of shit she did with her email server. She skated thus far on the massive amounts of classified info she exposed in the private server scandal. She won't skate away from Durham. He won't let her walk away from a massive national security breach like this.
And it's all coming out in public. People still talk to me all the time as if the Fake News is still in complete command of the culture and able to manufacture the outcomes that they desire. Their favorite new example the last 2 years is the Hunter Biden laptop. 'See they buried that, most people didn't hear about it, that's why Biden won.' Well...bullshit! Trump won that election in a landslide so massive, it took them 3 days after election day to finally gin up enough fake votes to steal it for Biden.
Their trying to suppress/control the laptop scandal didn't hand Biden jack shit.
And when Durham drops the OTHER MOABS he's been holding back, drops them at their proper time, you all get to watch the MSM run around frantically trying to suppress it. It's going to be a fun show. I can't wait to watch it.
And when Durham drops the OTHER MOABS he's been holding back, drops them at their proper time, you all get to watch the MSM run around frantically trying to suppress it. It's going to be a fun show. I can't wait to watch it.
They see that Clinton stupidly left a paper trail between herself and the private spy she hired to illegally surveil the EOP for her and her DNC cohorts. AND DURHAM HAS IT ALL. They can see what you and I see: Durham is headed right for her. They have no idea what to do. Right now their wires are crossed. 1/3 are saying Durham didn't actually say what he said in that last filing. 1/3rd are saying he's a Trump attack dog making shit up. And the last 1/3rd are studiously avoiding mentioning the issue.
Oh and one thing I'm going to thoroughly enjoy watching over the next couple of weeks as this story develops is how the blackpill crowd still insisting to me that Durham is involved in a huge coverup to protect Clinton and Obama is doing a bang up job by....uh....well...revealing that Clinton paid a cybersecurity federal contractor to spy on the EOP for her. That's some clever coverup there. It's probably such a clever coverup that it's beyond me how it helps her and shields her and protects her and stuff. I guess they're going to have to explain that to me like I'm five.
🚨AUDIO READING!🚨 The great Patrick Gunnels reads out my latest Substack column: The Biggest Scandal That Never Was! FREE TO LISTEN
[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)] [ Video ] Kash Patel says his timeline for more Durham indictments is “later this summer.” He explained why the Durham investigation is taking so long.
“John Durham is working on the largest criminal enterprise ever perpetuated in U.S. history…
He’s put 24 people in a grand jury, as he’s told us. He has indicted the FBI’s lawyer, the Hillary Clinton campaign’s lawyer and the source for the Steele Dossier - and he’s meticulously laid out who else he’s investigating. The likes of Jake Sulllivan and Fusion GPS - and he’s specifically stated that his investigations into those people he has already indicted is not over.”
He continued on to explain the significance of the fact that there have been NO LEAKS.
Happy Friday 🇺🇸
Kash Patel is my homie.
[Forwarded from Brian Cates] I know all about the statute of limitations. The 5 year clock starts ticking not when the criminal conspiracy begins, but upon the end of the last overt act to further that conspiracy. Quick, who can tell me the DATE of the last overt act that Clinton & Co. engaged in to further their criminal conspiracy?
If people would just quit assuming I haven't researched this, that would be swell.
When was Clinton & Associates last overt act? It was when she tried to hide the criminal conspiracy as it related to her own LAWYERS in as she was fighting Durham's grand jury subpoena. We don't know the exact date Clinton lost that attempt to keep Durham from getting the documents, but I assure you IT WAS NOT 5 YEARS AGO.
Chaffetz does a pretty good summary here of the 11 very real problems raised by the Durham probe.
[ Photo ] Last September, right after Durham dropped the Sussmann indictment, I wrote this column for Dave at X22 Report.
Please read it now, if you haven't yet.
The biggest unreported Spygate story [besides Hillary's campaign being infiltrated at the top by Russian intelligence] is the secret years-long Battle Royale between Durham's Special Counsel's Office and The Hillary Clinton Hoax/Spying Network comprised of the Clinton Foundation, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS over the federal grand jury subpoenas for the Steele Dossier/Alfa Bank/federal contractor spying documents.
Hillary Clinton's fate was pretty much SEALED the moment the judge ruled in Durham's favor. Most people just don't realize this yet.
The Clinton's 'magic trick' for avoiding accountability all these years has been using their dirty lawyers as their middlemen, so that the attorney/client privilege could shield their criminal actions. Whenever Clinton's launched some new illegal venture, they knew how to make sure the lawyers were carefully placed between them and the foot soldiers doing the grunt work.
"It was designed prior to President Joe Biden taking office, the NYT reported. One of the current administration’s goals is to completely empty and close the Guantanamo prison. "
Yet Biden didn't. For that matter, neither did Obama, even after writing an EO two days into his first term.