Mourn me when you deport me


Wow this site is going against my god given right to have a DEPORTION who would have guessed? fuQ

Everyone on this whole site should get deported. It's wise :P

posted ago by SLIME ago by SLIME

FAKE. might as well waste your life in GUNTANAMO if you are going to follow it.

went down a RABBIT hole only to end up in a rabbit CAGE of your own imprisoned mind.

RUN along now peter cotton tails.



Im beginning to think this isn't a plan at all. It's a script. We are being fed the script of a movie. Trump is filling his role as the star of the movie. Think of how insane this whole year is, and now we are supposed to actually believe the most polarizing figure in our history is "BannnNNED" from the public and isn't coming back? What would happen in the movies? The hero falls, and then comes back at the end in a major moment of triumph.

Most of these outcomes are predetermined years in advanced, and it relies on the public following news narratives, like they trustily do, and acting to support the script. And when people don't/can't do it, they literally hire actors to fill the role.

How many times do we have to be told we are watching a movie?

How many images of movie posters do we have to see?

Elon Musk Jan 7th: "The most entertaining outcome is the most likely as seen from an external observer, no the participants"

The great awakening is going to be when people realize how our future is already predetermined in advance, and the people are the fuel do drive us there. The great awakening Black, White, Latino, Democrat, Republican, it won't matter when everyone realizes how little choice they have, and the people will be united against a common enemy. Who that ends up being we will have to wait and see ( . ) ( . )