SadEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do I remember being trained to use a weapon that fired thin, sharp, round, metal discs! I kept getting yelled at, cause to fire it, I had to use my right hand to pull or push something on the weapon, while keeping the target in my sights. And when I got passed that, I was trained to shoot it from an elevated position. I remember being shown a map, and the building to run to afterwards. I was told to go to that building's basement, which had a large furnace that still burned coal. The stairway was on the right, then did a 90, down to the bottom. I remember that I had my shirt off, when about four "suits" came barging in, and I don't know how, but I went right through them. I remember one of them was on the stairs, trying to get up and I hit him with a coal shovel. Believe it or not, doesn't matter, I'm just pissed cause I'm having trouble getting a fix on who the handler was who trained me. I have good reason to believe it was my father.

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