Saltminerx 1 point ago +1 / -0

I found this interesting I've been sending things like this to my brother who believes 100% the covid narrative that said he is more versed in the matters like this than I am here is his responce:

"Yeah thats an older article, I remember reading it a while back.. They make an awfully bold claim that HCQ is affective against the virus but there are two issues. Theyre using primate (chimpanzee most likely) cells. And the cells are introduced to the virus and HCQ "en-vitro" ( in a test tube). If it was an ev-vivo (direct Injection into the host) the the study would be much more comprehensive. En-vitro studies are in perfect optimal and sterile environments which its not realistic compared to a drug being introduced to the chaos of a human body where a drug is broken down and has to go through various metabolic processes. It takes time for the antibiotic to get to where its suppose to go and even when it gets there it has to be present at a specific concentration to properly inhibit the binding of sars-cov to bind to ACE receptors. This article was essentially the equivalent of placing a few drops of bleach on the virus as proof that it can be killed by bleach. There are a handful of antibiotics and antivirals that, en-vitro, can kill sars-cov, but its a completly different ballgame when its introduced to a live environment"